Always love yourself for who you are because who you are is beautiful.

Frankie was an ostrich. His mom was an ostrich, his
dad was an ostrich and all of his brothers and sisters
were ostriches, too. Frankie didn’t want to be an
ostrich. He wanted to be a flamingo. He loved the way
their pink feathers shone in the morning sun, and he
loved the way that they stood on one leg to rest. He
loved the grace, style and flamboyance of the
flamingos. Oh, how he wished he had been born a

Once, when he was younger, his mom caught him trying
to use red mud to color his feathers pink. “Franklin
Oswald Ostrich, what on EARTH are you doing, son?”
she squawked.
“Oh, Mom,” Frankie said “I just want my feathers to be
pink like the flamingos!”
His mom didn’t understand. “Frankie, you are an
ostrich. You can’t be a flamingo, and no amount of mud
is going to change that fact. You should love who you
are, son, and never forget that we love you.” Then she
sent him off to play with the other ostrich kids.

She didn’t know that they were mean to him, or
that they made fun of him. “Frankie Flamingo!
Frankie Flamingo!” The other kids chanted. They
chased him and teased him and Frankie was very,
very sad.
One day, Frankie decided to run away and join a
flamingo flock. “I just don’t fit in here.” Frankie
thought. So, he set off in search of his destiny.

Frankie Flamingo!
Before long, Frankie came across a young
zebra. “Hi there.” He said in a friendly sort of
way. “I’m Frankie, who are you?”
“I’m Chelsea” said the zebra. “What are you
doing out here so far away from your flock,
“I’m running away. My family doesn’t
understand me. I want to be a flamingo."

Chelsea sighed. “I understand. I’m running away
too. I don’t want to be a zebra anymore. I want to
be a giraffe. They are so tall and graceful…I hate
being so short. And STRIPES! Oh, don’t even get
me started on the stripes! I want spots so
bad….”Chelsea sighed. “I just don’t know what to
do about it.”
“Why don’t you come with me?” Frankie
suggested “Maybe we can find a place together
where we can be something different!”
Chelsea agreed, and the two new friends set off
to find a place where they could be different,

A few days later, Frankie and Chelsea stopped
by a beautiful lake to get a drink. Frankie's
heart soared! There was a flock of beautiful,
graceful flamingos there!
"OH, LOOK!" he cried. "Flamingos!" He ran up
to one and said shyly, "Excuse me, sir, but I
was wondering if I may join your flock? I don't
fit in back home, and I have always wanted to
be a flamingo!"
The big flamingo looked down his beak at
Frankie and laughed. "Absolutely not!" he said
in a very mean voice. "You are NOT a
flamingo. You do not look like us, you do not
act like us. You are not one of us. Now, go
away. You are scaring off my meal with your
Frankie was crushed. He did not know what to
do. His dream was gone.
Suddenly, Chelsea came running up. She had
heard everything.
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Always love yourself for who you are because who you are is beautiful.

Frankie was an ostrich. His mom was an ostrich, his
dad was an ostrich and all of his brothers and sisters
were ostriches, too. Frankie didn’t want to be an
ostrich. He wanted to be a flamingo. He loved the way
their pink feathers shone in the morning sun, and he
loved the way that they stood on one leg to rest. He
loved the grace, style and flamboyance of the
flamingos. Oh, how he wished he had been born a

Once, when he was younger, his mom caught him trying
to use red mud to color his feathers pink. “Franklin
Oswald Ostrich, what on EARTH are you doing, son?”
she squawked.
“Oh, Mom,” Frankie said “I just want my feathers to be
pink like the flamingos!”
His mom didn’t understand. “Frankie, you are an
ostrich. You can’t be a flamingo, and no amount of mud
is going to change that fact. You should love who you
are, son, and never forget that we love you.” Then she
sent him off to play with the other ostrich kids.
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