Period 1
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Once upon a time there was a king named, King Louis the
16th and a queen named Queen Marie Antionette, and both
ruled all France. France was divided into 3 types of groups,
called “the 3 estates”; the 1st estate was made up of
members of the church, the 2nd estate was made up of rich
land owners, and finally the 3rd estate made up 97% of
France’s population were small business owners, skilled
workers, and peasants. King Louis did not give many rights
to the 3rd estate, for example he had them pay half of their
monthly pay (which wasn’t much) to taxes, and the tax
money would go to the rich land owners, the church, and
the King. However something called “the enlightenment
ideas” will soon inspire the 3rd estate to fight against King

During this time France is going through money
problems, from the debt of the kings before King Louis
and also in helping The 13 Colonies in fighting against
their enemy Great Britain. Also in addition to these
problems France was going through a harsh winter
which left a small amount of flour, grain, and bread;
which caused the cost of living to rise. The taxes on the
3rd estate kept their monthly income low, therefore
made it harder for them to feed their families, and take
care of their needs.

The enlightenment ideas were ideas that came from
the enlightenment thinkers that inspired the 3rd
estate to fight for their rights. Some ideas that
encouraged the 3rd estate include, everyone should be
equal by Locke, a government in which all the people
have a say on how it should be ran by Rousseau, and
freedom of speech, religion, and press without getting
killed or thrown in prison by Voltaire. The 3rd estate
loved these ideas, however the 1st and 2nd estate
hated them, for the reason that it would take away
power from them, and give more power to the 3rd

King Louis the 16th was not a great king, he never
knew what to do, and did not care much about the
problems happening in France. Queen Marie
Antoinette was hated by the people of France,
because she was from the enemy country Austria;
and also spent lots of France’s tax money on
jewelry, clothes, parties, and crazy hairstyles.

In Versailles


King Louis being that he did not know how to
resolve the problems happening in France, he
calls a meeting at his Royal Palace in the city of
Versailles called “The Estates General Meeting”;
where representatives from each estate came
together and shared ideas to help solve the issues
happening in France. At the meeting King Louis
concluded that he would have the rich land
owners pay his debt.

to stay until
a new
was made

3 days into The Estates General Meeting, the 3rd
estate was locked out of the meeting, for their
enlightenment ideas shared there; the 1st and 2nd
estate did not like that. However this did not stop
the 3rd estate representatives from fighting for
their rights. A couple doors down they knocked
down a door to an indoor tennis court and
pledged to stay until a new constitution was
made; this pledge made was called the “Tennis
Court Oath.” They also made a new government
called the “National Assembly.”

was created

Rumors began to spread throughout France
that King Louis was going to use the
military to take down the new government,
the National Assembly. The people believed
that troops from Austria were going to rush
into France and attack the French people.
People of France then began to steal guns,
but in order to use those guns they needed
gun powder, which was in Paris’s prison.
They broke into the prison, stabbed prison
guards, and carried their heads on pikes.

The Declaration of Rights of Man was document
created by the National Assembly to protect the right
of the citizens of France. The document shared many
similar ideas with the Declaration of Independence.
The document also had many ideas from the
enlightenment thinkers, Locke, Beccaria, Rousseau,
and Voltaire. Some ideas were “men are born and
remain free and equal in rights”, freedom of speech,
religion, and equal justice.

King Louis and Queen Marie attempted to flee
France and escape to Queen Marie’s home
country, Austria dressed as peasants. The king
and queen were recognized, arrested in Varennes
and were marched back to Paris.



King Louis the 16th was executed for treason
against the National Convention and months later
Queen Antoinette Marie was also executed by the
guillotine in Paris. This officially ends the
monarchy, but the beginning of "The Reign of

The man who invent the guillotine was named
Antoine Louis, it was the main way of executing
people during the revolution, because it was the
quickest and painless way of execution known
during this time. They were many guillotines
around France, but the one was in Paris it was the
most used and known. This guillotine executed
2,639, including the king and queen, during he
period of the Reign of Terror.

being arrested

Robespierre attempted
suicide by shooting himself, but
instead just shattered his jaw.

A man named Robespierre the leader of the
Committee of Public Safety wanted France to be a
"republic virtue" by executing anyone who is not
even excited about the revolution or anyone who
was against the change in government. The
committee's goal, was to eliminate any threat to
the revolution. 40,000 people were executed
during the Reign of Terror, and 85% of peasants,
and the middle class benefited from the
revolution. In 1794 Robespierre was arrested and
executed, which ended the Reign of Terror.

During the revolution a young man named Napoleon
joins the news government. Napoleon defends the
government from rebels that are against the
revolution and the rebels run frantically around Paris,
defeating them, the people of France are cheering and
calling him the "Savior of the French Republic." After
this Napoleon was appointed to lead the French army
in war against Italy, Austria, and Sardinia. Napoleon
won these wars but his Navy was defeated in Egypt by
Great Britain. However this defeat was kept hidden
from the press, so he was still known as a hero.

During this time the French government is weak and
Napoleon sees this as chance to over throw the government
and take over. This is what Napoleon exactly does, and has
Austria, Great Britain, and Russia sign a peace treaty which
is the first time there is peace in 10 years. Napoleon made
changes to the government such as make an efficient tax
system, built public schools, ended corruption in
government, and established a new relationship with the
church. He also took away some rights however such as no
freedom of speech, press, and religion. Napoleon sells the
Louisiana Territory to president Thomas Jefferson for 15
million dollars, to use the money to help pay for conquering
land in Europe and to punish their enemy Brittan, so the
US becomes stronger with more land.
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Period 1
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time there was a king named, King Louis the
16th and a queen named Queen Marie Antionette, and both
ruled all France. France was divided into 3 types of groups,
called “the 3 estates”; the 1st estate was made up of
members of the church, the 2nd estate was made up of rich
land owners, and finally the 3rd estate made up 97% of
France’s population were small business owners, skilled
workers, and peasants. King Louis did not give many rights
to the 3rd estate, for example he had them pay half of their
monthly pay (which wasn’t much) to taxes, and the tax
money would go to the rich land owners, the church, and
the King. However something called “the enlightenment
ideas” will soon inspire the 3rd estate to fight against King

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