The Present Day Red Fox
The Red Fox is one of the largest in the fox family. It can be found from urban
areas to tropical rain forests. It mostly is found in Britain. It can also be found
on mountain tops, sand dunes, rural areas, and even in the arctic circle. It can
be found as far as North Africa and North America. It's also found in Asia and
Europe too. The Red Fox's scientific name is Vulpes vulpes. It preys up birds and
small mammals, such as, squirrels, mice and rabbits. The Red Fox's diet also
consists of berries, grasses, plants, fruits, crickets, caterpillars, beetles, and
crayfish. In order to survive in its environment, the red fox evolved many
adaptations such as, being able to run fast, to get away from its predators and
its strong hearing to pick up tiny frequencies of its prey. It also has a lot fo fur
and a thick tail, because it lives in some snowy climates. It can live elsewhere,
but a lot of hair helps it stay warm in cold climates.
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