- Agrupamento de Escolas de Rates, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal
- Eren Şahin Eronat Ortaokulu, Turkey
- Szkoła Podstawowa w Dąbrowicy, Poland
- Scoala Gimnaziala "Lucian Grigorescu", Romania
- Základní škola Václava Havla, Poděbrady, Na Valech 45/II, okres Nymburk, Czech Republic
- İstilli Ortaokulu, Turkey
- ICS "Ammirato-Falcone" di Lecce, Italy
- Zara İsmet Yılmaz İmam Hatip Ortaokulu, Turkey

Babylon was a city in today's Iraq, 85 km away from Baghdad.
Babylon existed from 1770BC to 1670BC.

Babylon is known for its buildings, structures and the Hammurabi's code.
It was perhaps the first city to have 200.000 people.
Hammurabi turned Babylon into a rich, powerful and influential city. He created one of the world’s earliest and most complete written legal codes. Known as the Code of Hammurabi, it helped Babylon to surpass other cities in the region.
Babylonia, however, was short-lived. The empire fell apart after Hammurabi’s death and reverted back to a small kingdom for several centuries.

Babylon means "the gate of God." After the conquest of the Babylonian Empire by the Persian kings Darius and Xerxes, most of the impressive buildings of Babylon were destroyed.
Some curiosities:
Babylon is famous for its Hanging Garden that Nebuchadnezzar II built for his queen to remind her of her homeland.
In the 6th century B.C. Babylon was the most important centre of Mesopotamia and was the largest city in the world. Babylon lost its greatness in 539 B.C. in a single nigjt by Persian Cyrus II, realizing what the prophet Jeremiah had foresen decades earlier.
What was famous for?
O Império Romano foi fundado quando Augusto César se proclamou o primeiro imperador de Roma em 31 aC.

O império era habitado por aproximadamente 100 milhões de pessoas.
A capital e maior cidade da Itália é Roma, localizada na parte central do país, às margens do rio Tibre e do mar Mediterrâneo. Foi criado em 753 aC. Roma é famosa por seus belos edifícios, incluindo o Coliseu e o Palácio Romano.
A vida deles era assim, ao acordar, eles foram ao forum romanum vender algumas coisas como azeitonas, comprar comida e sobreviver.

O que aconteceu?
Some curiosities:
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu is located in Peru (South America).
Machu Picchu was built around 1450-1460. The construction falls on the reign of two Inca rulers, Pachacuteca (1438-1471) and Túpaca Yupanqui (1472-1493).

Famous for?
Machu Picchu is famous for stone windows.
Quantas pessoas?
São cerca de 750 pessoas
Machu Picchu was divided into zones: agricultural zone; Urban zone; "Sun temple"; Royal residense; Sacret zone; Intihuatana; Sacret rock; three doors group. For this, the principal activite is the agricultural. And has a Royal family.
What happened?
Machu Picchu suffered hardships due to small pox and Spanısh invanders.
Some curiosities:
Machu Picchu has 2 430 metres high.
In Quechua Indian linguage, Machu Picchu means "Old Mountain".

The Map of Constantinople
Capital of the Roman/Byzantine Empire (330–1204 and 1261–1453).

Famous for? Constantinople became important because It was the leading cultural center for the university founded by Constantine and reorganized by Theodosius, where, among, other things, the Lion of Thessalonica taught, and for its logistical importance, since it was the main communication route to Europe and Asia.
How many inhabitants lived there
In the fourth to fifth centuries, the population is estimated to have been between 250,000 and 1,000,000. By 1453, to 50,000.
Como eram suas vidas?
When it lost its greatness?
Some curiosities
Constantinople was officially founded in 330 A.D. by the emperor Constantine but the city was already famous under the name of Augusta.
2119-1186 BC

Famous for
They were the capital of Egypt during the early Middle Kingdom, during the XI Dynasty (2119-1976 BC), and later in the New Kingdom, during the reign of the XVIII and XIX Dynasties (1550-1186 BC).
How many people?
How did their lives look like?
Thebes was a Greek city-state, an ancient ally of Sparta. Taking advantage of the weakening of the Spartan army after the Peloponnesian war, he rebelled and drove the Spartan armies out of their territory.
What happened?
In Egypt is Thebes too. Thebes is an ancient city, located on the Nile, in Upper Egypt. For many centuries they were the capital of ancient Egypt. Among the numerous monuments of ancient Thebes there are magnificent temples and royal tombs in Western Thebes.

