Katie Sullivan the most stupendous writing teacher, who helped edit.
My parents, Nana, and PopPop for always encouraging me.
Bo Terrific my pugtastic pug, who helped me think up an adorable pug
diary, about a persistent, adventurous, and sweet pink puppy!

August 5, 2019!
Hello New Diary,
My name is Precious Pugington! I am one year old, which is seven years in canine years. I'm the runt of four other puppies; my brothers' names are Pudge, Prince, Puddles, and Peanut! We inhabit a forest in the stupendous state, California. I have lived here for one year. My parents have a depressing story about how they got to our wonderful, wild woodland. My father was the runt of his litter as well, and his previous owners resided on a plantation. My father was supposed to be a herd dog, but then the appalling farmer thought he was too weak and left him in a nearby forest when he was eight months old. Fortunately, when my dad was two years old, he discovered a midnight black pug, who would be my mother. Previously, my mom lived a luxurious lifestyle in a gigantic mansion. She was a cultivated pup, who adored exploring a bit too much, which was the reason she got lost. The two pups cherished each other then had us a year later! Oh, I forgot to tell you something unique about me. I'M PINK!
When I was born my parents were awestruck to see a bubblegum pink pug puppy (that’s me)! I love living among the trees, but sometimes I desire I was part of a true forever home with someone who would care for us. But my brothers and I are all fond of different subjects. Like Pudge LOVES to consume everything in sight. He would even devour bark from a tree! (P.S. Yuck) Prince is creative and a talented artist! He paints with the juices from wild berries. Puddles always needs to go to the bathroom. The last of my brothers is Peanut; he loves to snooze all day every day. Oh, my mom and dad are calling me. BYE!

August 7, 2019!
Dear Diary,
Guess what? Two days ago, my parents exclaimed, "We will venture in search of a forever home!" I flipped in the air when I heard that statement. I just adore traveling and we leave tomorrow. I collected everything I will require for an expedition. I am packing a picture that Prince sketched of our woodland, a variety of berries, many sticks, and you, my beloved diary. I do not have anything to place it in. That's why I am so appreciative of my mother, who stayed up all night creating paw-woven backpacks for the journey ahead of us. She used multi-colored grass the colors of green, blue, and PINK! After ten minutes of packing, now I am prepared.
Oh no, DISASTER STRUCK! When I finished packing, Pudge whined, "I do not want to leave this woodland because it has the most scrumptious berries and tree bark to snack on."
Then Prince complained, "Why can we not bring all seven of my berry paints?"
Also Puddles questioned, "Will there be bathrooms on the trail?" And Peanut didn't
say one single word because he was asleep (of course). This adventure to find the perfect home is one gigantic flop. We might never ever leave this lush grove. Then my dad, Sir Pugington, spotted me looking more blue than pink and asked, "Precious, would you like to aid your daddy with all these dilemmas? You could be my little puggy helper!"
I grinned and exclaimed, "YES!" After forty whole minutes, we found a solution for every situation. This is how we solved them. Pudge took twenty berries for the trail while Prince grasped two of his favorite berry paints raspberry pink and grape purple. P.S. Grapes are hazardous to dogs, which is why we don't lick grape paint. Then we told Puddles, "We are pugs, the potty is everywhere."
Today was exhausting. I am sleepy, Diary. Goodbye! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

August 8, 2019!
Hi Diary,
My family and I have been strolling for hours! But something REALLY terrifying happened to my older brother, Peanut. I'll tell you everything, Diary. While we were walking nonstop, all our paws became bright red like roses. We paused at a nearby park with silver sprinklers fastened in the ground. Then we put our burning paws in the frigid water, and we cooled down quickly. But then we encountered a massive black road. My brother, Peanut, was extremely sluggish, so my mother picked him up and gently placed him on her soft black back. Then we sprinted like the wind across the street. We examined if every pug crossed the street. Everybody was safe except one pug puppy, PEANUT!
If you think that is scary, we spotted the brindle puppy motionless in the middle of the road. I boldly announced, "I will rescue my brother."
My parents hesitantly explained, “Precious, you are the runt of the litter. You are way too petite to lift Peanut.”
But then a blazing red truck filled with succulent watermelons was driving right towards Peanut. Every pug gasped, but my father leaped as quick as lightning howling out loud "NO PUG LEFT BEHIND!!!" He grasped Peanut by the scruff and galloped back before the automobile flattened them like pugcakes. We were amazed at our dad's bravery. Then Peanut woke up and groggily yawned , "What happened?"
Our mouths dropped. But we decided to not tell him what happened. That is one of the many ventures we experienced so far. Well, time to get back on track. Have a wonderful day, Diary!

