Table Of Contents
Chapter 1- Page 3
Chapter 2- Page 6
Chapter 3- Page 11
Chapter 4-Page 16
Chapter 5- Page 22
Chapter 6- Page 28
Chapter 7- Page 33
Chapter 8- Page 37
Chapter 9- Page 41
Chapter 1
The 4 Siblings
My name is Mary Lee, I’m a tenth grader and love to swim, dance, sing, and write. My friends say I have an addiction with makeup. I have cancer but now with medicine I am feeling weak, but all right. I have two brothers and one sister, their names are Agnes, Jonathan, and Carson. Jonathan looks worried and I don’t know why.
My name is Agnes, I’m a second grader and I like to play Lego, paint pictures, and make clay models. I used to do figure skating, but then broke my leg. My sister Mary Lee has cancer but I think she’ll be all right. Carson looks mad at me and I’m trying to find out why.
My name is Jonathan, I’m a fifth grader and I love to play soccer, hockey, make slide movies, and play minecraft. I think I need glasses but the next eye appointment is next month! I hope Carson will be patient with my eyesight, I’ve only told Angus and Mary Lee.
The name is Carson, I’m in fifth grade and the only person in the family who has any sense. I think Agnes is trying to play a trick on me so I’m trying to be extra careful. I know that Jonathan has a nasty secret about me. How can so many people have things against me!?
One day Mary Lee, Agnes, and Jonathan were talking about what was wrong with Carson, he wasn't his usual self. Carson was locked up in his room and wasn't letting anyone in. “Maybe Carson's feeling sad.” said Agnes “No" decided Mary Lee, (Who could be bossy sometimes.) "He’s angry at us, or just having a big change.” Jonathan was staying quiet because he thought it was his fault.
Only Agnes would be able to guess what really happened. It started when he was working on his homework, when he heard a creak and jumped. Out popped two strange, harry, gruesome monsters. Carson was carried by the hairy monsters, but luckily they could only follow instructions. He was carried away to a faraway castle. Of course the door was locked so the children didn't know this. So they kept on brainstorming.
“This is our way of helping Carson? Brainstorming!? He's angry, so let him be.” Mary Lee huffed. Jonathan took a deep breath. “We need to help Carson feel better! Even if he’s mad at us.” he had an idea “We’ll ask grandpa Basil, he knows lots. And we’ll ask Grandma Lavender, she has a lot to say.” (Lavender and Basil also come in the story “Fire From a Different World” ) Mary Lee cut in “Carson'll come out eventually! We don't need to ask them!” but, they ignored her.
When they told their grandpa and grandma the whole story they sat there in silence, Basil said “You have found something rare, and very mysterious. Magic.” Then Lavender started a long story of all their adventures and how they had been turned into mice. The children were used to her talking a lot. Finally, she said; “We should hurry! There's no time to wait!” the kids laughed.
Chapter 2
Carson, unlike the others, was having a horrible time. He was carried in a sack and his mouth was covered. He didn’t notice that he was traveling toward a dark castle which was ruled by a dark wizard and an enchantress. They loved to conquer things mostly for power, glory, money, and even for mere entertainment! But this time they wanted to teach their son and daughter how to do spells on other people. The children did not want to know at all how to do spells on other people and would do anything to avoid it. But, they could not.
As Carson was carried up the path he did notice that there was a rock in the sack, it was fairly pointy. So Carson got to work, poking, cutting, and chipping. The monsters did not notice that there was a hole in the sack because (As I told you.) they only know how to follow orders. And when Carson got out of the sack the monsters just suspected that he got very light.
But this stroke of luck did not last long, he found out he was lost in the woods and there was no way of getting back home. Home was a long way off and he was just stuck in the woods. Carson would stop bullying the others and stop being angry at them if only he could get back home. Home would be safe, warm, loving. Home would be anything better than this dark forest.
