Ali Coşkun, ANA ROXANA DUMITRACHE, Danijela Kužet, Diana Gheorghe, Diana Jelihovschii, DianaGheorghe, Domenica Natale, Ebru Özen, Elżbieta Dras, Esmanur81, Evaggelia Sariggoli, Ewa Izydorczyk, Fadila Zoranić, Funda Kurtkaya, Handan Halhallı, Hatice Karakurt, Jolanta Zamoyska, Lucia Tarolla, Maria Rosa Paratore, Mario Mifsud, Matea Biliškov, Mia Ivančev, Nadia Cremona, Nurcan Mandal, Nurhan Boyacioglu, Nurhan Guven, Rasa Raudoniene, Roxi Dumitrache, Sibel Kara, Sibel Kara, Yasmin Plath, danguoleta, dstanalowska, ebisim06, jniedz
Alice has a dream about being on Mars and trying to find a way to the solar system. She meets friends and encounters giants who give her riddles to solve. With their help, she discovers a bracelet that guides her through the planets of the solar system.
(38 pages)
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