"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Text @ Sophie R. Britton
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
Cover designed by Sophie R. Britton.
Interior designed by Sophie R. Britton
About the Author Page @ Lyla Joyce Britton
The text of this book was set in Just Me.
Manufactured in the United States of America.
Summary: One day, Lyla and Sophie Britton get a box of pencil toppers. Later that day, they come to life and Lyla and Sophie need to stop them from destroying the house.
It was a Wednesday afternoon. My twin sister, Lyla, and I were watching TV. I could hear Mummy pouring tea in the background. I felt relaxed and slightly tired from the long school day. There was one minute left in our episode when- Ding! Ding!- the doorbell rang.
Lyla and I jumped out of our chairs. Lyla raced down the hall while I paused the TV.
Lyla ran back into the room, shouting "It's a package!"
I looked at it. I was slightly disappointed-it was an Amazon package. Only Mummy and Daddy ever got Amazon packages.
"Who is it to?" I asked Lyla. "Mummy or Daddy?"
"It says," Lyla replied, "Sophie and Lyla Britton!"
"Let's open it!" I told her excitedly.
Any bit of tiredness I had before just vanished. Lyla ran into the kitchen and came back out holding a pair of long, red scissors. I was very excited and eager to open the package. Lyla then used the red scissors to cut the tape.
She opened it.
Inside were twelve little packets. In each one there was a different animal. There were two light blue penguins, two white cats with orange and black ears, two tan llamas with green sunglasses and saddles, two brown dogs, two dark blue narwhals with white horns, and two unicorns with bright pink manes.
"The pencil toppers!" Lyla exclaimed.
I had completely forgotten about them. Last Sunday, Lyla brought her small, pink cat pencil topper that she had gotten at the dentist four months earlier, named Rolly Polly.
When we entered the main service, Lyla came up to me and told me "I lost Rolly Polly." I helped search all around where Rolly Polly had been.
We never saw her again.
After the service, Mummy ordered twelve, two-inch tall, squishable, slow-rising foam pencil toppers off Amazon. And they had arrived today.
"I call the penguins!" I shouted as Lyla and I ran to our Art Room.
Our Art Room had tan walls, beige carpet, and white doors with
silver door knobs. On one wall, there was the main door, a large whiteboard, and two doors leading to a closet. The craft closet was filled with all kinds of arts and crafts materials. On the adjacent wall, there were two desks. Lyla's desk had a "skyscraper" on it, made from three small crates. It was used to hold her journals, notebooks, and small cats. My desk had a purple magazine holder on it, and it was littered with small LEGO hippos. On the wall beside my desk, there was a black nightstand holding LEGO instruction booklets. Next to it was a tall, black bookshelf holding LEGO sets. The last wall was covered in artwork.
Lyla then sat down at her desk. she had short, curly brown hair,
pale skin, and brown eyes. She was wearing a pair of purple cat ears and a black dress with a cat on it. I had a simmilar appearance, since we were twins, except my hair was straighter, I had no headband on, and I was wearing a light blue playdress with unicorns on it.
I pulled out the pair of orange scissors on my desk and cut open the packets. I took one of each animal, and Lyla got its duplicate.
"Can we trade?" I asked. "I want both penguins."
"Sure." Lyla replied. "I want the cats."
After our trading finished, I had the narwhals, penguins and unicorns; Lyla had the cats, dogs, and llamas.
I then heard a voice.
"I'm hungry. Do you have any fish?"
Another voice then asked, "May I have some fish too?"
I then noticed the voices were coming from the penguin pencil toppers. Chick and Flappy.
The pencil toppers. They were talking.
"How is this possible?" I asked no one in particular. "What is going on?" Now the unicorns, Uni and Horn, were walking along one of the beams on my desk. Back and forth. Back and forth. They acted as if this was perfectly normal. Like toys came to life daily.
They then started explaining. "You unfroze us." She started. "You gave us a home."
Over the next few days, the squishies (as we now called the pencil toppers) learned their way around the house.
Then they began their takeover.
All the fish, sausage, lettuce, and corn kept getting eaten. They refused to write anything other than what they wanted. They wanted to write stories. I wanted to do my math homework. And they took all the pencils. Lyla and I had to cram all of our homework before class started, at school, where it was squishy-free.
We had no idea how to freeze them.
Then, when we were at the library, I saw a blue and silver sparkled book. The title was What to do When Your Life Turns into a Fantasy. I doubted it had any use, but I checked it out anyway.
When we got home, the squishies were doodling all over my math homework.
"What do you think you're doing!" I shouted at them. If I was a movie character, smoke would be coming out of my ears. "I need that for math!"
"Who cares about math?" Shades, one of the llamas asked.
"It's just a bunch of useless junk anyway." Woof, one of the dogs added.
"You don't understand!" I shouted at them. I then stormed off to the bedroom.
I was so done with them.
Our bedroom had light pink walls, and the same carpet and doors as our Art Room. On one wall, there was a set of light brown wooden bunk beds. Both beds had matching princess duvets. The bottom bunk had a pink pillow and matching pink sheets, while the upper bunk had white flowered sheets and a pink pillow.
There was also a red dresser with a partially complete Hogwarts 3D puzzle. Right beside the drawers was a set of cubbies that could hold nine boxes, but three of the spots were vacant. Right beside the cubbies was the door. On the adjacent wall, there was our closet.
There was also a reading nook, with a brown bookshelf, which was about half the size of the bookshelf in the Art Room, and two bean bags: one pink with polka-dots and one purple.
I plopped myself down on the pink beanbag and opened What to do When Your Life Turns Into a Fanstasy.