This forest was different, not in a good way but in a bad strange way. The other forest was different, in a good way. Carson wanted to go there but he was too scared to go on the path again. He couldn't take the risk. It was beginning to get dark, so Carson made a bed of leaves and fell fast asleep.
When he woke up for one second he thought he was at home, but no. Then he thought he was in the forest, no. Then he found he was in a castle, tied to a pole! Two faces were staring at him. A girl and a boy, if they were the same gender, they would have looked exactly alike. Who were they? “Hello!” they said. Carson had just woken and he was too shocked to answer.
Finally Carson said something “Who are you?” "Were the children of the infamous Warlock and enchantress." one said sheepishly. “I’m Jilly, he’s Billy,” added the other, Jilly. “We’re gonna to free you!” So they released the string around him and they all left. Of course the dark wizard and the enchantress soon knew what happened and the chase began.
“Run!” screamed Billy when their parents were in site “They know we're here!” so they ran and ran as fast as they could. But they were magic and the kids were not and they had long legs and the kids didn't. So the parents were on their tails. Carson's legs were burning all the way, he couldn't take one more step. The funny thing was that the parents went right past them! As they ran away, a thin man with a grey beard popped in front of them. He was the one and only Geronimo Edward Gimonis, or Dr. Gimonis as you'd call him for short.
have heard. He had been healing greatly from the brainwash he got from Baralanasamaree, an evil wizard.
“Hello,” he said, stroking his beard “I don’t suppose you are children running away are you?” The children just stood there, flabbergasted. “And I don’t suppose you were running away from the enchantress and dark wizard?” Dr. Gimonis said “Don’t be afraid, you are safe.” “Did you save us?” asked Billy “No I did not, and even I do not know who did it.” and that was the end of the conversation.
Later on Dr. Gimonis said he would take them to his tower where they would be safe. In his tower there were all sorts of gadgets and thingamabobs. Billy thought that the clear sleeping potion was water, and fell asleep. But Billy had a horrible dream that he was in this maze and he was trapped and could not get out, then he got up.
“Does this dream mean anything?” asked Billy to Carson and Jilly one day after he had explained his dream to them “I don’t know,” answered Billy “but it’s nothing good.”
They all stayed there for a week, then finally they went to look for Carson’s siblings. It was tiring and Carson , for the first time in a while, missed his family. Every day they had to search for wild berries and other edible plants and flowers. They were all tired of all the terribleness that they would all rather just go back to Carson’s house, sadly, Dr. Gimonis couldn't locate it.
They also needed to do something about Jilly and Billy’s parents, and find out to whatever they were planning. So that is what they tried. The thing was, it felt like nothing could surprise them now, but boy were they wrong. They still had many surprises to uncover.
Chapter 3
“We searched everywhere!” screeched Agnes, “Where is he?” They were all searching for Carson, the problem was, they were clueless. Where could their lost brother be? Well, there was only one way to find out. Look.
They got busy by putting out flyers, called the police, and even asked their parents to show a notice on the internet. Jonathan wanted to get his nails for the flyers, so he got out his engineering box. He noticed a faint glimmer on a finely cut stick. He didn't remember putting it there, so he took it out and played with it.
Jonathan swished the stick a couple of times and said some made up words, he liked to pretend it was magic. But to Jonathan’s surprise, that stick lit up a mystical shade of purple! “Is this actually a wand?” Wondered Jonathan with doubt “It can’t be!” Jonathan had found a wand! "This," he thought "This is amazing!"
Meanwhile, the girls were also busy. But they did not find a magic wand. Mary Lee was calling the police and Agnes was drawing flyers. Agnes decided to take a break and play. She was just trying to climb a tree when a huge gust of wind swept by Agnes, knocking her right out of the tree! As Agnes got up she noticed a strange bird, with red, orange, and yellow feathers.
