For my darling Tivvy
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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All alone, all alone on a raft out at sea,
Were a fluffy brown rat and a bright yellow bee.
And as the raft bobbed (up and down, down and up),
The rat and the bee discussed their bad luck;
For they’d now been adrift for two weeks and a night,
And dry land and safety were nowhere in sight.
The rat and the bee, entirely alone,
Bickered about the bee’s mobile phone –
Which he’d carelessly left in the kitchen back home.
And as the sea rose, the raft let out a groan.
But no help was at hand, and no call could be made,
And the pair had run low on pink lemonade.
The sky became dark as clouds drifted low,
While away in the east, a wind started to blow.
“Oh no!” cried the rat, “a storm’s heading our way,
We’ll be tipped out of this boat by the end of the day!”
The bee had to agree, for he knew in his heart,
That their craft would be beaten and torn all apart.

As panic erupted aboard their small boat –
With the rat and the bee unsure they could float –
A small voice piped up and said very calmly,
“Settle down chaps, it’s no good going barmy;
At least not in a boat with water about,
'Cause jumping around’s a sure way to fall out!”
Stunned into silence, the pair quietened down,
As the rat peered around with a huff and a frown.
"Who's out there?" he cried, "Show your face, let us see!"
Then with a whooosh and a whizzz past the rat and the bee,
Zoomed a silver blue dolphin wearing a grin,
"So lovely to meet you," he cried, waving his fin.
“Now if you don’t mind, can I ask you a question –
Then after that, I’ll make a suggestion.
But first I must know – I have to find out –
Why a rat and a bee are bobbing about!
For in all of my years spent swimming around,
A rat and a bee have never been found.”

“Ha!” laughed the rat, “You’d best ask the bee,
For he had the idea to get fish for our tea,
And hired a boat to take us to sea!”
“It’s true,” the bee buzzed, “We set off from the coast,
Oh how I wish I’d craved baked beans on toast!
But there’s no point at all in sobbing and booing –
Not when a storm is bubbling and brewing.”
“Agreed,” said the dolphin with a nod of his head
“Agreed,” said the rat who was longing for bed.
“Agreed,” said the bee who was missing TV –
“What we need now is to get out of the sea!”
The dolphin spun round and flipped up in the air,
“Then it’s time for my help, you funny old pair!”
“Being a dolphin I know where I’m going,
And a safe place to be when strong winds start blowing.
Now hold fast to the sides – I’ll give you a shove.
I’ll guide you to shore, you’ll be home soon enough!”
Oh how the rat and the bee danced with glee
At the thought of getting back home for their tea!

So the dolphin shoved with all of his might,
But the boat wouldn’t move; just held fast and tight.
“I’m no match for this wind,” the poor dolphin sobbed,
As the boat swung around while it wobbled and bobbed.
“The harder I push, the more the wind howls,
If only your boat had a motor and sails!”
Then all of a sudden, a sharp fin appeared,
And the rat and the bee were badly afeared –
For the fin was attached to a mean-looking shark
With two tiny black eyes that glowed in the dark.
“Aaaaarrrgh!” screamed the rat and nibbled his paws,
“He’ll eat us up, Bee, in his big massive jaws!”
“I know,” yelled the bee, “It’s the end for us now!”
But the dolphin stopped pushing and began waving his tail.
“Over here Stanley!” he yelled to the beast,
“And help me push back this wind from the east!”
“Are you mad?” shouted Bee – “that shark spells the end!”
But the dolphin just smiled and said, "Stan is a friend."

“Stanley the shark at your service, indeed –
With me adding my strength, you’ll soon pick up speed!”
So the shark and the dolphin pushed with their snouts,
And the dolphin sprayed water out of his spout.
But the boat didn’t budge; it just bobbed all about,
Until the dolphin and shark gave up with a shout.
Long minutes passed – the friends started to worry,
As the storm blew in hard and drew close in a hurry.
When all of a sudden, the sea shimmered and shook,
Revealing a squid with eight shining hooks.
“Aaaaarrrgh!” screamed the rat and nibbled his paws,
“A ginormous squid with eight glinting claws!”
“I know,” yelled the bee, “It’s the end for us now!”
But the dolphin stopped pushing and began waving his tail.
“Over here Peter!” he yelled to the beast
“And help us push back this wind from the east!”
“Are you mad?” shouted Bee – “that thing spells the end!”
But the dolphin explained that Pete was a friend.

“I’m Peter the octopus – I’ve eight hands to lend
With me adding my strength, it’ll be a good end!”
So the shark and the dolphin pushed till they shook,
And the octopus pulled with all eight of his hooks.
But the boat didn’t budge; just bobbed round about,
Until all of the friends gave up with a shout.
The storm blew in harder; the sea shook the boat
When over the noise, the friends heard a note –
Lonely and long, the noise carried on,
And, to the rat and the bee, it sounded all wrong.
““Aaaaarrrgh!” screamed the rat and nibbled his paws,
“I really don’t think I can take any more!”
“I know,” yelled the bee, “It’s the end for us now!”
But the dolphin stopped pushing and began waving his tail.
“Over here Lissa!” he yelled in delight
As the rat and the bee, finally fighting their fright,
Opened their eyes to a wondrous sight –
For there bobbed a mermaid, her hair dark as night.
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For my darling Tivvy
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

All alone, all alone on a raft out at sea,
Were a fluffy brown rat and a bright yellow bee.
And as the raft bobbed (up and down, down and up),
The rat and the bee discussed their bad luck;
For they’d now been adrift for two weeks and a night,
And dry land and safety were nowhere in sight.
The rat and the bee, entirely alone,
Bickered about the bee’s mobile phone –
Which he’d carelessly left in the kitchen back home.
And as the sea rose, the raft let out a groan.
But no help was at hand, and no call could be made,
And the pair had run low on pink lemonade.
The sky became dark as clouds drifted low,
While away in the east, a wind started to blow.
“Oh no!” cried the rat, “a storm’s heading our way,
We’ll be tipped out of this boat by the end of the day!”
The bee had to agree, for he knew in his heart,
That their craft would be beaten and torn all apart.

As panic erupted aboard their small boat –
With the rat and the bee unsure they could float –
A small voice piped up and said very calmly,
“Settle down chaps, it’s no good going barmy;
At least not in a boat with water about,
'Cause jumping around’s a sure way to fall out!”
Stunned into silence, the pair quietened down,
As the rat peered around with a huff and a frown.
"Who's out there?" he cried, "Show your face, let us see!"
Then with a whooosh and a whizzz past the rat and the bee,
Zoomed a silver blue dolphin wearing a grin,
"So lovely to meet you," he cried, waving his fin.
“Now if you don’t mind, can I ask you a question –
Then after that, I’ll make a suggestion.
But first I must know – I have to find out –
Why a rat and a bee are bobbing about!
For in all of my years spent swimming around,
A rat and a bee have never been found.”
- END >
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