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“Is everyone ready to go to the Museum of India today? Make sure you bring
a clipboard, pencil, and a blank sheet of paper along with you. We will be
using these things to write down any interesting information that we
find interesting, and when we get back to the school later tonight, we will
summarize everything that we have learned as a class.”
All of the students grabbed their stuff and headed to the bus once Mr. Simpson was done
talking. 45 minutes later, the class had arrived at the Museum of India. The 3rd graders
had a look of awe on their face due to the building's exquisite architecture and appearance.


"Hello everybody! My name is Alyssa and I will be your tour guide for the day. If you
have any questions, please feel free to ask."
Tommy, one of the 3rd graders in Mr. Simpson's class, raised his hand and asked,
"What are we going to see today in the museum?"
Alyssa replied, "Good question. We are going to be visiting 4 exhibits. The first exhibit is
about India's culture. The second exhibit is about Indian Empires. The third exhibit is about
India's religion. The last exhibit is about the Caste System.
One of Tommy's friends raised his hand and asked, "What is the Caste System?"
The tour guide replied, "You're going to have to wait and find out, we'll learn about that
later today."


"Welcome to Exhibit 1 everyone," Alyssa said, "Here you will get to learn about India's culture."
"To start off, can anyone raise their hand and tell me what culture is?"
Tommy raised his hand and answered, "Is it what that group of people is like and special things
that group of people do?"
"Very good, Tommy," Alyssa said.
"Culture can also be defined as the beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular group or society.
Looking back at India's culture is very interesting. I'm going to give a presentation on India's
culture, and afterwards all of you will be able to roam around and look at all the artifacts and
pictures for a few minutes."


The groups were called Indo-Aryan, Harappan, and Vedic. Alyssa gave a quick
presentation to Mr. Simpson's class.
"Indo-Aryan culture was based on hunting and gathering; they didn't live in one
place. This culture also did not know how to read or write and their government
was based off of a war chief. Their laws were enforced by the military and the
Indo-Aryan were known for more of a hostile culture. Like most other cultures,
religion was very important to them."


by local priests and was very organized. Harappan's were so highly developed
they already had a sewer system built and public bathrooms for daily use made.
Just like Indo-Aryan culture, religion is also very important to the Harappan's.
They believed a lot in natural phenomenon, meaning things happen for a reason."


"Lastly, in Vedic culture, their society is based off of farming and some trade.
Vedic's live in an area called city-states and each city-state is controlled by a
different king. Even though people may live in different city-states, they still believe
in many gods and hold their religious views with high importance."


Tommy raised his hand and asked, "So religion was really important to
all three cultures in India back then?"
"Yes, you're correct. Each culture had their own set of beliefs, but in
general, religion was held with high importance to everyone," replied Alyssa,
"Does anyone have any other questions before I let you guys go look around?"
"I do," said Tommy's friend Joe, "Why wasn't the Indo-Aryan culture based off
of farming like the other two?"
Alyssa replied,"The Indo-Aryan's were nomadic. That means they don't live in
one place. They follow their food source and are on the move all the time. They
aren't able plant crops because they would not have been able to take care of them."
Alyssa released everyone from their seats and allowed them to get up and look
around. Many kids thought the stone buildings were really cool and others were
into the idea of holding religion to such a high level in their daily lives.

your sentence and head over to India's Empire exhibit with me."
The tour guide led the group into a different room and seated them so she could
give them another presentation.
"This exhibit is all about India's Empires. Before I start this presentation, does
anyone know what an empire is?"
No one from the class raises their hand, so Alyssa continues on, "An empire is
a geographically extensive group which is controlled by one person, and
the people who live there are ethnically and culturally different than the one in
power. India had 3 major empires: Mauryan, Kushan, and Gupta.

Chandragupta Maurya. He used his army to enforce laws and control his lands.
Although he controlled a lot of land, the people who lived there were not ethnically
and culturally different than him. Therefore, the Mauryan empire wasn't 100% an


person in power. The Kushan empire controlled a lot of land and had a
lot of ethnically and culturally different people. Again, the Kushan empire
doesn't fully qualify as an empire because there was never one set person
who had control of all the lands and people."

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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“Is everyone ready to go to the Museum of India today? Make sure you bring
a clipboard, pencil, and a blank sheet of paper along with you. We will be
using these things to write down any interesting information that we
find interesting, and when we get back to the school later tonight, we will
summarize everything that we have learned as a class.”
All of the students grabbed their stuff and headed to the bus once Mr. Simpson was done
talking. 45 minutes later, the class had arrived at the Museum of India. The 3rd graders
had a look of awe on their face due to the building's exquisite architecture and appearance.


"Hello everybody! My name is Alyssa and I will be your tour guide for the day. If you
have any questions, please feel free to ask."
Tommy, one of the 3rd graders in Mr. Simpson's class, raised his hand and asked,
"What are we going to see today in the museum?"
Alyssa replied, "Good question. We are going to be visiting 4 exhibits. The first exhibit is
about India's culture. The second exhibit is about Indian Empires. The third exhibit is about
India's religion. The last exhibit is about the Caste System.
One of Tommy's friends raised his hand and asked, "What is the Caste System?"
The tour guide replied, "You're going to have to wait and find out, we'll learn about that
later today."

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"Field trip to the Museum of India"
Mr. Simpson's 3rd grade class visits the Museum of India, where they learn about Indian culture, empires, religion, and the caste system from their tour guide, Alyssa.
(20 pages)
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