Kantele is the national instrument of Finland thanks to the finnish national epic, The Kalevala.
Usually players hold the kantele in their laps or on a table and pluck the strings with their fingers.
Depending on the size, kantele can have 5 to 40 strings.

Jouhikko is also called jouhikannel or jouhikantele, meaning a bowed. It is a traditional two- or three-stringed bowed lyre, from Finland Karelia. Its strings are traditionally made of horsehair. Jouhikko is 50-70 cm long instrument. The most prominent recent use of the jouhikko is the Finnish folk band Jouhiorkester.

Puusarvi is trumpet instrument that looks like a horn of an animal.

The violin (Viulu in Finnish) is a wooden chordophone (string instrument). Most violins have a hollow wooden body. Violins are important instruments in a wide variety of musical genres. The violin was first known in 16th-century Italy, with some further modifications occurring in the 18th and 19th centuries to give the instrument a more powerful sound and projection.

Haitari is box-shaped musical instrument of bellows driven free-reed aerophone type, colloqualiy reffered to as squeez box. Haitari is from the 19th-century and it’s from Deutchland. The accordion is played by compressing or expanding the bellows while pressing buttons or keys, causing palets to open, whic allow air to flow across strips of brass or steel called reeds.

Darbuka is used in many parts of Turkey.
Darbuka is a percussion instrument used in the Middle East and the Balkans.The darbuka gives only two sounds, dum and single, and is played by hand.
You can listen the sound of Darbuka

Made by kerem.idmtal


The bağlama is a stringed instrument consisting of stem, boat and auger parts, starting from Central Asia and spreading to the Balkan geography. It is made of wood. It is a musical instrument with all melodies and a very effective sound.Baglama or saz is commonly used in Turkish folk music
You can listen the sound of Bağlama

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Kabak violine is the only example of stringed and leather-covered instruments in Turkish Folk Music. It is a folk instrument with a pumpkin or coconut body, a leather chest, and two or three strings.
You can listen
the sound of
Kabak kemane

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The Ud is a short-neck lute-type, pear-shaped, fretless stringed instrument usually with 11 strings grouped in six courses, but some models have five or seven courses, with 10 or 13 strings respectively.The oud is very similar to other types of lutes

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the sound of Ud

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Sipsi is made from a thin reed 15–25 cm long. It has a total of 6 holes, 5 at the top and 1 at the bottom. The sound field is about 1 octave, and sipsi of different sizes are used, since tuning cannot be done in the sipsi, as in other wind instruments.
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the sound of Sipsi

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You can listen the
sound of Def

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Kanun is a string instrument widely used in the Middle East and North Africa. Its name derives from the Arabic transformation, meaning 'law,rule and form'The known history of the kanun dates back to BC. It dates back to the 19th century.The instrument is a type of large zither with a thin trapezoidal soundboard that is famous for its unique melodramatic sound.
You can listen the
sound of Kanun

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Kemençe is a small string instrument with three strings, similar to a violin, played on the knee. It is the common name of two different string instruments, one used in the Ottoman Empire Music and the other in the folk music of the Karadeniz region.
You can listen the
sound of Kemençe

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V Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Mielcu/Poland
Agnieszka Cz.

In Poland there are national, folk and classical instruments. Some pupils learn to play them at home, individually, while others attend the music school of the first and second grade in Mielec where they learn the guitar, drums, accordion, double bass, cello or violin. The national Polish anthem is 'Dąbrowski's Mazurka' You can listen to it here.

The violin

The violin is a stringed instrument. It gives sad and high tones. The sound it produces is clean and stimulating senses. The violin consists of an acoustic box that looks like letter 'f' and four strings: g,d,a,e . You play on it with a violin bow. Here you can listen to polonaise A-dur by
Henryk Wieniawski , the great Polish composer.
Made by: Ula, Laura, Maja

The grand piano is the most popular classical instrument in Poland. It consists of a wooden case with an iron frame on which the strings are stretched, and a hammer mechanism is connected to the keyboard. Its name comes from two words piano and forte meaning quiet and loud. Here you can listen to the polonaise As-dur - composed by the outstanding Frederick Chopin.

