Once there was a big bad Wolf.
His name is Mr. Wolf, Mr. Wolf is always very sad, very angry, and very very grumpy.
One day, Mr. Wolf saw all the other animals in the forest.
He saw that the animals were happy, and he became very jealous and upset!
(Inciting Incident)
He angrily walked to the happy animals of the forest and and wanted to asked them how and why they are so happy. He did not feel like the other animals should be happy when he is always angry, sad and lonely!
"What is there to be happy about?" He angrily asked the other animals.
(Rising action)
"There is a lot to be happy about in life," replied Mr. Eagle.
"When I was a young chick, my mother taught me about Taoism, she told me a lot about it, and I think it would help you become happier if I told you. We are very close to nature, and the universe" ("Taoism").
Mr. Eagle said kindly.
"Taoism doesn't sound very special to me," replied Mr. Wolf.
"Maybe not to you, but to me it is." Replied Mr. Eagle patiently.
"In Taoism, there is something called Wu-Wei, it is meant to teach us that trying too hard to be something we aren't can make us unhappy (Christenson). It's one of the central ideologies in Taoism ("Wu-Wei"). Ever since I was taught that as a chick, I never tried hard to be someone else!"
Mr. Wolf listened closely, but he was still not happy. "I only try hard to make other's unhappy, maybe I should stop so I can be happier." But Mr. Wolf was not convinced.
"Let me try," Ms. Squirrel said. "I am Jewish, and I hope that what I have learned from God can help you, Mr. Wolf." Ms. Squirrel began, "Even though you always try your best to make other's unhappy like you, you are also suffering. Have you wondered why?"
"I have, it's because I am unlucky and the world hates me." Replied Mr. Wolf. (Conflict)
"That is not true Mr. Wolf! You're suffering can be explained, there are many ways to understand your suffering. If you understand, you may become happier." Said Ms. Squirrel.
"You see, we must hold compassion for each other, sympathize to the suffering of others ("Suffering"). So, Mr. Wolf, what is making you suffer?" Asked Ms. Squirrel patiently.
"If this will make me happier, I guess I can tell you." Mr. Wolf replied slowly.
"You see, Ms. Squirrel, I am a very, very big wolf."
"Yes you are." Ms. Squirrel says.
"I have very sharp teeth, and claws you see."
"Indeed, you do."
"My big teeth, claws scare many animals away, and so I am lonely." Mr. Wolf says sadly.
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Once there was a big bad Wolf.
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