August 13, 2019!
Dear Diary,
It is so much fun breathing the fresh oxygen in my lungs. I'm also getting lots of exercise, unlike Pudge, who is actually gaining more weight every day because he is taste-testing daisies, pink poppies, and maple leaves every where we go. But, enough about my older sibling's appetite, my daddy is calling my name, wait a second, Diary…
I'm back. My parents noticed a tranquil river, glistening in the sun's rays. The stream is gorgeous, but we need to travel across. I have an idea. I am positive we can create a raft. I assigned each of my family members an assignment. Pudge and I collected sticks, logs, and tiny pieces of driftwood. Prince, Puddles, and Peanut searched for long green vines. When we obtained our supplies, my mom and dad were tying knots so our raft would be sturdy. It was finished.
Wait... I do not want to get you soaked, Diary. Look, I found a plastic bag laying on the solid terra-firma. It fits you perfectly. But, to be honest, I believe it is truly awful to leave bottles, chip bags, and plastic yogurt cups in our environment. I have a plan on
how to make the Earth a spotless planet. We will need to collect trash one piece at a time. Twelve minutes later, we had picked up fifty pieces of garbage. I am tired but grateful for aiding our planet.
It's time to go in the water. Weeeeeee... It's quite exhilarating to ride this raft.
Wait, why are my parents pointing? Huh, it's a WATERFALL! We are doggy-paddling with our paws like crazy. I am so exhausted. No, I must keep paddling. Maybe I could rest for a little while, wait... NOOOOOOOOO! Splash! Help me, ahhhhhhhh!

August 14, 2019!
Hello Diary,
I hope I did not get you drenched. I cannot believe I slid down that waterfall. My body aches and I think I injured my paw. I can barely lift it. I am really frightened because I am unattended in this eerie forest without my mommy, daddy, or brothers to defend me. I cannot even growl. How embarrassing. But now I am wondering how I can locate my family. I do not have a single idea in my noggin. I am positive my parents are worried sick. I will write when I have a plan, Diary.
One hour later, I think I have a plan. I hobbled on three paws and while doing so noticed muddy pawprints on the moist ground. It was not a squirrel, fox, or a bear's paw prints; it belonged to a canine. But not any type of pup. It was a PUG! I am following the petite paw prints. Oh no. The trail ceased. I will never locate my parents and siblings again. Wait, I detected a trail of raspberries. Now I am strolling, strolling, and strolling. My path is blocked by two shrubs; I squeezed through the lush plants with pink blossoms. Diary, guess who I discovered? My family! I am elated. Our curly pug tails wagged vigorously. My mom and dad are licking me ecstatically.
We snuggled throughout the afternoon, evening, and night. I could not let go. We will start traveling in a while. I wonder what thrilling adventure will happen next? Goodnight, Diary!

September 21, 2019!
Hi Diary,
Sorry I couldn't write sooner. Nothing fascinating was happening, but finally we encountered something magnificent . While we were nibbling on strawberries, leftover wheat bread on the ground, and wild carrots (the carrots were delectable), we confronted an enormous mountain. I was determined to ascend to the summit. But, first my brother Puddles was in need of a bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, we began climbing this incredible peak. Wow, it seems really steep. We should construct a plan. Here it is:
1. We need to cushion our little craniums! So, we collected huge acorn tops for helmets.
2. We must not separate; we need to be connected. Fortunately, we found oodles of vines.
3. We must fasten the vines tightly around our waists.
4. We are prepared now. Yay!
Ok, now it is time. Two hours later, this is grueling. I had no idea that it would be two hours of climbing. You know, my mother's rope seems to be loose. Oh no. SNAP! Ahhhhhhhhh, we are done for, but wait, my father snatched my mom's curly tail. We are saved! We are so close to the summit. My pugtastic family proclaimed, "That's one small step for a pug, one giant leap for pugkind!" As we arrived to the summit, I was awestruck at the sight of an exquisite pale pink sunset in the distance. It was a marvelous sight to behold! This was truly the most preeminent adventure yet. Bye, Diary!