What to do When Your Life Turns Into a Fantasy
Written by: I choose not to tell you my name
When Your Toys Come to Life
Have your toys ever come to life? Are they wrecking havoc? Have no fear! Tap the brick outside Collins Intermediate School three times. You will be transported into a magical products store. Buy the freezer potion for five batteries. When you get back home (or wherever the toys are), pour three drops on each toy. They will then stop wreaking havoc and behave as toys should!
What to do When Your Life Turns Into a Fantasy/10
I then ran over to the Art Room and showed Lyla page ten
"Great!" Lyla told me. "Get off!" She told Sun, who was on her pencil.
"No." Sun argued.
"Let's do it at recess." Lyla decided, turning her head to me.
During recess, when we were supposed to be playing kickball, we snuck over to the blacktop. We then ran until we were next to the brick wall.
I tapped it three times.
We arrived in a very strange store. There were many bookshelves. There seemed to be nothing other than bookshelves. There was no door and no counter. There were purple walls and an impossibly black floor. The floor seemed to glow in places, forming a path.
We then found the freezer potion. As we took it of the shelf, a note appeared. It read Place the batteries where the freezer potion stood. Then you will be transported out. Lyla did as the note said, and we suddenly appeared back on the kickball field. It appeared as if no time had passed.
When we came back home, the squishies had trashed the Art Room.
"Really..." I groaned.
"We had a party." Shades, the other llama explained. She had the same expression that Uni had when she was explaining how they could talk and move. Like this was totally normal. Though I had to say, this was more normal then talking and moving pencil toppers.
"It's a necessity of life." Shades continued.
"No. It. Is. Not." I replied. "Now." I whispered to Lyla.
Lyla then tackled them and put them in a box, which the sides were too high for them to jump out. She then pulled out the freezing potion.
"NO!" Corn, one of the narwhals exclaimed. "DON'T DO THIS TO US!"
Soon the squishies were behaving normally.
"Victory!" I exclaimed, high-fiving Lyla. We then cleaned up the room, and I wrote on the whiteboard get new math journal. I then sat down at my desk, pulled out my pencil with Flappy on it, and finished up my reading log.
Bonus Script
Lyla- Young girl, age ten
Sophie- Lyla’s twin sister
Chick- Penguin pencil topper
Flappy- Chick’s identical twin
Sea- Narwhal pencil topper
Corn- Sea’s identical twin
Uni- A unicorn pencil topper
Horn- Uni’s identical twin
Sun- A llama pencil topper
Bonus Script
Shades- Sun’s identical twin
Rolly- A cat pencil topper
Polly- Rolly’s identical twin
Woof- A dog pencil topper
Woofy- Woof’s identical twin
Lily- A weird fluff ball cat
Pencil- A purple pencil
(LYLA and SOPHIE are in their bedroom. SOPHIE is sitting on the bed.)
Sophie: (In a bored voice )I’m bored.
Lyla: (In a bored voice) Same. Anything you want to do?
Bonus Script
Sophie: We could draw.
Lyla: Great idea!
Sophie: What do you want to draw?
Lyla: Let’s decide when we get there.
Sophie: Meet you in the art room!
(LYLA and SOPHIE run offstage.)
(LYLA and SOPHIE are each sitting at a desk, drawing.)
Sophie: (Excitedly) I’m nearly done with my picture!
Lyla: (Turning her head) Same!
Bonus Script
(A magic portal appears out of nowhere)
Sophie: (Surprised) Wha-
Chick: (Happily) Hi!
Sophie: (Pointing a pencil at CHICK, FLAPPY, SEA, CORN, UNI, HORN, SUN, SHADES, ROLLY, POLLY, WOOF and WOOFY) Who are you and what are you doing here?
Chick: Chick
Flappy: Flappy
(FLAPPY hops onto the end of the pencil)
Bonus Script
Sea: Sea
Corn: Corn
Uni: Uni
Horn: Horn
Sun: Sun
Rolly: Rolly
Shades: Shades
Polly: Polly
Woofy: Woofy
Woof: Woof
Flappy: I like pencils
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"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Text @ Sophie R. Britton
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
Cover designed by Sophie R. Britton.
Interior designed by Sophie R. Britton
About the Author Page @ Lyla Joyce Britton
The text of this book was set in Just Me.
Manufactured in the United States of America.
Summary: One day, Lyla and Sophie Britton get a box of pencil toppers. Later that day, they come to life and Lyla and Sophie need to stop them from destroying the house.
It was a Wednesday afternoon. My twin sister, Lyla, and I were watching TV. I could hear Mummy pouring tea in the background. I felt relaxed and slightly tired from the long school day. There was one minute left in our episode when- Ding! Ding!- the doorbell rang.
Lyla and I jumped out of our chairs. Lyla raced down the hall while I paused the TV.
Lyla ran back into the room, shouting "It's a package!"
I looked at it. I was slightly disappointed-it was an Amazon package. Only Mummy and Daddy ever got Amazon packages.
"Who is it to?" I asked Lyla. "Mummy or Daddy?"
"It says," Lyla replied, "Sophie and Lyla Britton!"
"Let's open it!" I told her excitedly.
Any bit of tiredness I had before just vanished. Lyla ran into the kitchen and came back out holding a pair of long, red scissors. I was very excited and eager to open the package. Lyla then used the red scissors to cut the tape.
She opened it.
Inside were twelve little packets. In each one there was a different animal. There were two light blue penguins, two white cats with orange and black ears, two tan llamas with green sunglasses and saddles, two brown dogs, two dark blue narwhals with white horns, and two unicorns with bright pink manes.
"The pencil toppers!" Lyla exclaimed.
- END >
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"Never Trust a Talking Pencil Topper"
It's all fun and games until talking pencil toppers get out of control.
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