Our project is carried out in partnership with
Türkiye, Spain, Romania, Azebaijan and Jordan.
The aim of our project is to ensure that our students use technology consciously, safely and balancedly according to their needs. To support the psychological and social development of our students by providing them with various skills against technology addiction.

Anca Lia Svetlana-
Şcoala Gimnaziala-Buda Buzau-Romania
Do not share photos of you, your family or your home with people you meet online1
Never open emails from unknown sources DELETE THEM!
If you receive mean or threatening comments online, do not respond. Log out and report your parents' activity!
Nothing you write on the Web is completely private. Be careful what you write and to whom.
Never make plans to meet an online "friend" in person!
WHEN IN DOUBT: Always ask your parents for help. If you're not sure,
log out!

Ayşe Seda BAYKUŞ-Şehit Ertan Ttaştimur ilkokulu -Adana ,Turkey
Even though I knew all these rules, I received a message on my phone. It said 'YOU WON A GIFT'. I believed for a moment and clicked. And suddenly a text appeared on the screen.

Berrin ŞEN-Ahmet Rasim İlkokulu-Maltepe,Turkey
Büyük yıldızlar, parlak ışıklar ve alkış sesleri vardı. Çok önemli bir şey kazandığıma emindim hediyenin ne olduğu konusunda çok heyecanlandım sayfaya iyice baktım ama üzerinde çok küçük yazılar olan uzun bir metin vardı hiçbir şey anlamadım sadece en altta altta gizli. Büyük harflerle şöyle yazıyordu: 'KABUL EDİYORSANIZ KİŞİSEL BİLGİLERİNİZİ DOLDURUN VE HEDİYENİZİ TÜMÜNE GÖNDERECEĞİZ'
Derya ÇİM100.Yıl İlkokulu Diyarbakır Turkey

Ecenaz Aydoğan -Hacı Hidayet Türkseven Özel Eğitim uygulama Okulu -Düzce,Turkey
Then I informed my mom and dad and we called the police and filed a complaint. I don't want these scammers to deceive other people.

Hala Alshıkh -Alzarga Secondary Comprehensive Scool for Girls zarga,Jordan
Recently, we have noticed the spread of addiction to the use of technology, especially social networking sites, so we can get rid of this addiction.
We advised our colleagues to practice group activities and sports, such as organizing school activities that enhance the use of time with other hobbies, such as preparing book reading clubs.
Football, basketball, table tennis, or other activities
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
Our project is carried out in partnership with
Türkiye, Spain, Romania, Azebaijan and Jordan.
The aim of our project is to ensure that our students use technology consciously, safely and balancedly according to their needs. To support the psychological and social development of our students by providing them with various skills against technology addiction.

Anca Lia Svetlana-
Şcoala Gimnaziala-Buda Buzau-Romania
Do not share photos of you, your family or your home with people you meet online1
Never open emails from unknown sources DELETE THEM!
If you receive mean or threatening comments online, do not respond. Log out and report your parents' activity!
Nothing you write on the Web is completely private. Be careful what you write and to whom.
Never make plans to meet an online "friend" in person!
WHEN IN DOUBT: Always ask your parents for help. If you're not sure,
log out!

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