To anyone and everyone, I hope you have a very merry Christmas.

Detective Lucia
Chapter 1
Lucia Parker was a twelve year old girl who lived in Braddock Town. However she was no ordinary kid. She was one of the first kids to start a detective business on Merry Street.
Lucia also was in love with her family. The reason she liked her family so much was because of her five year old Pomeranian named Boba. But she liked her family members too.
It was a bright and sunny afternoon, and Lucia was out strolling home from school. When all of a sudden, she heard a noise. It sounded like someone screaming, and it was coming from her house!? Lucia dashed to the door. Scrambling it open, she burst into the house and yelled “What’s the emergency!!”
No reply. But what Lucia did hear was her sister wailing “I DON’T WANT TO GO!”
Lucia’s head scrambled up, all of a sudden. Were they moving!? Maybe, switching schools!? Or even worse, going to the swimming summer camp!? Lucia was bad at swimming and she knew it. Now soon all the children there would know.
But before more thoughts could reach her head, she heard more wailing. “I DON'T WANT TO TAKE A BATH!”
Few. A sigh of relief trickled down her neck on to her back. Ohhhhh Lilliana … Lilliana had scared Lucia to death.
The next morning, Lucia found herself in a pickle. She had gotten assigned an essay about the history of Ireland. But the problem was, she was also assigned a science report due on the same day! And even worse Lilliana was bothering her.
But she only had 2 DAYS to complete both, what was she to do! Not only was this bad, but she was bad at both subjects!
When she got home she immediately got started on researching for the essay, and once she had all her notes gathered, she began her science report. But just as she did, her mother called,”Dinner’s ready!” This was bad, Lucia was super busy tomorrow, so she had to get it done tonight!
As soon as Lucia was finished with dinner, she raced upstairs to her room. She grabbed her report paper and began scribbling down her report.
45 minutes later, Lucia was done, and preparing for bed. But little did she know what a day tomorrow would be.
Chapter 2
The worst Tuesday day ever
The next morning was cold and cloudy. The weather seemed to match Lucia’s mood. She could barely see the blue sky! But her day was just going to get worse and worse.
During the first period, Lucia showed Ms. Fauler her report, (the one she got done an entire DAY early.) But the only thing Ms. Fauler showed Lucia was a frown. After class Ms. Fauler asked to speak with Lucia. “Lucia,” said Ms. Fauler “I can barely read this, and your grammar is incorrect.” Lucia was so upset, now she had to rewrite her entire report within lunchtime!
During the second period, Lucia began to fall asleep. Only to be woken up by the principal herself, calling Lucia’s parents!
When Lucia’s parents arrived, they immediately gave her a choice of being grounded or no detective business ever till she would be eighteen. Lucia hated both but ended up picking to be grounded.
Now not only was her day bad, but she found out that she would miss the school field trip on a school bus, to an investigator’s house!
At dinner Lucia barely spoke a word. She didn’t feel like talking, no. She was too ashamed in herself for being sent home from school for bad behavior.
Lucia was also embarrassed all her friends knew what happened to her. But Lucia also felt jealous, she imagined her friends on the bus now, at least she thought they probably were, but she also imagined her with her friends on the bus. Lucia felt too many feelings at once right now to even move. She felt, embarrassed, jealous, bummed out, overwhelmed and mostly ashamed.
Chapter 3
Amy Lorell
The next day at school, Lucia noticed someone new to the school. Ms. Fauler said that her name was Amy Lorell, and that she had just moved here from Chicago. Lucia liked this new girl, so she decided to sit with her at lunch but Lucia couldn’t find Amy. It was as if she had vanished.
The day went on with no signs of Amy. Until it was time to go home. When she spotted Amy walking home. Lucia wanted to say hi, but then Amy seemed to disappear again! “Hmm.” Mumbled Lucia to herself. But it probably was just her eyes thought Lucia.
When Lucia reached home, she was surprised to see her parents sitting in the living room waiting for her. “Lucia,” said her mother. “We have something to tell you.” “What is it?” Asked Lucia. “We’ll tell you during dinner when your sister gets home at dinner.”
At dinner time, everyone was uneasy. The kids wanted to know what the big news was. But their parents were nervous to tell them. Finally the silence was too much to bare, and Lucia’s parents brought the news.
“ Your father and I have some big news to tell you,” announced her mother.
“You two are going to get a sibling!” “What!”cried Lilliana “You’re pregnant?!” Lucia couldn’t believe her ears, was she dreaming? What was going on?
As she was processing this she realized something, they were going to have a crying baby in the house!
“But Lucia meet at your room at seven we also have something else just for you.” Lucia’s mom whispered.