Agnes also noticed that the bird strangely looked like fire. She had a longing to just take it as a pet, but knew better. Then she remembered a creature that she had read about in a fantasy book, the phoenix! It would burn every one it touched unless you had a bond with it. It also had healing tears, and had beautiful songs. But she didn’t know they were real! Then she had an idea! If I touch it’s beak I will only get a burn, and it’ll be fun if I do that, I'll know it really is a phoenix. So that is what she did. But when she touched it she felt nothing but the smooth feathers of the phoenix.
Never did she know that she had a bond with the phoenix. Agnes decided to name it Shimmer. In the future Shimmer always ate, walked, and played with Agnes. They were great friends. But Mary Lee said it was a bad idea to keep a phoenix as a pet. In ways, it could be.
Finally, after all the hustle about Shimmer Mary Lee decided that she was going to take a walk. She walked along a nice path by the river. A cold breeze swept through the air that made Mary Lee shiver. Then she noticed a large blanket. Foolishly she put it around herself. As Mary Lee looked down she did not see herself! “Aaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she screamed “I- is this a-an invisibility c-cloak?” she stuttered out loud in disbelief. “I-it can’t be!”
But it was! Mary Lee had found one! Invisibility cloaks were searched for a long time ago. Since they never found them everyone had thought that they were a myth. But here it was, right in Mary Lee’s hands. What a strange day! A phoenix and an invisibility cloak. Little did she know about that wand that Jonathan was holding in his hands.
That evening Jonathan and Mary Lee came face to face. They had avoided each other's gaze all afternoon. “I need to tell you something.” they both said at the same time. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this earlier, but I’ve got- or found this-er- wand. It sounds crazy but I’m positive.” confessed Jonathan. Mary Lee laghed “Well mine sounds as silly as yours, but, I’ll say it. I found an invisibility cloak.”
“So Agnes found a phoenix, I found a wand and you found an in- inviblitry cloak? No way!” said Jonathan “But it’s true!” said Mary Lee, but she too looked disbelieving. “Now let’s find Carson!” But Carson was far away from them. “Wait!” yelled Jonathan at the top of his lungs “My wand can help!” but Mary Lee didn’t think so “You do not know a spell and you are not going to try.” Jonathan was also not going to give up.
Carson was having much worse luck than Jonathan. It started on a nice sunny day with not a cloud in the sky. Jilly opened the window and in rushed a light breeze. Then, much to her surprise, an owl swooped past her head. With a screech of terror the owl perched on Dr. Gimonis’s shoulder, grabbed his wand, and flew away.
Chapter 4
“Well that’s disappointing.” remarked Dr. Gimonis calmly “but I can get another one.” the others were still terrorized with fright. “Well you three better get ready for some big scares if you're scared of owls.” They packed up for a trip to town for the wizard to get his wand. The journey was not as long as Carson expected, because in five minutes Dr. Gimonis said they were about there. Then, he stopped the party and said to step slowly onto a tree stump. The others looked at each other, seeing if the others knew what he was talking about. "Believe me when I say that this stump will lead you to the market ." said Dr. Gimonis, apparent to their confusion. They all trusted him, so they stepped on one by one. There was a pop and there vision became clear again. There they were, in the middle of a small circle of shops crowded by people wearing pointy hats.
There was so many things to see at town. But Carson had never seen a wizard town before. There were spell books, and racing brooms, and even potion ingredients. They stopped at only a few shops, but almost all that was in them were tempting to buy. Especially a glimmering crystal tiara that Dr. Gimonis drag Jilly away from. Carson loved it, finally, Dr. Gimonis got his stuff and they walked through the woods and back to the tower. But there was something missing, he felt it all the time but never as strong as this. Carson was missing his family.
Interestingly, at that same moment, he could see a shape in the distance, no, three shapes! Carson hesitated to believe. But there they were. If you knew Jonathan you would know the colorful sunglasses he always wore on sunny days. If you know Mary Lee you would know the bright red lipstick she always wore to fancy occasions. I guess she thought it was a fancy occasion, thought Carson. If you knew Agnes she always had her stuffed phoenix. That stuffy looks surprisingly real! But Carson knew it wasn’t real. (Or at least he thought.)
