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The Industrial Revolution made the air very
unclean for the people to breathe in. The air was
unclean because the factories made smoke that
was heavy and black that flowed out of pipes in
the top of the factories. Also, in the factories,
the working conditions were unsafe. Many
people got killed because they either got caught
in the machines or they were trying to help
someone else who was caught in the machine.
There were also many other problems but those
two were the most important and they affected
more people than the other problems would
have or did.

The luddites were weavers who were known in
the 19th century. The luddites believed that if
they had machines that helped them do what
they were supposed to do by hand, that it would
take away the work they were supposed to do.
They also thought that if they destroyed the
machines that people would not fix them and that
they wouldn't use them. The luddites felt
deprived of their work that they were supposed
to do because of these machines, so they
destroyed them in northern England and the
midlands from 1811 to 1816.

Child labor was where kids would work in factories,
mines, and mills. Back in that time, it was
necessary for the children to work in these places.
The reason they used children for their labor is so
they did not have to pay them very much money to
do their jobs which meant that the owners of the
factories, mines, and mills did not have to pay very
much for the cost of production. Also, some of the
jobs were very simple so small children could do
them and if there was a small space to crawl or
squeeze into, a child could do it easier than an
adult. The children were also better workers than
the adults because they were less likely to join
workers unions and/or go on strike.

Utopian socialists believed that people
would develop a new economy and get
rid of currency. They also believed that
people would end up paying each other
with kindness instead of money
especially because they were trading
goods for goods.They also believed that
all people in this system should receive
the same amount of produce and the
same value as all of the other people.

Karl Marx believed that all people should
be able to have food, shelter, water,
health, and oxygen. He also believed in
bringing every ones ideas into one big
idea. Karl Marx took every part of people's
ideas that sounded good to him and wrote
a book concerning these ideas. The people
who all influenced Marx were all at odds
with each other and that's what made
what Marx did a huge accomplishment.

The social democrats were an approach
that was mad in Europe which found a way
to reform inequality without the revolution
that Marx predicted. This approach meant
that the people would vote on how much
the public controls businesses. Of course
the private properties still exist, but
regular people are guaranteed the main
necessities. These necessities are health
care, education, and pensions for the
elderly people.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

The Industrial Revolution made the air very
unclean for the people to breathe in. The air was
unclean because the factories made smoke that
was heavy and black that flowed out of pipes in
the top of the factories. Also, in the factories,
the working conditions were unsafe. Many
people got killed because they either got caught
in the machines or they were trying to help
someone else who was caught in the machine.
There were also many other problems but those
two were the most important and they affected
more people than the other problems would
have or did.

The luddites were weavers who were known in
the 19th century. The luddites believed that if
they had machines that helped them do what
they were supposed to do by hand, that it would
take away the work they were supposed to do.
They also thought that if they destroyed the
machines that people would not fix them and that
they wouldn't use them. The luddites felt
deprived of their work that they were supposed
to do because of these machines, so they
destroyed them in northern England and the
midlands from 1811 to 1816.
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