Detective Books

    Betzy Sterling is a fearless, awesome, coffee loving detective! But when a suspicious cake caper unfolds in her village , there's no one else they can turn to but... AGENT ST…
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  • Lucia Parker private eye Amy Lorell's deadly secret
    Detective Lucia is a story about a twelve-year-old girl named Lucia who starts a detective business. She encounters various challenges, including school assignments and famil…
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    Detective Kimball's new partner is well, a little different. You see Detective Kent solves crimes with a partner of his own, a giant imaginary tiger. With a notorious crimina…
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    Detective Karter Dylan has lived and worked in New London his entire life. He's seen some strange things during his career but nothing could prepare him for a rash of attacks…
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  • The Case of the Fake Detective
    Detective Kam is assigned to solve the case of the fake detective with his partner Jake. They interrogate suspects and eventually discover that Jake is the fake detective. Ja…
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  • The Missing Crown
    When a special crown that belongs to the king goes missing, the queen must find the thief before the king gets home, and before the queen gets thrown in the dungeon!
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  • The Mystery of the Missing Watch
    Violet, a young girl, solves the mystery of her teacher's missing watch by interviewing her classmates and discovering that Elizabeth accidentally took it home. Inspired, Vio…
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  • A Mystery Solved: The Case of Lost Jewels Written and Illustrated by: Leena Aburahmeh
    Alexandre and Eléa, two detective siblings, team up to solve the case of the stolen royal jewels. With their investigation skills and determination, they uncover clues, inter…
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