“Carson?!” Mary Lee yelled unbelievably “is that you?” “Who are they?” Billy murmured “My siblings,” answered Carson “I haven't seen them in a while. Then Carson turned to Agnes “Hi, um… your stuffy looks very real today….. it’s very-” then he was interrupted by a loud “Caw!” from shimmer Carson jumped in surprise, “Wait- is that a real phoenix?!” “Yup,” Agnes murmured.
They went to lots of wizard shops, and it was quite a surprise to Carson’s siblings to see wizard things. “How is this possible!?” Mary Lee wondered out loud. It was surely an amazing sight. But little did they know that a now warlock and an enchantress were spying on them now at that very moment.
“So what do we do?” asked the now warlock “I don’t know, but we can’t let them go there
in the open.” answered the enchantress “You know how powerful they are. It would help.” but the warlock protested, “They will be hard to catch, you know that yourself!” The enchantress said nothing, but the warlock went on “We could get a substitute, instead of these midgets.” “Listen, if you don’t stop talking i’ll- i’ll throw you in the garbage. The warlock just burst out laughing.
Meanwhile, someone else was spying on the spys. A man named Jason Mc. Brite was very interested in the warlock and the enchantress. Of course, he knew nothing about wizardry and was wondering why they were acting so strangely. Others thought he was crazy but no one stopped him. They just let him be.
He was listening to all they were saying. But he didn’t know who they were talking about. I wonder if I could try and help their target? He thought Maybe I could even save them.
Then he saw who they were after. Those children, are they the ones they are looking for? Should I call the police?
It was hard to think that those young children were the ones who they were looking for, but they filled all the requirements. Little did they know that another man was looking after them. A man who would always be there.
“Good morning!” Dr. Gimonis was up bright and early in the morning, and had them all in his tower. “Good morning.” Mary Lee said with a sleepy and sulky voice. “Wait, you never told us your names or how you ended up here!” Jonathan remembered. So each of the children told their own version of the story of how they all got here, as well as their names. When Jonathan was finally satisfied with their stories they got dressed and started the day.
That day they went out to buy ingredients for Dr. Gimonis’s potion. “You know, I am kind of getting used to wizards and stuff, but promise not to use that wand of yours Jonathan, unless we are in the greatest need.” “Okay!” agreed Jonathan. “Hold on,” started Carson “First of all, you never told me you had a wand. Second of all, why do I feel like I am being watched?” They all said nothing.
That day they went out to buy ingredients for Dr. Gimonis’s potion. “You know, I am kind of getting used to wizards and stuff, but promise not to use that wand of yours Jonathan, unless we are in the greatest need.” said Mary Lee firmly “Okay!” agreed Jonathan. “Hold on,” started Carson “First of all, you never told me you had a wand. Second of all, why do I feel like I am being watched?” They all said nothing.
Jonathan, somehow stayed calm “Excuse me, but you didn’t really properly introduce yourself. What is your name?” Now it was the man’s turn to be startled, “How could you ask such a question when you are in such danger? Well……….. oh where are my manners! Of course, it is Jason Mc.Brite.” Jonathan nodded “But Jason, why do you talk in an old fashioned way?” he blurted out. At once, he felt ashamed that he said that. I hope it doesn't offend him. He thought “Well I talk this way from my parents. They used to always talk like this.”
So, once upon a time there were four children in which one of them got captured. That one got free with two other children. They met Dr. Gimonis who invited them into his home. The other three children found three magical objects. Then the two groups met. They all took refuge in the wizard’s house. Then they all met a man that wanted to help them.
Dr. Gimonis helped Jason into his home and explained what had happened. Jason fully decided he would try and help the kids as much as he could. Although his leg stinged continually he would not settle to just stay there. “I will not just stay here and do nothing! These people are doing seriously bad things.”
