This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
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It all happened on that day, the eleventh of December. It was just like any other ordinary day,
go to school and just manage to live through all the classes until the day ended. But it was that
afternoon, when everything went from a normal day to “What in the world is happening!” The
day didn't just end with me playing video games at home for the rest of the afternoon, instead
I had to stay after school for detention. Surprisingly, I was the only one there, I was
expecting to see Thomas and Alex stuck here as well. I had detention until 4:30, but strangely
I was still locked in even after the time past. So that’s when I figured out that something
wasn't right. I tried looking for keys to unlock the door and get out, but it was no hope. I tried
breaking through the window, but it didn’t break.

Then I finally noticed the exponent expression written on the chalkboard, it read,
I was so confused, we had already finished the lesson on them. But I didn’t mind it,
maybe Mrs. Darrah was tutoring another student. So I go on, rummaging through her
desk trying to find a paperclip to pick the lock and get out. But while I was looking
through the drawers, I discovered a sticky note, with a message reading, “ I’m
watching you!” I payed no attention, thinking maybe it was just a prank, so I continue
through the next drawer. Suddenly, I see something in the corner of my eye, that
snaps me out of my trance. It’s another sticky note, but with a different message, it
reads, “Simplify the exponential expression.” The very first thing I thought of was if
they thought this whole thing was a game! I didn’t want to do it, I try my best to avoid
actually doing work, but I needed to leave this place.

I learned exponents 2 months ago. First, I had to find the definition of an
exponent. So I searched for it in the teachers’ algebra book. The definition of an
exponent read, “A number that tells you how many times to use the base as a
factor.” The base is the number that the exponent applies to, for example like in
“205^0,” so 205 would be the base. I remembered that this type of exponent
problem is called, “Zero Exponent”. Whenever the exponent is 0 to the power of any
base, the answer will always be one. So I ran up to the board and wrote, “=1” next
to the problem on the board. Then all of a sudden I heard the door click open. I
quickly ran for the door and got out of the room.

205^0 = 1

(In room 143… Olivia wakes up) I don’t know what happened. Where is everyone? Why are the
lights dimmed? Last thing I remembered was searching for last year’s yearbooks. Now I’m here
in the library just having woken up all alone with a yearbook in my lap. So I got up and flipped
through the pages of the book and found a note card right inside the cover. The notecard had
writing in red marker, the writing stated, “Simplify this negative exponential expression,xy^-
3.” I thought this was a prank or something, but it was an easy problem so I decided to work
out the problem anyway. The problem was easy, whenever the exponent is negative you will
make the whole number a fraction with one in the numerator, so it became, “x times 1 over
y^3.” Then all I had to do was multiply x/1 with 1/y^3, and got the the simplified expression
as x/y^3. I wrote “xy^-3= x/y^3” on the card and tucked it in my shirt pocket, wondering if
I could get extra credit off of it. Suddenly, I heard a loud click by the door area, and payed
no attention to it. Now that I remembered I’m suppose to be back home by now , I walked out
the door and into the hallway on my tippy toes trying not to make a sound. Even though I was
trying to get out of the school, it seemed as if I was trying to break in instead.

(In room I72… Thomas discovers a math problem to solve for a snack)
Bang, Bang, BANG!!! The Sunchips didn’t fall down, but I got my change back.
Oh, almost forgot to tell you about how I ended up banging on a vending machine.
But, here’s how it all began… I was supposed to be in detention for cheating on my
Algebra test, but I snuck out while the teacher was gone. I was roaming the
halls, when I saw the Teacher’s Lounge door slightly open. I looked to see if
anyone was around, and secretly slunk in. The first thing that caught my gaze was
the vending machine (dun dun DUN!!!). So I slunk closer to the vending machine,
while staying alert at sametime. I felt all the pockets I had, and then in the right
pocket of my hoodie, I felt four big coins and 5 smaller ones. I had 4 quarters
and 5 nickels. So I grabbed the coins, and popped them into the machine. Then
looking at the machine the one only Sunchips caught my eyes right away. And right
under the only bag of Sunchips left in that machine was b^6b^6. So I pressed B6
into the machine, and a message came out that said, “Error: Code Invalid.”

Now that I looked more closely at the code under the bag, the code said b to the
6th power and not B6.
I wasn’t always the best at math, but this one was pretty easy. Multiplying
exponents with the same base was a simple task. Whenever you multiply exponents
with the same base, you keep the same base, and add both exponents together.
So in my situation right now, you would put the 2 numbers side by side with a
multiplication symbol in between. Since the 2 numbers are b^6b^6, I would add
the 2 exponents: 6 and 6 together, to get 12. And this gives me the answer b¹²,
because the base has to stay the same. Finally, all I had to do was press in B12
into the numberpad. This was it, this was where I would finally get what I have
longed for since the 30 minutes that had gone by. I pressed the B key, the one,
and then the two key. And then I could both hear and see the spiral unravel, then
a soft boom in the machine.

I reached for the bag and at last it’s right here in my hand. I slowly opened the
bag and stuck my nose right over it. WHAT! There was no smell? That’s when I
looked down and saw nothing, but a small index card, that had the writing, “Look
at the clock.” Before I looked at the clock, there was some unfinished business
left between me and the vending machine, so I beat the piece of junk and pushed
it over. Then I looked up at the clock that was right above the door. It was 12
minutes past six, which means it was way past the time, I should be home by. I
stuck my head out of the room, and didn't see anything. Since the hallway and
the whole school seemed so empty, I could imagine tumbleweeds tumbling across
the halls and also that sound effect in western movies, the sound of a whistle and
then, “Pwom...Pwomm...Pwommm!”

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

It all happened on that day, the eleventh of December. It was just like any other ordinary day,
go to school and just manage to live through all the classes until the day ended. But it was that
afternoon, when everything went from a normal day to “What in the world is happening!” The
day didn't just end with me playing video games at home for the rest of the afternoon, instead
I had to stay after school for detention. Surprisingly, I was the only one there, I was
expecting to see Thomas and Alex stuck here as well. I had detention until 4:30, but strangely
I was still locked in even after the time past. So that’s when I figured out that something
wasn't right. I tried looking for keys to unlock the door and get out, but it was no hope. I tried
breaking through the window, but it didn’t break.

Then I finally noticed the exponent expression written on the chalkboard, it read,
I was so confused, we had already finished the lesson on them. But I didn’t mind it,
maybe Mrs. Darrah was tutoring another student. So I go on, rummaging through her
desk trying to find a paperclip to pick the lock and get out. But while I was looking
through the drawers, I discovered a sticky note, with a message reading, “ I’m
watching you!” I payed no attention, thinking maybe it was just a prank, so I continue
through the next drawer. Suddenly, I see something in the corner of my eye, that
snaps me out of my trance. It’s another sticky note, but with a different message, it
reads, “Simplify the exponential expression.” The very first thing I thought of was if
they thought this whole thing was a game! I didn’t want to do it, I try my best to avoid
actually doing work, but I needed to leave this place.

I learned exponents 2 months ago. First, I had to find the definition of an
exponent. So I searched for it in the teachers’ algebra book. The definition of an
exponent read, “A number that tells you how many times to use the base as a
factor.” The base is the number that the exponent applies to, for example like in
“205^0,” so 205 would be the base. I remembered that this type of exponent
problem is called, “Zero Exponent”. Whenever the exponent is 0 to the power of any
base, the answer will always be one. So I ran up to the board and wrote, “=1” next
to the problem on the board. Then all of a sudden I heard the door click open. I
quickly ran for the door and got out of the room.

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