Melek Meydan-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Nuray Kılıç-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Makbule Öcal-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Emine Tamkavas Cicim-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Bediha Burgaz-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Merve Nur Kafadenk-Islahiye Cumhuriyet İlkokulu/Türkiye
Anna Bebenek- Public Kindergarten No:18/Poland

Efe was 6 years old. To kindergarten. The school was very close to their home. He used to walk with his mother. There were many shops on the street they walked on. But Efe liked the toy store the most. He looked at the toys every day. He woke up early in the morning. He got dressed, had his breakfast and went to school. teacher,
Melek Meydan
Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
He told the children that he was going to talk about our world today. Efe excitedly entered the classroom. What would his teacher say? His teacher said that the world is very sad because people unconsciously consume our resources. The children looked at their teacher curiously.

Nuray Kılıç
Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye

Makbule Öcal
Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye

Emine Tamkavas Cicim Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye

Bediha Burgaz
Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye

Elif said, “Teacher, we prepare our shopping list and go shopping like that.Thus, we buy the products we need in shopping. While shopping, we check the packaging of the products we buy, we look at the expiration dates.She said that when buying fruits and vegetables, we check whether they are fresh or not.Her teacher congratulated Elfi and her family for making a conscious purchase.
Merve Nur Kafadenk İslahiye Cumhuriyet İlkokulu/Türkiye

Anna Bębenek
Public Kindergarten No 18 Poland
Now that we are well prepared, we can go shopping.
- Take a shopping bag. We must have a place to put what we buy
- No, we don't take the plastic bag. It is best to take a cloth bag. Plastic bags litter our planet
- Cool. We will do our shopping wisely and we will protect the Earth, our planet
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
Melek Meydan-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Nuray Kılıç-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Makbule Öcal-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Emine Tamkavas Cicim-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Bediha Burgaz-Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
Merve Nur Kafadenk-Islahiye Cumhuriyet İlkokulu/Türkiye
Anna Bebenek- Public Kindergarten No:18/Poland

Efe was 6 years old. To kindergarten. The school was very close to their home. He used to walk with his mother. There were many shops on the street they walked on. But Efe liked the toy store the most. He looked at the toys every day. He woke up early in the morning. He got dressed, had his breakfast and went to school. teacher,
Melek Meydan
Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
He told the children that he was going to talk about our world today. Efe excitedly entered the classroom. What would his teacher say? His teacher said that the world is very sad because people unconsciously consume our resources. The children looked at their teacher curiously.

Nuray Kılıç
Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye

Makbule Öcal
Meram Mevlana Anaokulu/Türkiye
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