The warlock and the enchantress were finally out of their squabble and found that Jason met the kids. The enchantress knew what to do at once. She said the words and a blast of light shot at Jason. This surprised the warlock so much that he lost balance and fell on the enchantress. This, amazingly, was a spell that you had to be focused with to work. The light blast went out of control, so that Jason did not die! He had hurt his leg very badly though.
Chapter 5
Agnes woke up in the little room setup for her by Dr. Gimonis. She had an idea so obvious that anyone could think of it. She wondered why no one had thought of it! “Why don’t we just call the police?” she asked. Dr. Gimonis was hesitant. “I don’t know, they probably won’t believe.”
But in the end Agnes pushed Dr. Gimonis into doing it.
Mary Lee dialed 911 on the phone and found the police. She said to him everything that had happened. “No,” the police said, “I really think you might have been hallucinating. There are no enchantresses and no warlocks. I’ll get a nurse.” so Mary Lee hung up.
“No luck, but really we are out of our minds.” Mary Lee said to Agnes “Actually, maybe there was no one after us at all, we don’t have any proof they are after us. There’s a nurse coming.”
Sure enough, a nurse that had a tired but kind face came and saw them.
“You’re fine, but you are very startled.” she said after checking them. Then she left, but now Dr.Gimonis looked more worried than ever. “We can’t let there be rumors of enchantresses coming to many non-magic people, it wouldn't be good.”
That night, none of them slept a wink. (Except maybe Billy!) The night was pitch black so it was more restless than ever. When it became day no one could think of anything to do except think. “I have a headache, but the funny thing is that it stings when I swallow and feels fine when I’m running.” said Jilly “Then I think you have a forcing curse.” answered Dr.Gimonis “It feels fine when you do what the doer of the curse wants you to be doing.” “But who would……….”
The next days were the same as any old day, but a curious tension was in the air. Everyone felt no need to talk that much. Until the next day where Dr. Gimonis also found a silence potion in the bananas (Which everyone was eating for breakfast,) Then the next day when Jonathan was practicing spells with Dr.Gimonis Jonathan found a tense spell. The weeks that followed there was a losing appetite potin, an only run curse, and a silly faces spell. No one knew who was doing it. They noticed that all those spells were harmless, so they ignored them. But it was getting hard.
Jilly couldn't talk, she had a mute curse on her. The spells were getting more serious every day. They all did have some idea who was doing this, but they weren't sure that the enchantress was going to tire herself out finding different ways to enchant them. The warlock would definitely hate that too, they most likely had a squabble about that. But it must have ended by now.
“We have to leave this place at once!” said Dr. Gimonis “They probably know how to get in, they’re spells have probably told them where we are!” he said “We have to go!” So that’s what they all did. But now it was harder than ever before.
Soon they found a forest with lots of fallen branches and bushy trees. It was the perfect place to hide. Have you ever made a tepee out of sticks? That’s what Jimmy and Jilly and Agnes had to do. But Carson, Mary Lee, Jonathan, and Dr. Gimonis all packed blankets, so with a few long sticks, and some rocks as weights they managed to make sort of a tent.
The funny thing was that it was Jimmy, Jilly, and Agnes who had the most fun! They picked flowers and leaves for beds (The rest of them got sleeping bags.) and picked berries for a snack and they started to laugh! Even though they were in danger, they each had the rare gift of being positive.
It was the point of view which made them so excited or so serious. Jilly, Jimmy, and Agnes thought that the enchantress and the warlock would never find them. On the other hand Carson, Jonathan, and Mary Lee were thinking of it as a time where danger could leap at them at any point and they would die a certain death in a few moments. That was not true.
It was Dr. Gimonis who was the one who felt that they were safe where they were as long as none of them made any loud noises. As long as they fled in a few days they would be quite safe, but still had to look out for danger.
On Sunday Dr. Gimonis decided that they had to move from Wave Cove to Mantasy. They spent most of the day trying to find a boat. They were unsuccessful. So they decided to build one. (There was no spell that could make a boat, but there were some that could help. It was Jilly and Mary Lee’s job to find the wood and give it to Dr. Gimonis, he chopped the wood into planks and gave them to Carson, Jonathan, Billy, and Agnes. It was their job to build it.
