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Wybraska! A beautiful place where fields of swaying corn go on for miles.
Beefy bossies dot the farmland, grazing away on lush green grass.
Farmhouses and red barns can be seen every few miles with children
playing in the yards in their spare time.

This is the place I call home. Wybraska was a beautiful place to grow up and
enjoy being a child.
My name is Julie Starks and I am 13 years, 8 months and 22 days old which
means I am almost 14 and close to being a grown up! I am the youngest of five
children with four older brothers.
Yeah, that’s right, I said four older brothers! Jacob, Joe, James, and Jackson
are my protectors. They make sure nothing bad happens to me and treat me like
a little girl. It was nice when I was little because they made sure I was always
taken care of.
The older I became, however, it became really annoying, but I showed them just
how grown up I could be. Yep, I SHOWED them and the rest of Wybraska how
grown up a 13-year-old can be by saving the entire place.
Oh wait, I haven’t told you about my great adventure and how I BECAME a grown
up. After you hear my story, you will see, Julie Starks is a grown up!

Well, where to begin? Like I said, Wybraska was a great place to grow up.
I had lots of friends and everyone had pretty happy lives. That was until
the Great Drought.

When I was 11 years, 6 months and 21 days old, the weather changed and it
stopped raining. At first, no one was worried because our Wybraska always
provided for everyone who lived here or that is what all the old people said.
They would tell stories about when they were little and another great drought
happened and how Wybraska magically yielded up Corn Treasure. The magic
corn brought rain and saved all the crops.
I usually would stop listening at this point as I really didn’t believe their
stories, but after a year of almost no rain, every Wybraskian started to worry.

This is when I started to pay attention to those old stories instead of zoning out
and thinking about riding my best friend Jasper.
Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I haven’t told you about my friend Jasper. He is
my horse and I have had him since I was 3 years, 4 months and 5 days old. We do
everything together and spend most of our days, especially during the summer,
riding around the countryside trying to find adventurous things to do.
This is where my annoying brothers drive me crazy because they don’t think I
should be doing those things.
My ma and pa, Jordan and Jill Starks, tend to agree with them and make me stay
close to home where they can all keep an eye on me!

Oh, sorry, back to my story. So, when I was 12 years, 10 months, and 9 days old,
I decided I should go investigate these stories the old people told. I went up to
the General Store where they all sat outside on benches talking about those
“good ‘ol days”.
I really wished I had listened to the second part of their stories because I
wouldn’t have had to sit there telling me how they caught the biggest fish or
grew the biggest pumpkin. But I sat there and listened until they got to the part
of the Great Drought and the Corn Treasure.
This is where I sat up tall and really listened. They talked about how all of
Wybraska was saved and everything was good because of the Corn Treasure, until
it was stolen and destroyed. The oldies all gave different theories why someone
would steal and destroy it, but the one that stuck out to me was that Mr. Phillip’s
the banker was behind it.

Now, that Mr. Phillips died a long time ago and his mean grandson was now in
charge of the bank. The old people said the old Mr. Phillips destroyed the Corn
Treasure because farmers no longer needed to borrow money from his bank since
their crops were growing so well.
This had to be it!!
I knew my parents had borrowed money from bank since the crops weren’t
growing and they needed money to pay for things.
My parents didn't know I knew this because they still thought I am a little girl,
but I did some secret listening. I found out that Mr. Phillips was going to force
my parents to sell our farm if we didn’t pay back the money we owed. It had to
be the mean Phillip family who stole the Corn Treasure, but I still needed to find
some more!

After listening to the stories of the old people, I asked one of them
if there was any more Corn Treasure. That mean old person just
laughed at me and said, “Well, if anyone is stupid enough to go look
for it, they say it is in the majestic mountains in northeast
Wybraska, but that is dangerous land and no little girl should go
there alone.”

