1. Butterfly - Fulden Bozkurt, Simona Cont, Nino Jokhadze
2. Cars - Merve Güler, Laura Simonetti, Laura Zbarcea
3. My street - Canan Öztürk, Viorica Bulgaru, Florinda Trotta
4. Rocket - Daniela Bobulisteanu, Hazal Çelik, Jaume Miro
5. Yoyo - Theano Antnopoulou, Demet Çimen Gümüş, Loredana Olteanu
6. Whirligig - Hanife Yalçınkaya, Lorian Olteanu, Sibel Akay,
7. My friends - Anna Korma, Emine Koçyiğit Günaslan,
Dania Mattioli

Mary and Eric are classmates, neighbours and best friends. Mary is 8 years old and Eric is 9. Eric has a younger brother, Billy. He is 6 years old. Mary has a puppy named Spot.
The children love to spent free time together. Billy is fascinated by cars. Eric likes airplanes and rockets. Mary likes puppies, kittens, birds, butterflies. Her puppy, Spot accompanies her everywhere playing.
author Simona Conț, Sibiu, România

Mary and Eric didn`t have much money for toys and since they were bored with the old ones, they decided to make new ones. They collected various recyclable objects: plastic bottles (0,5l or 0,3l), paper cups, plastic bottle caps, cardboard, rubber bands, straws from juice, cardboard boxes of different sizes.
The children made some toys together, that they thought were great.
author Simona Conț, Sibiu, România

Butterfly authors: Fulden Bozkurt, Turkey; Simona Conț, România; Nino Jokhadze, Georgia
First we made a butterfly and all three of them played outside. They used the following materials: a smaller plastic bottle, a string, paper, colored pencils, scissors, glue.
The children drew and colored a butterfly then cut out and glued it to the plastic bottle. The plastic bottle can be pierced with a thick needle or a nail. The hole is widened with the tip of the scissors. Eric inserted two strands of string through the plastic bottle.
Mary held the two ends of the string and the boys each held one end of string on the other side. When Eric and Billy started running in opposite directions, each pulling on his owen string, the butterfly started moving and flying towards Mary.
The children had fun and played outside, proud of their toy.

CARS authors Merve Guler,Laura Simonetti,Laura Zbarcea
Mary drew a car for her younger friend Billy. He was very excited and quickly colored the drawing. After he finished, she thought it would be nice if he could play with the car. Mary thought of making wheels out of plastic bottle caps. She used four bottle caps and punched holes in them. She used two straws.

Eric helped her to glue a cap to each end of the straw.He inserted a stick through the straw. Eric made a frame out of pieces of wood where he glued the wheels and the cardboard car.Eric thought about tying a rubber band was attached to several times and then let go. Billy was happy when he saw the car move.

STRADA mea - utori Canan Ozturk, Viorica Bulgaru, Florinda Trotta

La ora de matematică, Eric și Mary au învățat despre figuri geometrice și solide, despre pătrat, triunghi, dreptunghi, cub, cuboid, con, cilindru. Eric a vrut să-i arate fratelui și-a mai mic diferența dintre figurile geometrice și solidele geometrice. Ia cerut ajutor Mariei. Mary a adus cutii de carton de diferite dimensiuni. Atunci cei doi au început să facă case. Billy a încercat să taie cartonul și să facă ferestre, dar nu a reușit. Billy a spart cutia și sa întristat. Eric ia căpătat cutia are doar lungimea.

Nu mai avea înălțime. A devenit o structură geometrică formată din mai multe dreptunghiuri puse împreună. Mary i-a dat lui Billy mai multe cutii. L-a ajutat să facă o casă mare. Au pus două cutii una peste alta. Au lipit un dreptunghi mare colorat pentru fața casei și apoi au lipit dreptunghiuri mici pentru ferestre și uși. Apoi Billy a lucrat el însuși la o casă. A mai construit un bloc. Eric a construit o casă mare cu două etaje. Mary a construit o casă și un bloc. Au asezat toate casele una langa alta si au facut o macheta.
Mary și Eric au numit modelul My Street

Rocket -authors: Daniela Bobulisteanu, Hazal Celik, Jaume Miro

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1. Butterfly - Fulden Bozkurt, Simona Cont, Nino Jokhadze
2. Cars - Merve Güler, Laura Simonetti, Laura Zbarcea
3. My street - Canan Öztürk, Viorica Bulgaru, Florinda Trotta
4. Rocket - Daniela Bobulisteanu, Hazal Çelik, Jaume Miro
5. Yoyo - Theano Antnopoulou, Demet Çimen Gümüş, Loredana Olteanu
6. Whirligig - Hanife Yalçınkaya, Lorian Olteanu, Sibel Akay,
7. My friends - Anna Korma, Emine Koçyiğit Günaslan,
Dania Mattioli

Mary and Eric are classmates, neighbours and best friends. Mary is 8 years old and Eric is 9. Eric has a younger brother, Billy. He is 6 years old. Mary has a puppy named Spot.
The children love to spent free time together. Billy is fascinated by cars. Eric likes airplanes and rockets. Mary likes puppies, kittens, birds, butterflies. Her puppy, Spot accompanies her everywhere playing.
author Simona Conț, Sibiu, România

Mary and Eric didn`t have much money for toys and since they were bored with the old ones, they decided to make new ones. They collected various recyclable objects: plastic bottles (0,5l or 0,3l), paper cups, plastic bottle caps, cardboard, rubber bands, straws from juice, cardboard boxes of different sizes.
The children made some toys together, that they thought were great.
author Simona Conț, Sibiu, România

Butterfly authors: Fulden Bozkurt, Turkey; Simona Conț, România; Nino Jokhadze, Georgia
First we made a butterfly and all three of them played outside. They used the following materials: a smaller plastic bottle, a string, paper, colored pencils, scissors, glue.
The children drew and colored a butterfly then cut out and glued it to the plastic bottle. The plastic bottle can be pierced with a thick needle or a nail. The hole is widened with the tip of the scissors. Eric inserted two strands of string through the plastic bottle.
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