Who speaks english?
English is spoken by people all around the world. It is estimated that over 1.5 billion people speak and understand English.
The majority of English speakers are non-native speakers, with around 400 million people speaking English as their first language.
If we look at the population of USA, that can explain a lot only by itself. USA’s population is 331 million. The majority of the native speakers are from USA.
The difference between ENL, ESL, EFL and ELF?
ENL, ESL, EFL, and ELF are terms used to describe different types of English language learners.
-ENL stands for English as a Native Language, referring to individuals who grew up speaking English as their first language.
-ESL stands for English as a Second Language, referring to individuals who are learning English in addition to their native language in a country where English is the primary language. ESL speakers use English regularly in their daily lives, but it is not their first language.
They may have learned English in school or picked it up through exposure to the language through media or interactions with English speakers.
-EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language, referring to individuals who are learning English in a country where English is not the primary language and may not have much exposure to English outside of the classroom.
EFL speakers, on the other hand, learn English as a foreign language, often in a classroom setting. They may not have many opportunities to use English outside of the classroom, but may still have a strong grasp of the language.
-ELF stands for English as a Lingua Franca, referring to English used as a common language of communication between speakers who do not share the same native language. .
This includes situations such as business meetings, academic conferences, and international travel, where English is used as a common language between people who may speak different languages
Why English is a global Language?
If i have to be honest, english has become global language thanks to blood and suffering. The British Empire played a crucial role in spreading the language, using it for administration, trade, and education in their colonies.
As the United States rose to become a superpower in the 20th century, their cultural and economic influence, from Hollywood movies to American music and literature, helped to spread English across the globe.
Of course, it doesn't hurt that English is relatively easy to learn compared to other languages, with its simple grammar system and vast vocabulary that is constantly evolving.
All of these factors have combined to make English easy language for international communication and learning, and its influence shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
In addition to that, there are too many materials to learn english. Even if we don’t want to we are exposed to english in our daily lives.
What makes a global language?
One of the key characteristics of a global language is people who speak the language. How many people speak the language? It’s widespread is important.
A global language should be easy and it should be semantic, not contextual. Contextual languages are good for litarature and art.
However global language is for people between who do not share the same native language. This should allow individuals to communicate across linguistic and cultural barriers.
A global language is often used as the language of business and finance, this is because it allows businesses to communicate with partners and clients from different parts of the world effectively.
In addition to that, Internatonal trade is one of the important part of the global language.
If we summarize it: political and economic power, technolgical influence, entertainment industry, education and simplicity can make a language a global language.
Why do we need a global language?
The first reason is international communication.
Through global language people of different nationalities, cultures, and languages, making it easier to conduct business, negotiate agreements, and engage in international diplomacy.
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Who speaks english?
English is spoken by people all around the world. It is estimated that over 1.5 billion people speak and understand English.
The majority of English speakers are non-native speakers, with around 400 million people speaking English as their first language.
If we look at the population of USA, that can explain a lot only by itself. USA’s population is 331 million. The majority of the native speakers are from USA.
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