The grand piano

Made by Zuzia, Gabrysia, Klaudia, Weronika , Patrycja

Regional bagpipes -dudy wielkopolskie
They are called 'a goat ', are made of goat's leather, wood and metal, cloth and a horn. They originated in 16th century in the west of Poland where they constitute part of folk tradition up to these times. There is a variety of sounds produced owing to the combination of many pipes. Here the music performed by A. Witczak.
Made by Julia Ł, Klaudia, Emanuel

Hunter's horn - róg myśliwski
It is a blown instrument, known as a
hunting horn, made of the horns of a bison or domestic cattle, includes the elements of bone or metal; used in the past and nowadays for announcing the beginning of hunting venues.
Made by William, Kostek, JuliaK.

La Salle Saint Nicolas (collège-lycée-LP)

Harpe Celtique
La Harpe Celtique is a musical instrument and is of the plucked string
family widespread in Brittany, France. It has experienced a resurgence in
popularity since the 1950s. It adapts to classical and contemporary
genres of music (jazz, new age, contemporary music, etc.) Ayoub, Nicolas, Clarence, Ayman, Bastien et Paul

Listen to the harpe (Gwenael Kerleo)


The organ is a wind and keyboard instrument, the characteristic of which is to produce sounds using sets of pipes and powered by a wind tunnel. The organ appeared in France in the sixteenth century. It can be found mainly in churches and cathedrals throughout France.
(Maxence, Riccardo, Hugo, Léo, Alexis)


The accordion comes from the south of France and more particularly from the city of Lyon. It is a wind instrument from the wood family.
This instrument is often played in the metro by homeless people. It is also well known to play in the cancan, a famous French cabaret danse. (Adam, Adam B., Antoine, Joyce, Mohamed)

The tambourine is a percussion instrument from Aix en Provence in the French Riviera. The Provençal tambourine is a percussion instrument, from the drum family. It is only played on one side using a wooden stick while the musician's other hand plays a three-hole flute. (Adem, Sasha, Cedric, Lucas, Antoine T.)

Edith Piaf / La Vie en Rose

The accordion is a musical instrument of the harmonium type, but portable, invented in 1829. It consists of one or two series of free reeds placed in vibration by the air emitted by a bellows activated by the player's arms. It has two keyboards: one for the right hand and one for the left hand, which can be similar to those of the piano or buttons. The perfected accordions are equipped with various stops, in order to obtain different effects (clarinet, violin etc ...). This instrument is usually used for popular music and has been used extensively in pop music, but is rarely used in art music.

The accordion

You can listen the sound of accordion
made by Francesca.ipsiavv and Evelyn.ipsiavv

The calabrian lyre

You can listen the sound of Calabrian lyre
by Jleipsiavv and Lorenzoipsiavv

The dulzaina is a double reed wind instrument belonging to the oboe family. It is formed by a conical tube about 30 centimeters long in which there are 7 holes.
The precursor instruments of the dulzaina originated in Mesopotamia around the year 3000 BC. c.

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Niek D and Dario C
Listen to its sound

A flamenco guitar is a guitar similar to a classical guitar but with thinner tops and less internal bracing. It usually has nylon strings, like the classical guitar, but it generally possesses a livelier, more gritty sound compared to the classical guitar. It is used in toque, the guitar-playing part of the art of flamenco.

Alejandro, Iván and Guillermo

Listen to its sound


Made by Mateo M. and Adrián C.

Listen to its sound

The “castañuelas” are a tipic instrument used in the Spanish village festival.
“Castañuelas” are often played by singers or dancers. Castanets are commonly used in the flamenco dance. In fact, Spanish dance "Sevillanas" is the style typically performed using castanet. “Castañuelas” are made of wood and rope. You need to attach the rope to the thumb and you only have to move the fingers and the palm of the hand to make it sound

Listen to its sound

Guillermo V. and Iñaki M.

