Self-improvement Books

    Do you have real friends? Children should make sure they surround themselves with GOOD friends! This book is a small guide on some of the QUALITIES of real friendship.
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  • What Makes You a Super Hero?
    This book helps remind kids that through every day actions of being kind, helpful and thoughtful, they have the "powers" to be a Super Hero.
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  • Please! Raise My Bar
    A fun message to adults told from a child's perspective.
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  • The Worry Box
    Abigail, a worrier, receives a talking worry box that helps her cope with anxiety before a ballet recital. She learns to save worry time and eventually worries less.
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  • A Super Hero's Guide Book
    A guide for children on how to be a hero by following eight important rules, such as being helpful, polite, and kind, and never giving up.
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  • Everyone Can Win
    Four friends compete in a race, leading to conflict and a lesson on sportsmanship. They reconcile and celebrate together.
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  • Caleb Learns to Speak French
    Caleb had two days to learn some French. He wanted to spend more time to learn more. Grade three will be filled with learning to speak all kinds of French.
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  • The Flying Hyena
    Tyler, a hyena, learns the importance of respecting his belongings through a series of dreams. He wakes up with a newfound appreciation for his work and books.
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