Linguistic Diversity Books

  • A Tale of Social Harmony and Linguistic Diversity
    Maria, a 10-year-old girl from Mexico, struggles with English in her new 5th grade class. Ethan, a gifted student, helps her and promotes inclusivity.
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  • World Englishes & Culture
    This book explores the importance and impact of the English language globally, discussing its advantages and disadvantages.
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  • Christmas in India
    Explore how Christmas is celebrated in different states across India, including traditions, decorations, food, and languages spoken.
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  • By:Moises Life in new york
    A list of 12 interesting facts about New York City, including its population, linguistic diversity, historical landmarks, and cultural demographics.
  • Global Language
    The story explores the English language, its global reach, and the impact of a global language on culture and diversity.
    This book provides information about World Englishes, including the different groups of English speakers and models of its spread. It discusses the reasons why English is a g…
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  • World Englishes 2023
    Global Englishes explores the diverse forms of English spoken worldwide and the factors that influence its use. It discusses who speaks English, the differences between nativ…
  • Mr. Worth's Inclusive Classroom
    Mr. Worth, a teacher, embraces inclusive teaching methods to accommodate his new students, Trang and Charles, who have different needs.
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