Melanthia Chatziralli and her pupils, Greece
Sanzi Nesiu and her pupils, Romania
Esther Echeveria and her pupils, Spain
Mirela Djeska and her pupils, Croatia
Marina Giavasi and her pupils, Greece
Michail Chondrogiorgos and his pupils, Greece
Andrea Szana and her pupils, Hungary

Library Of Legends
Once upon a time there was a very special library. This library was the home of legends, saints and gods. They got angry at each other and stole their books. They wanted to keep them for themselves. The library collapsed and Patron Patrick, the manager, was really annoyed. Then he charmed our heroes to the secret basement. All was very dark.
This was actually an escape room. Their task was to collect the letters of the word 'C-U-L-T-U-R-E' in the different rooms. They could see the future and it was very sad. Nobody could read the legends.
They had a helping fairy, Pixie. She said they could only move on from one room to the other if they cooperated...
Suddenly they heard some strange noise. Horses and swords.
"Oh, where are we?" asked St. Leslie (László) from Hungary. "This place looks very much like the battlefield we were in great trouble once. Oh and my crown is missing, too."
"What happened in that battle?", asked Francisco from Spain.
"Well, when I was the king of Hungary in the 13th century, we had to fight a lot. This time it was against the Pechenegs, a tribe from East.
They carried away our men and women. My army and I went after them. After a few days we arrived in a wastness: no water, no food for my soldiers. We were starving."
"Oh, this is awful," said Socrates from Greece. "What could you do?"
"You know, I have strong faith. It helped me a lot of times," replied St. Leslie. "I hid away and prayed to God to have mercy on us. And he heard me. On the way back to my people, I came across a herd of tame deer who followed me to the camp. Now we had food and we praised God for it. I don't know why, but after this a lot of wonderful events happened in my life. I think, that is why they call me a Saint."
' But where is Pixie?' asked Athena from Greece.
' I don't know. Let's find her!' said Francisco.
'Wait! What is this?' asked Socrates.
'It is a box and it is shining. Let's open it!' suggested Hercules.
'Ta-daa! I'm here. This is your first task. You have to put the puzzle pieces together! Good luck!'
So our heros started working and soon they got ready.
'Oh! This is my crown! And there is a number 100 on it. What can we do with it?' asked St. Leslie.
'I think I know. This Italian flag here in the corner must mean something.'
'Hold on! 100 is 'C' in Roman numbers.'
And out of the puzzle a 'C' glowed up. They had a letter.
'Well done! Here is the key to the next room.' and Pixie handed them the key.
Andrea and pupils from Hungary
Suddenly Athena saw a book
in front of them with a monster on its cover and they got scared! It was a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a human. The title reads "Minotaur".
The heroes began to leaf through it to find out what this monster was. "The Minotaur lived locked in the labyrinth that existed in the basement of the palace of King Minos, king of Crete in Greece. It had so many corridors and rooms that no one had ever managed to get out of there. Every year the Minotaur ate 7 young women and 7 young men. The one who managed to kill him was Theseus from Athens.

When Theseus went to the palace, he met the daughter of Minos, Ariadne, who fell in love with him and wanted to help him. So she gave him a ball of thread and advised him to tie the end of it at the entrance of the labyrinth and unwind it. Theseus bravely entered the labyrinth and was looking for the Minotaur by unraveling the tangle.
At some point she heard his wild roar. When they met, they fought hard. Theseus killed the terrible monster with his sword and came out of the labyrinth gathering the thread. Theseus and Ariadne ran away from the palace together".
At the end of the book there was a riddle
"Theseus and the Minotaur have it in exactly the same place".
The heroes shouted in a loud voice "u" and so they took the key from the fairy to go to the next room!
Marina and pupils from Greece