September 29, 2019!
Good morning, Diary,
We are so close to the end of our quest to discover a furrever home. But I have a question fixed in my head, "Will our owner be delightful or dreadful?" What do you think because I am starting to have second thoughts? I wouldn't have ventured all this way with my family members for a sinister person. Let's hope we are adopted by an enjoyable and sweet owner. It is rather warm out here. Ouch, my petite toes are scorching hot! Oh dear, some of my brothers are complaining. Pudge shouted, "I am starving! I yearn for snacks or I will perish!"
Prince cried, "I accidentally spilled my berry paints. Now I cannot create any more masterpieces!" Even my parents are glum. Hey, I think I spotted a crystal clear stream. I immediately need to notify my family right away. It seems pretty close; water, here I come. Cannonball!!!
Diary, something disappointing happened. The water I spied was not real. It was a mirage. I cannonballed in parched grass. My family and I are extremely thirsty. Huh,
what are those green patches on those hills? It could be vegetation? Woodlands have plants; it must be a grove! Maybe it has a river with delicious ice-cold water, but what if it's my imagination again? Well, my throat is dry and my paws are sore so I didn't care I sprinted over to the green mounds as quickly as I could. It was a forest with water that would quench my thirst and berries for Pudge. My brothers will be appreciative and so will my dad and mom. See you soon, Diary!

November 22, 2019!
Dear Diary,
For two months, we have been splashing in the water, snoozing under the shady trees, and extracting berries from the shrubs. A week ago, we started back on our quest for a human family. This quest is a long expedition, but I know I must be persistent. Oh, it's break time and I am rather peckish. Pudge offered me ten mouth watering blackberries (yum). I am so amazed that my siblings did not devour them all in one gulp. Twenty minutes later, I am stuffed. I need a quick doze, zzzzzzzzzzzz... Three hours later, I awakened by something. Okay, that was more of a prolonged nap instead of a quick one. What happened, did my father move me because everything is burned, not lush. You know it sounds like crackling wood that's burning. The scent is detestable. There are ashes everywhere in sight. Diary, you cannot imagine what is in front of us. A flaming orange fire! I cannot take it anymore, I can't do it! Wait, I have a feeling in my chest. This is what it is saying, "Precious, you are strong and true. You came so far. To give up now would be unbearable. You came across many obstacles. You are petite but mighty.
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Katie Sullivan the most stupendous writing teacher, who helped edit.
My parents, Nana, and PopPop for always encouraging me.
Bo Terrific my pugtastic pug, who helped me think up an adorable pug
diary, about a persistent, adventurous, and sweet pink puppy!

August 5, 2019!
Hello New Diary,
My name is Precious Pugington! I am one year old, which is seven years in canine years. I'm the runt of four other puppies; my brothers' names are Pudge, Prince, Puddles, and Peanut! We inhabit a forest in the stupendous state, California. I have lived here for one year. My parents have a depressing story about how they got to our wonderful, wild woodland. My father was the runt of his litter as well, and his previous owners resided on a plantation. My father was supposed to be a herd dog, but then the appalling farmer thought he was too weak and left him in a nearby forest when he was eight months old. Fortunately, when my dad was two years old, he discovered a midnight black pug, who would be my mother. Previously, my mom lived a luxurious lifestyle in a gigantic mansion. She was a cultivated pup, who adored exploring a bit too much, which was the reason she got lost. The two pups cherished each other then had us a year later! Oh, I forgot to tell you something unique about me. I'M PINK!
When I was born my parents were awestruck to see a bubblegum pink pug puppy (that’s me)! I love living among the trees, but sometimes I desire I was part of a true forever home with someone who would care for us. But my brothers and I are all fond of different subjects. Like Pudge LOVES to consume everything in sight. He would even devour bark from a tree! (P.S. Yuck) Prince is creative and a talented artist! He paints with the juices from wild berries. Puddles always needs to go to the bathroom. The last of my brothers is Peanut; he loves to snooze all day every day. Oh, my mom and dad are calling me. BYE!

August 7, 2019!
Dear Diary,
Guess what? Two days ago, my parents exclaimed, "We will venture in search of a forever home!" I flipped in the air when I heard that statement. I just adore traveling and we leave tomorrow. I collected everything I will require for an expedition. I am packing a picture that Prince sketched of our woodland, a variety of berries, many sticks, and you, my beloved diary. I do not have anything to place it in. That's why I am so appreciative of my mother, who stayed up all night creating paw-woven backpacks for the journey ahead of us. She used multi-colored grass the colors of green, blue, and PINK! After ten minutes of packing, now I am prepared.
Oh no, DISASTER STRUCK! When I finished packing, Pudge whined, "I do not want to leave this woodland because it has the most scrumptious berries and tree bark to snack on."
Then Prince complained, "Why can we not bring all seven of my berry paints?"
Also Puddles questioned, "Will there be bathrooms on the trail?" And Peanut didn't
- END >
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