Carson carefully pinched the nail on the cylinder to the part where the planks just overlapped, then he lifted his hammer and……. CRASH! His hammer had slipped out of his hand when he was swinging it forwards. It fell with a great clang into the nail pile. One of the nails shot right toward Jonathan and gave him a deep cut in the cheek. It bled so much Mary Lee had to stop her job to make Jonathan a band-aid out of leaves. Jonathan was definitely not happy. Carson wanted to make it up to him.
So, when night came, he dug and dug until he found a geyser. He dug around the geyser of water in a circle. When he finished, it was something like a pool. Carson put flowers in the pool, (There was a bad smell nearby.) and went to bed.
It was a big surprise to Jonathan when he woke up, he loved it. “The only problem is,” he said in a slow voice “that we are going to be moving to Mantasy.” That thought had never occurred to Carson until now! What good was a pool when they were going to move!? Had he spent so much time for nothing? Even though this was a minor problem, Carson was more worried than ever. Carson was at the point where if anything else bad happened, he would almost loose his mind. When he figured out that they could use the pool no longer, he almost felt like either running away, or screaming.
Luckily, Carson could control himself at certain times better than most people did. His final reaction was sitting down and thinking. He had learnt a lot when he thought. He thought he would try and make a different pool when they got to the next island, he thought maybe he could add a swing. He thought that, maybe everyone had some sad parts in their life, and bad parts, and hard parts, and great parts, it was just the way, my way, your way, their way, our way. The way of life.
Soon enough, they got to Mantasy. It was a hard trip, with whirlpools, sharks, and the disobedient wind. But somehow they made it. Alive. “This was the island where Miss. Ember, one of the two queens, grew up.” Dr. Gimonis said, pointing to a metal dome which had a door, “And this was her house.” “She lived in there?” “Yes, and she had many brothers and sisters.” “Wow,”
“How did Ember get to know Burn and Nippy?” asked Agnes “That is a long story.” answered Dr. Gimonis. That was the end of their conversation, but it left behind a few thoughts to think about.
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Table Of Contents
Chapter 1- Page 3
Chapter 2- Page 6
Chapter 3- Page 11
Chapter 4-Page 16
Chapter 5- Page 22
Chapter 6- Page 28
Chapter 7- Page 33
Chapter 8- Page 37
Chapter 9- Page 41
Chapter 1
The 4 Siblings
My name is Mary Lee, I’m a tenth grader and love to swim, dance, sing, and write. My friends say I have an addiction with makeup. I have cancer but now with medicine I am feeling weak, but all right. I have two brothers and one sister, their names are Agnes, Jonathan, and Carson. Jonathan looks worried and I don’t know why.
My name is Agnes, I’m a second grader and I like to play Lego, paint pictures, and make clay models. I used to do figure skating, but then broke my leg. My sister Mary Lee has cancer but I think she’ll be all right. Carson looks mad at me and I’m trying to find out why.
My name is Jonathan, I’m a fifth grader and I love to play soccer, hockey, make slide movies, and play minecraft. I think I need glasses but the next eye appointment is next month! I hope Carson will be patient with my eyesight, I’ve only told Angus and Mary Lee.
The name is Carson, I’m in fifth grade and the only person in the family who has any sense. I think Agnes is trying to play a trick on me so I’m trying to be extra careful. I know that Jonathan has a nasty secret about me. How can so many people have things against me!?
One day Mary Lee, Agnes, and Jonathan were talking about what was wrong with Carson, he wasn't his usual self. Carson was locked up in his room and wasn't letting anyone in. “Maybe Carson's feeling sad.” said Agnes “No" decided Mary Lee, (Who could be bossy sometimes.) "He’s angry at us, or just having a big change.” Jonathan was staying quiet because he thought it was his fault.
- END >
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