Once upon a time…. There was a momma sea turtle named Trina and she was ready to lay her eggs.

Trina the turtle was so excited to have her babies, but she was going to have a long journey back to the beach to lay her eggs.

The momma turtle swam for hours and hours until she was too tired to swim anymore. So, she rested on the coral reef for a little nap.

Then she was woken up by something pulling and pulling on her flipper. When Trina opened her eyes she saw a very big plastic bag wrapped around her flipper.

She tried with all her might to pull it off, but it wouldn’t budge. She kept on swimming and she saw something in the distance.

She called out, but there was no answer. Once the figure got close enough she noticed that it was her friend Peter the pufferfish.

Peter saw the bag on her arm. “Do you need help?” said Peter. “Yes, that would be great! I can’t seem to get this off my arm by myself.”
So Peter poked all of his spikes on the bag and yanked as much as he could….. But the bag wouldn’t come off!

Trina the turtle said, “It’s okay Peter. I have to hurry and get to the beach anyway.” So she swam and swam and the bag was making this very difficult, but Trina pushed through.

As she was swimming, she looked down and saw something moving along the ocean floor. “Hello?” said Trina, “Is anyone there?” Then something started floating up and closer to Trina. It was Carry the crab!

“Oh Carry! I’m so glad to see you! I have this wrapped around my flipper and I need some help. I’m sure your strong claws will be able to rip this plastic off.”
So Carry the crab stuck out her sharp claws, clamped down hard and pulled. This didn’t work so she tried again and again, but the bag wasn’t coming off.

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Once upon a time…. There was a momma sea turtle named Trina and she was ready to lay her eggs.

Trina the turtle was so excited to have her babies, but she was going to have a long journey back to the beach to lay her eggs.

The momma turtle swam for hours and hours until she was too tired to swim anymore. So, she rested on the coral reef for a little nap.

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