the teacher who assigned this project.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

This is Timmy, he's a little boy who lives in India.
One day Timmy was playing in the park when he saw
a time machine!
He ran over to it and jumped inside. The door closed
behind him as the machine came to life! Strange noises
and flashing lights were everywhere!

When the door opened again he saw that he was no
longer in the park. A woman's voice started playing
from the machine.

"The people you see belong to the Harappan culture."
She said. "These people are very organized and build
very good cities." Timmy looked around.
The machine was right! He saw buildings and people all
around. Some were cooking, others were trading their
things with others.
After a while he noticed a group of people with fancy
looking clothes. "Who are they?" Timmy asked the
"Those are the priests, they run their religion and the
town, they're just like a government." The machine

"What else can you tell me about them?" Timmy
asked. He was very curious about these people.
"Well, like I said, the Harappans are very organized
people who follow the priests instructions. As you see
they have very well thought out cities and their
culture is really based on the nature around them."
The machine explained.
"That's really cool!" Timmy said. He continued
looking around for a few more minuets, amazed by
the people.

Finally Timmy stepped back into the machine. "Thank
you," He said "I think I've seen enough, can we go
somewhere else now?" The doors closed and the
machine came to life once more.

The doors reopened a moment later. "Welcome, Timmy,
to 2000 BCE. These are no longer the Harappan people,
these are the Indo-Aryan Culture." The female voice
said. "Also known as just Aryan."
Timmy looked around, these people were very different
from the people he had just seen. They all looked scary
to Timmy. Most of the people he saw had weapons with
"Why are they so scary looking?" Timmy asked, still
nervous around these new people.
"Aryans are big fans of war and violence. Their way of
life is based on warrior and military control."

"So what else can you tell me about them?" Timmy
asked. "Are they like the Harappans?"
"Well Timmy, the Aryans move around often so they
don't build big cities as you can see. They're known
as nomadic."
Timmy looked around and noticed most of the
houses were small and not as pretty as the
"The Aryans also" She continued, "herd animals but
mostly depend on food they can gather. Plus their
way of life is based on military, not religion. Their
religion is only passed on through stories, the
Aryans don't write it down."

Timmy stood there a moments and thought about how
different the two cultures were. The first people had
seems so formal while these people looked very violent.
"Okay machine, I'm ready to go now." Timmy told the
machine as he stepped back inside.

Just like before the doors closed and the buttons
flashed. Timmy smiled, he was having so much fun
learning about these cultures.
The doors opened and Timmy stepped out. He still
wasn't home, but he was in a new place again.
"Welcome, Timmy, to 1500BC." The machine told him.
"The people you see are no longer the Aryans, this is
the Vedic Culture."

"There's so many people." Timmy said. "What happened
to the Aryans?"
"Well Timmy, these are the Aryans." The machine said.
"But you just said these were Vedics!" Timmy was very

"Let me explain." The machine said calmly "Vedics are
a mix of both the Harappans and Aryans. Like the
Harappans, they are known for their trade and crops.
But unlike the Aryans, they are no longer based on war
like beliefs."
Timmy thought about this and continued to look
around. Then he asked "Why do the people look
separated from each other?"
"The Vedics use what is known as the Caste System.
Each person has a certain place in society. Most people
are judged by what color their skin is, which decides
where you work, live, who you can talk to and so on.
You don't get to pick your place, you're born into it."

"Priests are at the top, followed by warriors, then farmers,
then workers and then the Untouchables or the outcasts."

"Well that doesn't sound fair!" Timmy said "What kind
of God would say that was fair?"
"Well, Timmy, the Vedics religion is a bit complicated.
They believe in many Gods, yet those Gods are only
characteristics of their one true God, someone they call
"That One". They even drink a liquid called Soma,
which they believe is the drink of the Gods."
Timmy nodded, the machine was right, their religion
was a little confusing. "Thank you machine, I think I
understand now, I'm ready to go." Timmy waved
goodbye and stepped back inside the machine.

"Next I'll tell you about the
Mauryan Empire." The
machine said as it buzzed
to life.
"What's an empire?"
Timmy asked.
"An empire is a group of
people who are ruled by
one person, known as the
emperor." She replied.
Timmy nodded, "Oh, okay.
Thank you."

"Sadly Timmy, I'm running low on power, but inside
this house is a wise man who will tell you all about 3
empires. Once you have learned all that you want,
just come back here and I'll take you home." The
doors opened and Timmy saw the house the machine
was talking about.
"Thank you so much for everything
machine!" Timmy said as he gave
the machine a hug. He then happily
ran up to the house and knocked on
the door.

"Come in!" A mans voice yelled. Timmy walked inside
to see an old man waiting for him. "My name is
Joshua." The old man said.
"Hi, I'm Timmy!" Timmy said as he shook the mans
hand. "The time machine said you could tell me about
3 empires, is that true?"

Joshua smiled "Of course young man! I can tell you
anything you want to know!"
"Great! The machine said something about a Mauryan
empire, what do you know about it?" Timmy asked

"Well the Mauryan Empire was started around 324
BC and was ruled by a man named Candragupta
Maurya. He pushed the original tribes out and ran
his government with a strong military. But, he never
truly acted like a leader, and some people say the
Mauryan Empire, wasn't an empire."
"What do you mean? How can you tell if something
is an empire or not?" Timmy asked
"An empire needs to have one true ruler over
everyone. Candragupta split his power up into
provinces, giving multiple people power."

"After Candragupta died his grandson Asoka took over.
He was considered to be the greatest indian ruler at the
time. This is because he helped the poor and used
Buddism to rule over his people." Joshua continued.
"Well he sounds really nice! But what is Buddism?"
Timmy asked.
"Well Buddism is a religion, a very large one too."

"It was actually
started in India by a
man named
Siddhartha Gautama,
or Buddha. Buddha
means the Enlightened
one. At the age of 29
he left his home in
order to search for the
answers to life's
"What do you mean,
Life's Questions?"
Timmy interrupted
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the teacher who assigned this project.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

This is Timmy, he's a little boy who lives in India.
One day Timmy was playing in the park when he saw
a time machine!
He ran over to it and jumped inside. The door closed
behind him as the machine came to life! Strange noises
and flashing lights were everywhere!

When the door opened again he saw that he was no
longer in the park. A woman's voice started playing
from the machine.

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