Our story begins in a city not too far from here. There was once a detective who lived in this town, who helped many people get out of sticky situations. This town was lucky to have a detective like him. He always happened to be in the right place, at the right time. Which was why he was dubbed, Detective Luck.

Thank you, Detective Luck!
You saved me!

One evening, Detective Luck was preparing dinner when he realized he was fresh out of tomatoes for his famous pasta sauce. In order to finish cooking, he set off on a journey to the store. Detective Luck got into his truck and made his way to the store. As he made his way on to the empty highway, a deer came out of nowhere! Detective Luck quickly swerved out of the deers way and pulled off to the shoulder.
Once he had calmed his breathing he stepped out of the truck, and after assessing that no damage had come to his truck or the deer, he heard what he could only assume it to be…whistling? He followed the sounds into the forest. As his feet drew him closer to the sound, the woods became thicker and darker. The trees grow closer together to blanket the surface of the forest from the stars above. Vines grew above in a tangled, organized mess above him. Their girth revealing the age of its forest.

How strange…Who could possibly be out here whistling?

He followed the sounds into the forest. As his feet drew him closer to the sound, the woods became thicker and darker. The trees grow closer together to blanket the surface of the forest from the stars above. Vines grew above in a tangled, organized mess above him.Their girth revealing the age of its forest.

Before he knew it, Detective Luck stumbled his way out of the forest and into a clearing. Righting himself tall and looking out into the vast opening his eyes adjust to the moon's light and land upon the town's local mechanic! But it wasn’t the fact that the mechanic was out there in the middle of nowhere, at such a late hour that made Detective Luck ponder, it was the fact that the mechanic seemed to be growing from the earth. All Detective Luck could see was the mechanic whaling his arms from side to side, connecting to a torso that had just sprouted up from the ground.

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Our story begins in a city not too far from here. There was once a detective who lived in this town, who helped many people get out of sticky situations. This town was lucky to have a detective like him. He always happened to be in the right place, at the right time. Which was why he was dubbed, Detective Luck.

Thank you, Detective Luck!
You saved me!

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