Dedicated to all lost travelers

Introduction 4
The class division of every being you can encounter in Ruptawa 5
Chapter 1: Humanlike 6
Regular Human 7
Whydro Lords 8
Erythrite 9
Renata Wolusija 10
The Borg Family 11
Adam 12
Adam The Undying 13
0SK4RP The Smelly 14
Chapter 2: Gemstones 15
Description of gems 16
Aquamarine 17
Chrysoberyl 18
Diopside 19
Carnelian 20
Erythrite 21
Monazite 22
Serendibite 23
A few final words 24

Ruptawa is a mysterious place, full of fairy creatures but also bloodlust monsters
We hope that this bestiary will help you recognize friendly critters from murderous foes

First, we want to discuss the class division of every being you can encounter in Ruptawa
The division is based on level of threat the entitty can cause:
-Safe : Easly contained, can't/not willing to make a direct harm.
-Euclid : Containment methods not always reliable, usually safe but can make harm if not handled properly.
-Keter : Difficult to contain, extremally dangerous, avoid at all cost.
-Apocalyptic : Not possible to contain, the ultimate being, mortal stand no chance to defend against it.
-Esoteric : very hard/impossible to contain

Chapter 1

Regular Human
(homo sapiens)
Probably the first creature you will encounter. Nothing special.
The native Ruptawians are really friendly but can happen that some may have malicious intents
[Class Safe/Euclid]

Whydro Lords (Tribus Dominus)
[Class Keter]
Discovered in VIII century by tribal Slavs, The Triplets were ruling over small chunk of todays Ruptawa. Nowadays only two of them remains alive, ruling over underground domain.
Picture from 1932, colourized. Made by Hungarian
Due to the fact they are triplets, they look the same, additionally they wear the same clothes to assure equality of their reign. Even alone they are very powerfull. They can emit energy bolts in contact with water or fire to harm their enemy. Together are able to distort the reality. Presents no traces of gempower
Note: Speculated that they were brought from another world by The Undying's portal
paleontologist who encountered them by misfortune

[Class Safe]
Organism made out of gem. Despite it is genderless, it prefers to be called male. While interrogated it claimed to be taken away from its world by unknown force (most probably by The Undying's portal) It seems to be immortal considering the fact it is already 480 years old.
Erythrite first contact with camera
It doesn't needs to meet basic needs, however it needs light to maintain consciousness. Thats why it is in need to hibernate in winter.
What's intresting it ingested the power of Erythrite Crystal in one hour.
The gem itself is very fragile and weak. If broken, can be put back together
Note: Erythrite appears to be in deep depression. It misses it's "Master" who, it describes as "Fleshy
Gem banished from the moon"

Renata Wolusija (Homo Confortatus)
[Class Safe]
Also called Rena or Re-wolusia by The Undying. Is able to restore object to its previous state only if part of her body or her surrounding have temperature less than 0°C. To her advantage she can contain temperature in her hairs what makes her perfect for every climate.
Photo taken during The Borg Trail
She is calm and friendly by nature. She loves to treat sick or wounded people with her ability which is directly provided by beeing enhanced by Monazite Crystal. She hates violence and always tries to avoid it at all cost.
Her character slightly changed after The Borg Trial
Note: Exposed to temperature under -20°C she can cure cancer and under -40°C regenerate whole
limbs or restore destroyed buildings

Note: Adam's comment on The borg family: "You know? I don't need Chryzoberyl at all! You see,
The Borg Family (Homo Confortatus)

[Class Euclid (Alone)/Keter (Together)]
Borgs are completly isolated from society. Each member devotes their entire life to training of martial arts. One member alone is able to dominate almost every human on this world. It is caused by the fact that they are enhanced with Chrysoberyl gem. At the moment number of their family members is 47.
Borgs doctor with son and wife of
The Headchief
Their special ability is fast, short range teleportation. This skill came to them from gene mutation caused by Chryzoberyl. Like most, they suffer the side effect of the gem which is extreme aggression. However in their case the aggression is not aimed at everything but only those outside their family. They admire power and might so its possible for outsider to gain in their eyes by killing one of them in combat. They call it "The Trail"
when my hairs are brown I feel homicidal". His hairs are always brown

Adam (Homo Viator)
[Class Apocalyptic]
Probably the most powerful beeing in the entire multiverse. Able to destroy worlds with snap of a finger
Once when he was a normal human his adventure and misery begun when The Small Big Bang happend. His jurney trough time made him skillful and friendly but also with tendency to abuse. After stealing the Serendibite which he hoped to ascend with, the The Second Big Bang happend. He was trapped by ghost of his biggest enemy in time loop. After milions of years he plunged into madness. Now he is around 17 million years old and is looking for the Aquamarine which can remove ones soul. It is really rare and in 8 million years he visited only 4 worlds where this gem was present, failed every time to aquire it. He came to this world by The Undying's portal.
Note: He likes to be called by many of his titles, e.g: "Head of the daybreaker operation", "Mundus"
"Bane of The Figeusz", "Prince of Chaos", 'The Viator", "The almighty one", "Sheonnsyk"

Claimed to be this world's counterpart of Adam The Viator, they consider themselfs as mortal enemies. Despite beeing enhanced with Diopside, he can't directly manipulate time, but only his body. That allows him to draw raw power from the gems what is impossible for normal human. After meeting Erythrite he adopted it's clothes for high mobility and combat walue. Every time he dies a portal is formed in another universe. Everything that get through the portal lands in Ruptawa in random time.
Adam The Undying (Homo Confortatus)
Note: The Undying's comment on The Viator: "I fear that I am doomed to even worse torment, I'll
[Class Esoteric: Euclid/Keter]
Same age as Rena. Because of long hair he is often mistaken for woman. Self-proclaimed leader of Ruptawa, he is master of every gem power. His unique ability cames from gene mutation of Diopside and Aquamarine which allows him to extract his ghost and restore damaged body.
Photo taken during Adam's favourite activity- night runs
be watching how the world slowly decays and the universe falls silent"

0SK4RP The Smelly (Homo foetidus)
[Class Keter]
The smell is said to carry radioactive radiation. Native Ruptawians know that it's better not to get closer than 5 meters to him. His stinky powers are related to the fact that the area where he lives lacks of fresh water. His place of residence is placed near the Whydro Domain. That's why Whydrions rarely come to the surface.
One of the most harmful creatures you can come by when visiting Ruptawa. At first glance, he seems not dangerous at all, but don't be fooled. He rarely comes out of his burrow, but if he does his stench can be felt throughout the whole Ruptawa district. Does not show any traces of gempower.
Note: Whydro Ranger's while patrolling around the entrance to The Domain: "Today is not a good day
to be alive"

Makeshift photo taken from 2km away

Chapter 2
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Dedicated to all lost travelers

Introduction 4
The class division of every being you can encounter in Ruptawa 5
Chapter 1: Humanlike 6
Regular Human 7
Whydro Lords 8
Erythrite 9
Renata Wolusija 10
The Borg Family 11
Adam 12
Adam The Undying 13
0SK4RP The Smelly 14
Chapter 2: Gemstones 15
Description of gems 16
Aquamarine 17
Chrysoberyl 18
Diopside 19
Carnelian 20
Erythrite 21
Monazite 22
Serendibite 23
A few final words 24

Ruptawa is a mysterious place, full of fairy creatures but also bloodlust monsters
We hope that this bestiary will help you recognize friendly critters from murderous foes
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