Table of Contents:
What is Sexual Dimorphism
Why is it important
Primate information
Evolution and Anthropology Information
Neanderthals and their connection

I'm Josie, and I will be helping you navigate this book and the world of Primates in Anthropology.

What is Sexual Dimorphism anyway?
Well, that is a great question!

There are so many examples all around you every day!
Let's Look at a few!

Sexual Dimorphism is when we see two different genders of the same species represented in different physical traits and characteristics.
Common examples you might see are the ducks and birds common to your region. Like the cardinal or mallard duck. The males and females look very different.

More Specific to Anthropology Examples:

We can see examples of Sexual Dimorphism in a wide variety of Primate Species. This can be in monkeys, apes, even YOU!

What is a Primate?

What a great question! There are a few main characteristics that really help scientists and us identify them!
We can look for these common traits!
• Long Life spans and slow growth, like you right now
• Hands adapted for grabbing and pulling
• A heightened sense of vision
• Opposable thumbs
• Big Brains in relation to their body size

What is the difference between an Ape and a Monkey?

Monkeys have tails while apes don't. Also, generally, monkeys tend to be smaller while apes are large-chested with broad shoulders.
Examples of Monkeys

Examples of Apes

Sexual dimorphism in Monkeys examples
Something to note about sexual dimorphism in a lot of monkeys is that it can be hard to identify from their outward appearance. Many monkeys have what we call skeletal sexual dimorphic differences.
That just means that besides some outward size differences the main way to identify a sexual dimorphism in monkeys is by analyzing their skeletons.
Sexual Dimorphism examples in Apes
Apes can sometimes have very obvious sexual dimorphic characteristics in some species. A great example can be found when you take a look at the major apes that you have probably seen at the zoo! Like Gorillas and Orangutans.

Why are there different traits in the different genders?
The phenomenon of sexual dimorphism is a direct product of evolution by natural selection, in that the struggle for reproductive success drives many male and female organisms down different evolutionary paths. (1)

It just means that over time species evolved in these patterns
Why is this important?

We see these examples in the evolution of a lot of species, not only primates. If the male gender of an animal looks different from the female, that is sexual dimorphism. Sometimes the males are larger and sometimes its flipped.

I bet you're wondering what exactly evolution is, and why sexual dimorphism is a result of this process.
These are all great questions that scientists have been asking and helping identify. See you are thinking just like a scientist!
Let's Start with what evolution is!

Evolution is the process of change through a species over many generations. These changes can be seen in the growth or loss of physical, behavioral, and cultural traits. The genetic material of a species changes and can lead to new or more species as a result.
Evolution has many causes, from adaptation because of survival or what scientists refer to as natural selection. This just means that the best fit for life and survival will be the ones populating the earth and continuing to grow as a species.

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Table of Contents:
What is Sexual Dimorphism
Why is it important
Primate information
Evolution and Anthropology Information
Neanderthals and their connection

I'm Josie, and I will be helping you navigate this book and the world of Primates in Anthropology.

What is Sexual Dimorphism anyway?
Well, that is a great question!

There are so many examples all around you every day!
Let's Look at a few!

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