Lobbying Books

  • Stand Up For What Is Right
    The story tells the tale of the Bonus Army, a group of veterans who lobbied for their wartime bonuses in Washington, D.C. The story highlights their struggles and the impact …
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  • The Fairy Dust Battle
    In a land of dragons, El Interest and El Grupos form an interest group called Dragons For Fairy Dust to fight for the legalization of fairy dust.
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  • How a Bill becomes a Law
    This informative text provides a detailed explanation of the legislative process in the United States, from the introduction of a bill to its potential signing into law. It i…
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  • How A Bill Becomes A Law
    The story provides a detailed explanation of how a bill becomes a law in the United States, from its inception to being signed by the President. It includes definitions of ke…
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  • Clara Barton: A Hero and Founder of the American Red Cross
    The story of Clara Barton, a brave and hardworking woman who fought for women's rights and founded the American Red Cross.
  • Republic of the People
    A description of a fictional country's government, including its type, leaders, funding, power distribution, and methods of maintaining order.
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  • Women's Rights Movement
    A brief history of the women's rights movement, including key events, figures, and methods of advocacy.
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  • Legislative Branch
    An educational book explaining the process of how a bill becomes a law in the United States, including terms and concepts related to legislation.
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