
This is the story of a drop named Joséphine D'eau Douce (Josephine Fresh Water), who lives in a dark gray castel-shaped cumulonimbus, with pinkish shades. Josephine is a real sportwoman, she plays soccer, she practices hip-hop dancing and of course, she is able to do 10 push-ups a minute, etc. With her 10 billions of friends, the other water drops in the cumulonimbus, she enjoys life. This seems to end soon with the "Cloud war" in the foreseen future...
Audrey Jannin, 5th Graders, Ronchèse School Nice France
E2 Classroom,
Antonia Griva,
Experimental Primary School of the University of Patras, Greece
(Image created with DALL·E AI)

Josephine and her friends enjoy having fun and doing sport.
Suddenly, the '' cloud war '' begins.
The weather turns bad.
The wind blows hard.
A storm breaks out and a lightning pierces the clouds.
Now, Josephine, the drop of water is cold and scared and decides to come down to earth.
Anne Martin Tordo Primary School France 1st Grade
Koliou Elfi Primary School of Kompoti, Greece, 2nd grade
her own gym to continue training herself. Suddenly, a worm appears and Josephine gets scared. The worm asks her to be friends and train together.
At first Josephine is surprised but then she thinks it can be great to have a new and different friend in a such dark place.
Ángeles González, 4th graders
Pena de Francia School. Mos-Spain

Image by Emily
Experimental Primary School of the University of Patras Greece
Suddenly, a lavender plant absorbs Joséphine.
The plant begins to sweat and Joséphine rises into the air.
Anne Martin, 1st Graade, Tordo Primary School Tourrette-Levens France

Joséphine is drifting aimlessly through the sky when she meets the Sun, glowing with wisdom.
“Where am I going?” she asks nervously.
The Sun smiles warmly. “You are destined for change, little one. Soon, you will fall as rain, joining rivers, oceans, and life itself.”
“But I’m afraid,” she whispers.
“Trust the journey,” says the Sun. “Every drop has a purpose.”
With newfound courage, Joséphine sparkles, ready for her descent, knowing she is part of something greater.
Jolanta Zamoyska ,Milenium Primary School, Poland
Josephine, once safe and cozy, suddenly feels brave and decides to leave her comfort zone.
She begins her long journey to the Earth, falling slowly at first, but with excitement.
As she drops through the sky, she knows that this new adventure will take her to places she's never been before.
Even though she is a little nervous, she is ready for the changes ahead!
Maria Mavriki, 1st Primary School of Anoiksi, 4th grade, Greece
Serya Çetinkaya Ankara Science and Art Center / Türkiye
Joséphine falls from a cloud, sparkling in the sunlight. Suddenly, bright colours appear in the sky.
"Wow! Who are you?" the waterdrop asks excitedly.
"I`m the Rainbow," says a warm, happy voice. "You helped me appear!"
"Me?" says the waterdrop. "How?"
"When sunlight shines through you, you make my colours," says the Rainbow. "We work together."
Joséphine smiles big. "Let`s make the sky beautiful!"
And together, they shine for everyone to see.
Mª Auxiliadora Mateos. 2º ESO. Fernando de los Ríos School, Ronda-Spain.
Anne Martin Tordo Primary School France 1st Grade

Antonia Griva / Experimental Primary School of the University of Patras, Greece

Chantal Kopteff Ronchèse school Nice France 4th grade
As Joséphine seeps into the ground, she notices a new shiny, pink earthworm moving towards her, looking at her curiously.
"Hi! Who are you?" asks the earthworm.
"I'm Joséphine, a drop of water. I fall from the sky and practice different sports. What about you?"
"I'm Miko!" replies the earthworm, twisting her body into a spiral. "I move underground, take care of the soil. And the earth is the perfect place for training! Want to try yoga?"
Joséphine tries to mimic her movements but just slips across the soil.
"Training takes time!" Miko laughs. "We start slow!"
Suddenly, the ground trembles. "Watch out, here comes the badger!" shouts Miko, quickly hiding deeper into the soil.

Nikoula Floka, Experimental Primary School of the University of Patras, 3rd Grade, Greece
1st Primary School of N. Redestos, Greece D class Christina Dimareli & Katerina Ziaka
The drop leaves the worm and follows its underground path. Suddenly, it falls into the void... and splash ... onto something ... furry. "This isn't a cat," it thinks. "Cats live above the ground."
Before it finishes its thought, a strong thud launches it into the air. It barely manages to grab onto a tree root. It looks back, only to see a badger ready to swallow it. Terrified, it hides behind the root.
"Thankfully, I'm safe," it thinks.
Nuray Bakır, 15 Temmuz Şehitler Anatolian High School, Bursa, TÜRKİYE

Scoala Gimnaziala Harau, Romania-Iacob Tatiana, students Daniel, Eliza, Maya

Afterwards, the little water drop meets a faded sun flower. The flower falls sadly to the soil.
It is located in a nice garden with other flowers. But they forgot to water it !
The droplet says she has to help it. She worries about the poor flower! She decides to dive underground and infiltrate its roots. Then she begins to go up along the stem and reachs the heart of the flower. The sunflower raises slowly.
Chantal Kopteff 4th grade Ronchèse school Nice France


Ángeles González, 4th graders.
Pena de Francia School, Mos-Spain
Other water drops from the nearby clouds see the brave little drop’s determination and decide to join in. They glide down from the sky, shimmering like diamonds as they land softly on the sunflowers' petals and leaves. Each drop carries the gift of renewal.
The sunflowers surrounded by the care of the water drops, straighten themselves proudly and sway slightly.
As the evening deepens, the garden grows quiet and falls asleep under the night sky. A sense of peace settles over everything.
The water drops, tired but content, settle on the sunflowers' leaves. They glisten softly in the moonlight and smile, knowing that their small act of kindness has made the world a little brighter.
Koliou Efi Primary school of Kompoti, Greece 2nd class

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This is the story of a drop named Joséphine D'eau Douce (Josephine Fresh Water), who lives in a dark gray castel-shaped cumulonimbus, with pinkish shades. Josephine is a real sportwoman, she plays soccer, she practices hip-hop dancing and of course, she is able to do 10 push-ups a minute, etc. With her 10 billions of friends, the other water drops in the cumulonimbus, she enjoys life. This seems to end soon with the "Cloud war" in the foreseen future...
Audrey Jannin, 5th Graders, Ronchèse School Nice France
E2 Classroom,
Antonia Griva,
Experimental Primary School of the University of Patras, Greece
(Image created with DALL·E AI)

Josephine and her friends enjoy having fun and doing sport.
Suddenly, the '' cloud war '' begins.
The weather turns bad.
The wind blows hard.
A storm breaks out and a lightning pierces the clouds.
Now, Josephine, the drop of water is cold and scared and decides to come down to earth.
Anne Martin Tordo Primary School France 1st Grade
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