When were its heydays?
The heydays of Thebes were from 371 a.c. to 338 a.c. because Thebes defeated Sparta and it became the most powerful polis in Greece.
The ancient city of Ephesus is located on the west coast of Turkey and has been inhabited for approximately 9 thousand years, starting from the prehistoric period during the Hellenistic, Roman, Eastern Roman and Ottoman periods.
In the period of the Greek migrations
Ephesus was founded as an Attic-Ionian colony in the 10th century BC on a hill (now known as Ayasuluk Hill), three kilometers (1.9 miles) from the center of ancient Ephesus (as attested by excavations at the Seljuk castle during the 1990s).

The ancient Greek city of Ephesus was famous for its Temple of Artemis
The total population is estimated at around 400,000 to 500,000.
This legend says Ephesus was founded by the Amazons, a tribe of female warrions, and that the city was named after their queen, Ephesia
The forse inhabitants of Ephesus were indigenous and ancestors of the Greeks, they were called first Carii, and then Lelegi and finally subjected to the rule of Athens for many years. At the time of Octavian, Ephesus had 200,000 inhabitants and reaches its peak here. The citizens worshipped Artemis and built many statues to her.
The city was partially destroyed by an earthquake in the year 614. The ruins of Ephesus are an international and local tourist attraction, in part because of its easy access from Adnan Menderes Airport or the cruise port of Kuşadası, about 30 km to the south.
1. The Temple of Artemis lies in ruins. In the 4th-century, a fire destroyed the temple.
2. Ephesus is a UNESCO site.
3. Heraclitus was the famous Greek philosopher who said ‘’You cannot step into the same river twice’’ was born in Ephesus.
Where is the city located?
It was one of the largest Ionian cities in Anatolia, located in Lydia at the mouth of the Caistro river. The city was located in what is present-day Turkey
The ancient city of Petra is located in Jordan, in its southern province of Ma'an, not far away from the Israeli border. Petra with its buildings carved in the rock, is one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

How did their lives look like?
their lives were heavily influenced by trade

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- Agrupamento de Escolas de Rates, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal
- Eren Şahin Eronat Ortaokulu, Turkey
- Szkoła Podstawowa w Dąbrowicy, Poland
- Scoala Gimnaziala "Lucian Grigorescu", Romania
- Základní škola Václava Havla, Poděbrady, Na Valech 45/II, okres Nymburk, Czech Republic
- İstilli Ortaokulu, Turkey
- ICS "Ammirato-Falcone" di Lecce, Italy
- Zara İsmet Yılmaz İmam Hatip Ortaokulu, Turkey

Babylon was a city in today's Iraq, 85 km away from Baghdad.
Babylon existed from 1770BC to 1670BC.

Babylon is known for its buildings, structures and the Hammurabi's code.
It was perhaps the first city to have 200.000 people.
Hammurabi turned Babylon into a rich, powerful and influential city. He created one of the world’s earliest and most complete written legal codes. Known as the Code of Hammurabi, it helped Babylon to surpass other cities in the region.
Babylonia, however, was short-lived. The empire fell apart after Hammurabi’s death and reverted back to a small kingdom for several centuries.

Babylon means "the gate of God." After the conquest of the Babylonian Empire by the Persian kings Darius and Xerxes, most of the impressive buildings of Babylon were destroyed.
Some curiosities:
Babylon is famous for its Hanging Garden that Nebuchadnezzar II built for his queen to remind her of her homeland.
In the 6th century B.C. Babylon was the most important centre of Mesopotamia and was the largest city in the world. Babylon lost its greatness in 539 B.C. in a single nigjt by Persian Cyrus II, realizing what the prophet Jeremiah had foresen decades earlier.
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