This story has been written during the course of an eTwinning project called FORESTS in March, 2023.
We would like to thank everyone, pupils and teachers, who have contributed to this little book in any way.
We hope you will enjoy it!

Text written by the students of
Melanthia Chatziralli - Primary School of Skopelos,Greece
Ariadne Dimitraka - Primary School of Papados,Greece
Ozlem Koparal - 50. Yil Primary School, Turkey
Theodora Tsagkari & Eleni Kouva - Primary Schol of Pamfila, Greece
Andrea Szana - József Attila Primary School, Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary
Hariklia Koukara - Primary School of Palaiokipos,Greece

Illustrated and voices by the students of
József Attila Primary School Kiskunfelegyháza, Hungary
Primary Schol of Pamfila , Greece
Primary School of Palaiokipos,Greece
Primary School of Papados,Greece
50. Yil Primary School, Turkey
Primary School of Skopelos,Greece

Once upon a time in a distant place, there was a hedgehog and a deer walking in the forest. They met a sneaky fox, Trixie, who was searching for food. The fox was very hungry. She could eat the hedgehog but she saw the spines and changed her mind. She imagined herself full of spines and felt scared.

"If I can't eat them, I will ask for help,"
thought the sneaky Fox.

It seems
that something evil has covered our place
and all the animals are feeling worried.

"Dear friends, I need your help!
I can't find food and the water is polluted."

"Everything is polluted, we cannot find food, either!" the deer said.
"Who is responsible for this? asked Trixie.
"I know!" answered the hedgehog.
"There is a terrible, huge giant, Mr Human.
He lives in his castle at the top of the mountain.
He eats all day long and throws his rubbish into our forest.
He dumps his waste in the rivers.

When he sleeps, he snores loudly and his stinky breath pollutes the air.
When he gets angry, he spits flames out of his mouth and burns down our trees."
"We must do something about it," said Trixie.
"Let's gather all the animals of the forest and work together."
So the three friends called Chatterbox the pigeon and asked him to spread the news.

They had a meeting among them.
They had to find a solution but how?
They decided to talk to him.
They would tell how important the air they breathe, the water they drink and the land they live in is.
Because if they did't talk to him, all of them would die at the end.

If he ignores, they decided to show him
how each animal needs the trees,
the air and the water.

Stop it please!!! You are ruining us!
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This story has been written during the course of an eTwinning project called FORESTS in March, 2023.
We would like to thank everyone, pupils and teachers, who have contributed to this little book in any way.
We hope you will enjoy it!

Text written by the students of
Melanthia Chatziralli - Primary School of Skopelos,Greece
Ariadne Dimitraka - Primary School of Papados,Greece
Ozlem Koparal - 50. Yil Primary School, Turkey
Theodora Tsagkari & Eleni Kouva - Primary Schol of Pamfila, Greece
Andrea Szana - József Attila Primary School, Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary
Hariklia Koukara - Primary School of Palaiokipos,Greece

Illustrated and voices by the students of
József Attila Primary School Kiskunfelegyháza, Hungary
Primary Schol of Pamfila , Greece
Primary School of Palaiokipos,Greece
Primary School of Papados,Greece
50. Yil Primary School, Turkey
Primary School of Skopelos,Greece

Once upon a time in a distant place, there was a hedgehog and a deer walking in the forest. They met a sneaky fox, Trixie, who was searching for food. The fox was very hungry. She could eat the hedgehog but she saw the spines and changed her mind. She imagined herself full of spines and felt scared.

"If I can't eat them, I will ask for help,"
thought the sneaky Fox.

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