- exploring historical monuments, culture, noble family
- pupils getting to know each other from the partner country
Exploring regional history

History of the school
In 1961, a decision was made to establish the Gymnasium in Čakovec, the first educational institution of its type in Međimurje.
The students of the 2nd and 3rd grades of the Teacher's School became high school students and worked according to the adapted high school program, while the fourth grade students were given the opportunity to graduate as high school students or as teachers. Only 1st grades are enrolled as "pure" high school students.
The gymnasium was located in a part of the Old Town where the School of Economics operated until then, which moved to a new building. In the Old Town, there was no adaptation of the space, only teaching materials were acquired. The gymnasium had 18 classes.
Plans are being made for the construction of a new school. Mass meetings of trade union branches were held in the labor organizations of Međimurje, where decisions were made on the method of collecting funds for construction. In this way, two thirds of the funds were collected.
To the general satisfaction of students, professors and residents of Međimurje, the new building was opened on August 3, 1967.
During the opening of the Gymnasium, a citizens' assembly was held at which representatives of the Republic and the Municipality of Čakovec were present.
At that time, there were 29 teachers in the Gymnasium. In the same year, the construction of sports fields began. The works were performed by the students during production practice. The difficulties that accompanied the Gymnasium were the lack of books and a hall for
P.E. Much attention was paid to free activities.
In 1977, the Gymnasium, together with the School of Economics and Commerce, formed the High School Center. We work together until 1991, when the Gymnasium becomes independent again.
Today's organization of the school is organized in such a way that it contributes as successfully as possible to the achievement of the goals and tasks of secondary education. Classes are organized in specialized classrooms and classrooms. The gymnasium is the only such school in Međimurje County and its capacities meet the needs of this region.
Today, there are 28 classes, that is, 870 students in three types of programs: general, language, and science-mathematical high school.
Professional and high-quality teaching staff contributes to the interest in enrolling in our school. Great care is constantly being taken about furnishing cabinets and classrooms, acquiring books for the school library, acquiring professional literature, etc.
All students can satisfy their interests through optional and optional classes, and through various free activities.
Along with the material equipment of the school, our main concern is the student. A lot of attention is paid to working with gifted students,
but also with those who have problems of any kind. Students are also educated about health through various lectures of professional services.
Throughout its 50 years of operation, the Gymnasium has had significant successes through various competitions.

Presentation of schools: Creating a shared map in Ethermaps
Characteristics of the school
Our school, the Grammar school of Pavol Jozef Safarik has been in use since 1920, firstly, as a State real grammar school. Since 1968 until now, it has been established as a grammar school, being the only one in the Roznava district. Currently, the school has 21 classes: 8 classes with an eight-year study with Slovak language learning, 4 classes with four-year study with Slovak language learning, 4 classes with four-year study with Hungarian language learning and 5 classes with bilingual (English, Slovak) learning. The school has 425 students. We have the ability to study different languages: English, German, Russian, French, Italian. We also participate in projects, such as Erasmus+, ETwinning, DofE or EPAS. Our students compete and participate in many different cometitions to their liking, testing their knowledge or sport skills where they tend to be very successful
Videos of schools
Gimnazija Josipa Slavenskog Čakovec
Gymnázium P. J. Šafárika - P. J. Šafárik Gimnázium Rožňava
Presentations and kahoot quizzes of the schools
Gimnazija Josipa Slavenskog Čakovec
presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wDXYmPqdj-ui2Amx1M20PbdVx6Z0qKfX/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101490890878984322023&rtpof=true&sd=true
kahoot: https://create.kahoot.it/share/zrinski-family/8b0acb30-fa5c-4154-ae14-3dd184c77ab9
Gymnázium P. J. Šafárika - P. J. Šafárik Gimnázium Rožňava
presentation: https://view.genial.ly/63c129f13289cc00195cc6ca/presentation-simple-presentation
kahoot: https://create.kahoot.it/share/exploring-regional-history/7c05ef95-3217-41ea-bf73-9772acc29de5

Introducing students to Padlet with their own videos: Getting to know each other through the Padlet platform. Students introduced themselves individually through a video (name, age, favorite subjects, hobbies, etc.), which are published on a common bulletin board.
Padlet is a real-time collaborative web platform in which users can upload, organize, and share content to virtual bulletin boards called "padlets".

Creation of a mutual project logo: Exploring regional history. The goal of our activity was creating a mutual logo using the online tool Canva between two partner schools: Gymnázium P. J. Šafárika - P. J. Šafárik Gimnázium Rožňava, Slovakia and Gimnazija Josipa Slavenskog Čakovec, Croatia. Both schools created their logo design, then we mutually voted via Google Forms on the winning logo which represents our project.
Our task was to choose from two options, the one with the more votes, won. The link was sent to students by their teachers in order for them to choose their favorite logo.
The link for the voting: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddtS3bCzu8YWN1s6pbt4seGMHGG7U2PMvbtmPYAVGhQicu0A/viewform
The link is through google format, all of the students should vote, so it is more efficient.

We held an online meeting with a partner school via Zoom. The students introduced themselves to each other and presented their schools using the videos they had prepared. Subsequently, we agreed on the next steps of the project and on the final version of the project, which is an e-book.

- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
- exploring historical monuments, culture, noble family
- pupils getting to know each other from the partner country
Exploring regional history

History of the school
In 1961, a decision was made to establish the Gymnasium in Čakovec, the first educational institution of its type in Međimurje.
The students of the 2nd and 3rd grades of the Teacher's School became high school students and worked according to the adapted high school program, while the fourth grade students were given the opportunity to graduate as high school students or as teachers. Only 1st grades are enrolled as "pure" high school students.
The gymnasium was located in a part of the Old Town where the School of Economics operated until then, which moved to a new building. In the Old Town, there was no adaptation of the space, only teaching materials were acquired. The gymnasium had 18 classes.
Plans are being made for the construction of a new school. Mass meetings of trade union branches were held in the labor organizations of Međimurje, where decisions were made on the method of collecting funds for construction. In this way, two thirds of the funds were collected.
To the general satisfaction of students, professors and residents of Međimurje, the new building was opened on August 3, 1967.
During the opening of the Gymnasium, a citizens' assembly was held at which representatives of the Republic and the Municipality of Čakovec were present.
At that time, there were 29 teachers in the Gymnasium. In the same year, the construction of sports fields began. The works were performed by the students during production practice. The difficulties that accompanied the Gymnasium were the lack of books and a hall for
P.E. Much attention was paid to free activities.
In 1977, the Gymnasium, together with the School of Economics and Commerce, formed the High School Center. We work together until 1991, when the Gymnasium becomes independent again.
Today's organization of the school is organized in such a way that it contributes as successfully as possible to the achievement of the goals and tasks of secondary education. Classes are organized in specialized classrooms and classrooms. The gymnasium is the only such school in Međimurje County and its capacities meet the needs of this region.
Today, there are 28 classes, that is, 870 students in three types of programs: general, language, and science-mathematical high school.
Professional and high-quality teaching staff contributes to the interest in enrolling in our school. Great care is constantly being taken about furnishing cabinets and classrooms, acquiring books for the school library, acquiring professional literature, etc.
All students can satisfy their interests through optional and optional classes, and through various free activities.
Along with the material equipment of the school, our main concern is the student. A lot of attention is paid to working with gifted students,
but also with those who have problems of any kind. Students are also educated about health through various lectures of professional services.
Throughout its 50 years of operation, the Gymnasium has had significant successes through various competitions.
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