In the next room the heroes found a book covered with feathers. They took it and cleaned the feathers away. It was the ancient Greek myth of Daedalus and lcarus! Socrates, one of the heroes started reading the book to the others. In Crete, in King Minos' palace a famous craftsman, Daedalus was in prison. Deadalus was prisoned because the king had the fear that Daedalus would probably build a better palace for another king if he was free to go. Daedalus was desperate. All he was thinking about was the freedom.
One day, he observed the birds flying and thought that only this way was it possible to get away from the palace. So, he gathered feathers and wax, put them all together and made wings. He tied two on his shoulders and the other two on his son's shoulders and flew away from Crete. But Icarus ignored his father's advice and reached too close to the sun. The wax melted and his wings broke. Icarus fell on the rocks of an island. This island took his name and it's called Ikaria.
When Socrates finished the narration, the heroes heard Patron Patrick laughing outside the room. "You may have done it so far but you'll never find the answer to this one", he said.
"So, it is said that according to Daedalus' calculations if Icarus was 90 degrees close to the sun, the wax from his wings would easily melt. Can you guess in which capital letter is hidden the 90 degrees? I think not!", he said and walked away laughing again even louder. The heroes got really anxious but Pixie was there for them.
She told them to use their knowledge in Geometry and then write down the answer on the floor using a feather and ink.
After a while, Socrates came up with the answer and wrote down the letter 'L' on the floor. Out of the blue, a key having the shape of an L fell from some old books. Socrates and the other heroes were now ready to proceed to the next room...
Michalis and pupils from Greece
The door opened and all heroes moved to the next room where they saw a man standing still. He was so strong and brave. He was wearing a tunic made of a lion's skin, the Nemean lion.
He was Hercules ,the son of Amphitryon and Alkmene. Hercules is most famous for his twelve labours, which were assigned to him by his cousin Eurystheus, the king of Mycenae, Tiryns, and Argos. Hera, the wife of Zeus, was always jealous of Hercules, who was Zeus’ illegitimate child, and she made life difficult for him from an early age. The goddess delayed his birth so that Eurystheus would be born first and so become the ruler of Greece according to Zeus
Hera also sent two snakes to kill the new-born Hercules, but the baby easily strangled them. On the other hand, Hercules generally enjoyed divine favour from the Olympian gods - he also helped them in their battle
against the Giants - and he was
particularly favoured by Athena .
Hercules was famous for the twelve
labours he had to accomplish

Slaying the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra
Lernaean Hydra is a mythical creature with nine heads,which was killed by Heracles in the second of his twelve labours assigned to him by Eyrystheues.
Capturing the Ceryneian Hind
Capturing the Erymanthian Boar
Cleaning the Augean stables in a single day

The Nemean lion's skin was impenetrable and Hercules was forced to fight it and finally drown it. He wore the skin as a coat.
Capturing and bringing back Cerberus
He has born from the union of two monsters,Typhon and Echida and was the brother of Orthro the Chimaera and the Lernaean Hydra
It was a beast of greek mythology.it was the seventh labour.
Slaying the Stymphalian birds
Capturing the Cretan Bull
Stealing the Mares of Diomedes
Obtaining the girdle of Hippolyta, queen of the Amazon
Obtaining the cattle of the three-bodied giant Geryon
Stealing three of the golden apples of the Hesperides
They were mainly know though the myth of Hercules , as treir acquisition was the object of his eleventh labor.

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Melanthia Chatziralli and her pupils, Greece
Sanzi Nesiu and her pupils, Romania
Esther Echeveria and her pupils, Spain
Mirela Djeska and her pupils, Croatia
Marina Giavasi and her pupils, Greece
Michail Chondrogiorgos and his pupils, Greece
Andrea Szana and her pupils, Hungary

Library Of Legends
Once upon a time there was a very special library. This library was the home of legends, saints and gods. They got angry at each other and stole their books. They wanted to keep them for themselves. The library collapsed and Patron Patrick, the manager, was really annoyed. Then he charmed our heroes to the secret basement. All was very dark.
This was actually an escape room. Their task was to collect the letters of the word 'C-U-L-T-U-R-E' in the different rooms. They could see the future and it was very sad. Nobody could read the legends.
They had a helping fairy, Pixie. She said they could only move on from one room to the other if they cooperated...
Suddenly they heard some strange noise. Horses and swords.
"Oh, where are we?" asked St. Leslie (László) from Hungary. "This place looks very much like the battlefield we were in great trouble once. Oh and my crown is missing, too."
"What happened in that battle?", asked Francisco from Spain.
"Well, when I was the king of Hungary in the 13th century, we had to fight a lot. This time it was against the Pechenegs, a tribe from East.
They carried away our men and women. My army and I went after them. After a few days we arrived in a wastness: no water, no food for my soldiers. We were starving."
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