Ancient Civilization Books

  • Ancient Egyptian civilization
    An overview of modern Egypt, its ancient civilization, history, and famous figures. Includes information on pyramids, temples, and Queen Nefertiti.
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    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, covering its geography, society, caste system, religion, culture, and technological adv…
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  • Ancient Mesopotamia V.S. Ancient Egypt
    The story provides a detailed comparison of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia, covering aspects such as natural resources, architecture, religion, writing sy…
  • Peru's History: Ancient Civilization to Independence
    A brief history of Peru, including its geography, ancient civilizations, colonization, and independence.
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  • Ancient Civilization
    An overview of Ancient Greek civilization, including its origins, location, religion, education, clothing, and downfall.
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  • Ancient Civilizations Project
    A guide on how to create an e-book for an Ancient Civilizations project, with tips on organization, creativity, and proper citation.
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  • Picture Dictionary
    A concise and informative introduction to key terms related to ancient civilizations and archaeology.
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  • Babylonian Numeration System
    The Babylonians were an ancient civilization in Mesopotamia who invented the base 60 numbering system and influenced how we tell time today.
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