So at seven, Lucia met in her room with her parents. “So I know today is Wednesday and tomorrow is when you’ll be grounded…” her mom said “but we sort of feel bad for you and so we think you don’t have to be grounded.” Lucia’s dad continued. “Yay!” Lucia shouted well… that was the end of that thought Lucia.
The next day, Lucia saw Amy once again. But this time, Lucia followed her home. And was surprised to find out that Amy lived in her neighborhood ! Everything was fine that night, until the glittering light of the full moon filled the dark sky.
Lucia was sitting in bed drawing on her sketchbook when all of a sudden, she heard police sirens. Lucia as well as her family rushed outside to see what was going on, the police sirens were coming from Amy’s house! With that Lucia sprinted so hard that her legs were trembling. She was racing over to Amy’s house, desperate to find out what was happening.
What was happening?! Did something happen to Amy ? Lucia and her family rushed over to Amy’s house to find Amy’s mother crying on their front porch. “What’s going on here ?” Asked Lucia’s mother. “My daughter Amy is missing !” Cried Mrs. Lorell “I don’t know what could have happened to her !” “Well this is a good time for kidnapping it’s eight right?”
I shiver off fear slithered down Lucia’s back. Amy was missing and that meant she may never see her again.
“Oh no!!” “My poor Amy-doodles!” Sobbed Mrs. Lorell.
Chapter 4
Another Mystery
But all of a sudden, Lucia realized something, she could help too ! This was the mystery she had been waiting for!
“Excuse me,” called Lucia to the chief. “But I think I can help!” “You think YOU can help?” Asked one of the officers. “Yes.” replied Lucia.” “My name is Lucia Parker, and I run a detective business!”
“Would this be alright with you Mrs. Lorell?” Asked the other officer. “I’ll take all the help I can get !” Said Mrs. Lorell wiping her tears. “YES!” Lucia shouted as she jumped up and down. In fact she was so excited that she almost plunged and hugged the chief fortunately she didn’t.
Soon, Lucia found herself missing school! All because she got to help the police find Amy. It was so much fun everyone would soon know the name Lucia Parker. But she still felt unsettled, Amy was still missing after all. But that night would surprise Lucia where she believed she was scared.
At dinner Lilliana barely ate, she was too busy asking Lucia questions! Time and time again, Lucia would hear Lilliana ask something like “Lucia have you looked at the Jhonsons house yet?” “Their always acting weird!” Or, “do you need any help?” But then one of Lilliana’s questions really hooked Lucia. “Lucy goosy, have you checked the haunted house yet?” No, she hadn’t, she was too scared.
The next morning, Lucia snuck out of the house. It was dark and cold. But the light of the rising sun guided Lucia’s way. As she approached the haunted house, she braced herself for what could happen to her. As she entered the house, she heard a voice. “Hello?” Called the voice. Lucia recognized it!
“Amy?!” Cried Lucia, trying to hold back tears. She had been scared that she’d never see Amy again. But there she was.
Lucia didn’t know what to do, did she wake Amy’s mother up at 5:15 AM, or call the police at 5:15 AM without calling 911. Because it wasn’t an emergency.
But she really wondered why was Amy there?
Lucia was perplexed. But then realized that Amy’s kidnapper could still be there. Terrified, she yelled “is anyone else here?” No answer.
Finally Lucia turned too Amy. “Why are you here ?” Asked Lucia.
“Were you kidnapped?” “I…. I don’t know”
said Amy. Lucia was confused. “How do you NOT know?!” Said Lucia making a strange face. “I, I just don’t!” Replied Amy sounding as confused as Lucia was. Then Lucia realized, what if Amy got hit in the head!
“Amy are you ok ?” Asked Lucia over and over again, not knowing why. “Yepppp I am certainly fine.” Replied Amy.
Just then, Lucia knew what she should do! First Lucia pulled out her mother’s phone that she had taken in case of emergency, and dialed 911.”Hello,” said Lucia “I have just found a missing girl by the name of Amy Lorell, who may have a head injury. We are standing on Merry street near home 605.”
As soon as Lucia was finished she sat down with Amy and tried to ask her what happened again, but Amy couldn’t remember. So Lucia checked Amy a different way she held up 2 fingers and asked Amy how many she was holding up. She seemed fine, so they began talking.
Chapter 5
Finding clues
A few minutes later, the cops, along side an ambulance arrived. They checked Amy’s temperature, and pulse.
But as this was happening, Amy’s mother ran outside crying so hard Lucia thought her eyes were going to fall out! Amy’s mom rapped Amy in a big hug, and squeezed her till she couldn’t breathe.
“I was so worried!” She kept repeating. But then Lucia realized, her sister had been wright?! Impossible! It was impossible! SHE WAS ONLY A FIRST GRADER!
