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The mayor of Magic City began banning the
use and distribution of fairy dust. El grupos
and El interest felt that fairy dust was
important to not only them but all dragons. “A
dragon cannot fly without his fairy dust!” said
el groups. “Nothing can stop us dragons from
flying to our hearts content, Yo!” added el
interest. But the Latents stood their ground
and refused for fairy dust to be allowed.

Soon enough the interest group grew as more and
more dragons began falling out of the sky on their
way to work. el grupo and el interest began organizing
their followers and ordered that they begin lobbying.
Lobbying occurs when groups who contact officials in
floods attempt to persuade them.

The first task was for the trade
association to lobby, meaning the
dragons who cook fairy dust to sell it
began. Next the DFFD contacted
centralized groups. Centralized groups
started to form with the same
perspectives as them and they had
money. After, they contacted
confederations about the issue as well.
These guys were ruthless, they used all
sorts of strategies to lobby.


One of the first was inside strategies then they
attempted outside strategies. Before you knew it they
were attempting direct lobbying, these guys were
driven. They even used Grassroots lobbying and
Astroturf lobbying. Soon the DFFD began to get
feedback. A government official dragon had joined the
group, this is called the Revolving Door.

out of hand

imma hurt you

They also saw a mixture of mass associations and peak
associations. Although this was good there were also
problems within the royal dragon army. The army’s
group members were facing a collective action problem,
where everyone would be hurt by. They also faced
Prisoner’s Dilemma, Where individuals would depend on
each others options to benefit them. Other dragons were
Free Riders, this meant that they were not cooperating
in the collective action problem but they still got all of
the benefits from others cooperation. Others did not like
this so they tried to use force and threats on the free
riders, this was called coercion.

Although some dragons did not want to participate others did, and
they received purposive benefits from it. Others would come to
admire their selective incentives, benefits only to members, which
some used to get dragons to join their groups. Dragons not only
needed support but the DFFD needed money. They sought aid for
this and looked at 501 c 3 organizations. These were tax exempt
organizations, they claimed public safety for this. They looked at
Political Action Committees, non-profitable organizations who
raised money. 527 Organizations, who are tax exempt and are
primarily for influence of election, selection, nomination, defeat, or
appointment of candidates. They also looked at taking the late
train, meaning switching sides after election, but that wasn’t an


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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The mayor of Magic City began banning the
use and distribution of fairy dust. El grupos
and El interest felt that fairy dust was
important to not only them but all dragons. “A
dragon cannot fly without his fairy dust!” said
el groups. “Nothing can stop us dragons from
flying to our hearts content, Yo!” added el
interest. But the Latents stood their ground
and refused for fairy dust to be allowed.

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