There once lived a wolf named, Stewie, who lived happily with his pack.

Every night the pack walked deep into the forest to howl under the moon.
But Stewie was different...
he couldn't howl.

Whenever he tried, all he could muster was a whimper.

One day, Stewie woke up in the forest, but his pack was nowhere to be found.
He panicked and traveled all day looking for his pack.

This cannot be happening. My pack would never abandon me. I need to find them!
For days he wandered the forest until he ran into Yandolf, the old wise tree....

Oh great tree! I have lost my family. Please help me!

Oh young wolf, you must first discover yourself before finding where you truly belong. Now go. Begin your journey.

And so the lost wolf began his voyage ....

I must learn how to howl. Then I can find my pack and live happily again.

The next day, Stewie was walking in the woods when he came across a rabbit named Henry.
I was abandoned because I couldn't hop! I've never hopped before, I'm scared I will fall and get hurt
Why are you all alone?
And so Henry joined Stewie's journey to find where they belonged until they ran into a bird named Norman.

Oh little bird. What are you doing out here all alone.
I'm all alone because I can't fly! My family flew away without me. Please help!

And so the wolf who couldn't howl and the rabbit who couldn't hop and the bird who couldn't fly continued their journey together... but their greatest challenge lied ahead.

The first challenge was a huge waterfall blocking their path. Stewie and Norman jumped over, but Henry was stuck because he couldn't hop.

Don't be scared Henry, you can do it!
I so scared but I will try!
And so Henry mustered all his strength, let go of his fear, and jumped...

I did it! I really did it! I jumped for the first time.
Henry finally learned to jump, but the journey was far from over ...

For days they wondered until they reached the snowy mountains.
Let's turn back guys. We don't know what's over those mountains.
We need someone to check what's over those mountains, but they are so high. It's impossible!
But Norman realized what he had to do, he let of his fear, wagging his wings with all his might...

I'm doing it! I'm flying. It's clear guys, the other side of the mountain is safe.

They continued their journey over the snowy mountains but there was one final danger to overcome. While walking they stumbled upon a hungry tiger!

What's the tiger going to do to us? We have to scare him away.
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There once lived a wolf named, Stewie, who lived happily with his pack.

Every night the pack walked deep into the forest to howl under the moon.
But Stewie was different...
he couldn't howl.

Whenever he tried, all he could muster was a whimper.

One day, Stewie woke up in the forest, but his pack was nowhere to be found.
- END >
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