The zambomba is a mythical Spanish instrument at Christmas time, helping to give a special and different touch to all Christmas carols. It is an instrument that sounds by friction between the hand and a wooden stick inserted into a large container and covered by a skin or leather membrane. The musician turns the rod or repeatedly inserts and removes it from the container causing the membrane to vibrate, and the sound is amplified with the size of the container.
Sergio S.

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It is a percussion musical instrument. Small bells or cowbells without specific clappers are made in modern times to be used as musical instruments. They may be fixed to a stand and are shaken idiophones. They are percussed with wooden drumsticks specially designed for this instrument.
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The Ocarin is a wind instrument,
They're made of wood or ceramic,
although there are also plastic ones.
The origin of this instrument, is unknown,but the first examples were found in theprehispanic america, and possibly they were introduced in the Spanish musical culture, during the colonization.

Listen to its sound
Irene and Ainhoa


You can listen to the sound here
Prepared by Egita

A pan flute (Lith. "skudučiai") is a Lithuanian folk wind instrument, a closed multi-tube flute. A set of panpipes consists of 5-8 closed and matched wooden tubes of different sizes. It's a collective instrumental music instrument, mostly played by men.

A bagpipe (Lith. "dūdmaišis") is made of sheep, ox, goat or dog skin or of a sheep stomach. A blowpipe is attached at the top. On one side of the bag there's a pipe with holes for fingers, on the other one there's one or two drone tubes without holes for fingers, playing in one tone.
You can listen to the sound here

Prepared by Armida


Prepared by Ugne
You can listen to the sound here


Baltic psaltery (Lith. "kanklės") is a traditional Lithuanian folk musical string instrument. Its body is carved of deciduous wood, trapezoidal, with a star shaped cutout or with a circle from holes, the cover is mostly made of spruce. This traditional instrument has 5-12 strings.
Prepared by Raminta
You can listen to the sound here


"Lumzdelis" is a long flute-like Lithuanian folk musical wind instrument traditionally made by herdsmen from aspen or willow. From 3 to 9 holes were made in the piece of wood for achieving different pitch levels. Musicians played lumzdelis separately or in an ensemble. It was used for playing various melodies or traditional Lithuanian folk songs.
You can listen to the sound here
Prepared by Medeine
"Birbynė" is a wind instrument of Lithuanian folk music, distinguished by a gentle sound. The sound is produced by tonguing. The instrument was made of feathers, straw, tree bark or animal horn. Now they are made of wood and have a horn mouthpiece, tone holes.
You can listen to the sound here
Prepared by Auguste B.

You can listen to the sound here
Prepared by Fausta

"Skrabalai" is a traditional Lithuanian percussion instrument consisting of wooden bells. They look like trapezoidal wooden troughs of various sizes in several vertical rows with one / two wooden small clappers hanging inside them. When the instrument is moved, a clapper knocks at the walls of the trough making a muffled but well-heard sound. It is played with two wooden sticks.

"Kleketas" was a signaling instrument used in various rituals and believed to draw away evil unnatural spirits. After its religious meaning slowly faded away, this instrument became a rhythmic instrument, bringing its unique tone to a group ensemble.
You can listen to the sound here
Prepared by Auguste P.

"Pūslinė" is a string folk musical instrument played in ensembles. It is a simple easily made instrument which consists of a wooden stick, air-filled pig’s bladder and intestines or small cords. The instrument has between 1-3 strings and can be tuned with tuning pegs.
You can listen to the sound here

Prepared by Skaiva
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Kantele is the national instrument of Finland thanks to the finnish national epic, The Kalevala.
Usually players hold the kantele in their laps or on a table and pluck the strings with their fingers.
Depending on the size, kantele can have 5 to 40 strings.

Jouhikko is also called jouhikannel or jouhikantele, meaning a bowed. It is a traditional two- or three-stringed bowed lyre, from Finland Karelia. Its strings are traditionally made of horsehair. Jouhikko is 50-70 cm long instrument. The most prominent recent use of the jouhikko is the Finnish folk band Jouhiorkester.

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