The doctors concluded that Amy was fine and left. But then why couldn’t Amy be answering right, wondered Lucia.
The next day Lucia met with Amy at lunch. “So why were you in that house again?” Begged Lucia. “Well I won’t tell you why but I’ll give you a clue.” Amy responded as she handed Lucia a crumpled piece of paper. Lucia took it from her and unfolded it. It had a few letters and numbers on it. But as she thought and thought she just couldn’t understand it.
I 1 13 1 23 olwwfere-Amy
Lucia quickly pulled out another sticky note out of her backpack and wrote the same thing on it and stuffed both notes back into her backpack. After that she changed the topic and started asking Amy questions.
“What’s your favorite animal?” “Oh cool, whats your favorite food?” But really all these questions were not just to make friends with Amy, well that too, but the questions were really for trying to figure out why she was in the old rusty abandoned cottage.
Chapter 6
Code Cracker Lucia
Why had Amy been at that house? Lucia had to know. So as soon as the bell rang Lucia ran home to crack the code.
She started looking up different codes and languages. She even made sure that it wasn’t the code that the Navajo code talkers used! Luckily it wasn’t. But Lilliana thought that it was in Chinese?! Oh Lilliana…! Her little sister was hilarious!
After hours of research, Lucia had only found what it wasn’t. But she had to keep trying!
After a while she tried unscrambling numbers like, 1 13 could be 13 1? And 1 23 could be 23 1?
The next morning was a Saturday, and Lucia spent all day trying to crack the code. It seemed Impossible! But then she realized, what if they were not scrambled numbers, what if they were scrambled letters that made a word!
Lucia unscrambled the letters and found Owlfere, oewlfer and… Werewolf! What could this mean! And what were those numbers for? She just had to figure it out!
Then it hit her, Amy’s favorite animal was a wolf! Maybe her real favorite animal was a werewolf! It was a type of wolf was in it?
Lucia kept repeating the numbers and werewolf over and over and over again. "Hmm i 1 13 1 23 werewolf-Amy. Then it hit her! one meant the other won. Amy probably won two werewolf prizes because their two ones in the puzzle. But all these ones or won's started to confuse Lucia and it was late it was almost 10:00 PM! So Lucia decided she would go to Amy's and tell her she had figured out the code.
Chapter 7
The next day Lucia found herself knocking on the door of Amy Lorell's. And with all the knocks, the door swung open, revealing Mrs. Lorell.
"Oh Hi!" Amy's mom joyfully said. "Come on in." she invited. "Thanks so much for rescuing my little Amy." she replied. "I think she is upstairs." said Mrs. Lorell continuously. But right as they turned around there was Amy standing with her hands on her hips.
"Mom you know I'm twelve no need to call me little Amy anymore OK?" moaned Amy. "Ok." replied Mrs. Lorell sounding a little bit sad.
“They grow up so fast!” Said Mrs. Lorell “ It feels like just yesterday that my Amy-tots was just a baby.” “MOM!” Cried Amy "I’m NOT Amy-tots !” Lucia giggled. Amy -tots ?! How cute!
“I figured out what your code meant!” Cried Lucia. “Really, then what does it mean?” Asked Amy. “It means you won a werewolf prize! Replied Lucia. Amy looked at her strangely and then started giggling and then started laughing really hard. "hehehaha you thought hehehehaha it meant that." Well in one word that is a big fat NO!" And then Amy softened "well I will say you got the werewolf part right."
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To anyone and everyone, I hope you have a very merry Christmas.

Detective Lucia
Chapter 1
Lucia Parker was a twelve year old girl who lived in Braddock Town. However she was no ordinary kid. She was one of the first kids to start a detective business on Merry Street.
Lucia also was in love with her family. The reason she liked her family so much was because of her five year old Pomeranian named Boba. But she liked her family members too.
It was a bright and sunny afternoon, and Lucia was out strolling home from school. When all of a sudden, she heard a noise. It sounded like someone screaming, and it was coming from her house!? Lucia dashed to the door. Scrambling it open, she burst into the house and yelled “What’s the emergency!!”
No reply. But what Lucia did hear was her sister wailing “I DON’T WANT TO GO!”
Lucia’s head scrambled up, all of a sudden. Were they moving!? Maybe, switching schools!? Or even worse, going to the swimming summer camp!? Lucia was bad at swimming and she knew it. Now soon all the children there would know.
But before more thoughts could reach her head, she heard more wailing. “I DON'T WANT TO TAKE A BATH!”
Few. A sigh of relief trickled down her neck on to her back. Ohhhhh Lilliana … Lilliana had scared Lucia to death.
- END >
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