I was shocked! How dare this mean old person call me a “little girl”! Didn’t he
know I was 12 years, 9 months, and 5 days old?
I hadn’t been a little girl for at least 1 year, 6 months and 7 days! I was a grown
up now and was going to show everyone just that!
I rushed home on Jasper to come up with a plan to not only find the Corn
Treasure and save my family’s farm, but save all of Wybraska. This plan of
leaving the farm was going to take some planning as the trip would last several
days and I couldn’t just up and leave.
My dumb over-protective brothers would come looking for me and they were
some of the best trappers in all of Wybraska. They could pick up a trail and find
almost anything.
I was going to have to wait 3 months and 28 days until I was supposed to leave
for camp. I just hoped that the mean Mr. Phillips didn’t take our farm by then.

Jasper, who I tell everything to, and I came up with a great plan to go
searching for the Corn Treasure in the majestic mountains. Obviously, I
needed food and supplies and couldn’t just take them because my dad and
brothers would notice the supplies and my mom would notice the food missing.
Over the 3 months, I would sneak a little food or supplies every few days. I
would tell my mom that Jasper was really hungry and needed some extra food
or tell my brothers I needed rope or others tools to work on my girl play house.
They hated anything that had to do with girls and never went in my play house,
so I could say it was for that and then keep the tools in there.
The week before I was supposed to leave for camp, I had almost everything
ready for my trip to the mountains. Then something bad happened.

The evil Mr. Phillips drove out to the farm in his super nice car. He stepped out
all dressed up and with an evil smile on his face.
My mom and dad asked him inside and I snuck in behind them and hid in the
closet where they didn’t know I was listening. Mr. Phillips informed my parents
that if they didn’t have the money for the loan by next week, he was going to
I didn’t know exactly what foreclose meant, but I knew it was bad because my
mom immediately started crying. We were going to be kicked out, so there was
no time to waste.
I snuck out the back door, ran to get Jasper and went to my play house. I had
everything packed in the bag my grandma had given me for my 11th birthday. I
tied the bag on Jasper and we raced out into the corn fields.
This was my chance to show all the people of Wybraska who thought a 13 year, 1
month, and 2 day old girl wasn’t a grown up! I was going to show all of them and
save my farm from the evil Mr. Phillips.

As I raced towards the majestic mountains, I could feel the hot sun beating down
on my back. The blistering sun would be in the sky for a few more hours and then
the darkness of Wybraska would settle in.
I had never really been a fan of being out in the woods in the dark, but this was
the only way I could save my family farm and once and for all show everyone that
I was an adult.
My parents and brothers always treated me like a little girl. They never let me
know the struggles we were facing and made it seem like everything was fine.
Even that mean Mr. Phillips called me a “little girl” when he would come out to the
farm. Oh, was I going to show him!
I couldn’t wait to show him just how “big” and “grown-up” I could be!

After a few hours on my loyal friend Jasper, I was starting to realize just how
lonely it was out there. If it wasn’t for Jasper and his reassuring neighs, I might
have turned back.
But, I couldn’t turn back! I had to save my farm! The sun was slowly starting to
set behind me as I left the farmland and entered the woods of Wybraska.
I had never been to the woods and it quickly became cool and dark. The trees
swayed above my head almost in unison. The trees, creatures, and wind all
seemed to be talking to me.
The song of nature was telling me to turn around; that there was danger
ahead. Jasper was no longer riding with confidence. There was a time where I
wanted to turn and run, but I had to be a grown up and push on.

The deeper we got into the woods, the darker it became. I could barely see the
quickly darkening sky above my head. It would soon be pitch black and I only had
a small head lamp to guide the way.
Thoughts of despair and doubt started to creep into my head.
Why was I here?
Did I really think I was grown up enough to save my farm and bring the drought
to an end?
What if there was no Corn Treasure?
What if it had all been made up?
I was in a dark, terrifying place with no one to protect me; no one to tell me it
was okay. I was alone and scared.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Wybraska! A beautiful place where fields of swaying corn go on for miles.
Beefy bossies dot the farmland, grazing away on lush green grass.
Farmhouses and red barns can be seen every few miles with children
playing in the yards in their spare time.
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