They always said I was meant to be a writer.
I also would like to dedicate this book to all the people
who are struggling with the challenges of disability;
you are not alone and I hope this book will inspire you.
And to J.K Rolling, for creating Harry Potter.
You'll always be my idol and inspiration!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Maria stared at the pencil on her desk. She
tried to concentrate but she could see
Jeannette, out of the corner of her eye staring
at her and giggling in pleasure with her friends.
The second year of Flying High had begun
today and the huge school sitting on the clouds
didn't look any less magnificent then it did the
year before.

There are two schools in the town of Future
Vill; one for magical beings and the other for
non-magical beings.
In the beginning, her parents believed Maria
had no magic when she was born – because
they usually have pointy ears if they do – and
sent her to the other school. However when
Maria reached her third year at Normality High
things began to change; she began to levitate
objects and soon after that realised she
couldn't control her powers – whatever power
she had.

Her parents sent her to Flying High
immediately; overjoyed that their daughter
had these abilities. But no sooner did she
transfer to the school did she realise that she
couldn't do the most important thing that all
magical beings loved; flying. Almost
immediately, Jeannette used that against her,
over a year had passed and it didn’t seem like
much had changed.

Although Maria did wish that had changed;
Jeannette was a constant obstacle in her life.
Her hair was always the same and, Maria
believed spoke for itself; always being tied up
in a messy, blond bundle at the top of her
head. Jeannette was always pointing out, not
only that she hadn’t learned to fly yet but also
that Maria was the only one that had white
hair in the school and that she never got her
black and white school clothes dirty. Maria
didn’t mind this though; she thought it was
better than Jeanette’s style of dressing.

'Ms Maria will you please show me your demonstration of
the levitation spell,’ the teacher called from behind his desk,
one Tuesday morning. These were two things magical
beings were able to do; making things float in mid-air and
the ability to fly. Maria had practiced all week for homework
to get it right but every time, it got out of control and her
parents had to watch her. But she wasn’t about to give up
yet, not with Jeannette watching…she had to prove her
Maria concentrated with all her might, focusing on the object
in front of her and imagined it beginning to rise up off her
desk. Not surprised, Maria saw the pencil begin to float and,
with her mind focused, made it drift off towards the
whiteboard at the front of the classroom.

The pencil began to magically write a word on the board
and everyone stood up in awe as they tried to get a closer
look, everyone except Jeannette. On the board was written
the word Levitation and everyone cheered and clapped at
the sight. But as the pencil began to write the last letter it
gave a sudden jump, turned in the opposite direction of
the board and flew at a fast pace around the classroom,
knocking over things as it went.

‘Maria, Maria!’ the teacher shouted as he ducked down
away from the diving pencil that was heading his way.
‘Drop concentration, drop the pencil!’ he said as he
frantically looked around at the students hiding under
their desks. Maria quickly obeyed and the pencil dropped
out of the air and onto the floor.
‘Um, a bit more practicing and you’ll get it for sure,’ the
teacher said in a calm voice as everyone stood up from
hiding and stared at Maria while Jeanette and her friends
didn’t even try to hide their amusement.

As lunch time approached Maria felt disappointed. She felt
like she had embarrassed herself the worst today, over all
other days. It was a good thing she had Ruby to cheer her
‘You did the best you could, that’s all that matters,’ she said,
her red hair moving in the wind as they both walked down to
the library.
‘Yea but that isn’t enough to stop Jeannette from picking on
me,’ Maria replied.
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They always said I was meant to be a writer.
I also would like to dedicate this book to all the people
who are struggling with the challenges of disability;
you are not alone and I hope this book will inspire you.
And to J.K Rolling, for creating Harry Potter.
You'll always be my idol and inspiration!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Maria stared at the pencil on her desk. She
tried to concentrate but she could see
Jeannette, out of the corner of her eye staring
at her and giggling in pleasure with her friends.
The second year of Flying High had begun
today and the huge school sitting on the clouds
didn't look any less magnificent then it did the
year before.

There are two schools in the town of Future
Vill; one for magical beings and the other for
non-magical beings.
In the beginning, her parents believed Maria
had no magic when she was born – because
they usually have pointy ears if they do – and
sent her to the other school. However when
Maria reached her third year at Normality High
things began to change; she began to levitate
objects and soon after that realised she
couldn't control her powers – whatever power
she had.
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