I would like to dedicate this page to Mrs. Yu, my amazing Mandarin teacher.
Thank you for your patience, guidance, and passion for teaching. You have made learning Mandarin such a fun and meaningful experience. Through your lessons, I have gained a deeper appreciation for Chinese culture, language, and traditions.
Your encouragement has helped me grow not only as a student but also as a person. I am truly grateful for everything you have taught me.
Thank you, Mrs. Yu! 谢谢您, Yu lǎoshī!

Waking Up
I start my day by waking up at 6:30 AM and getting right out of bed.
I go to the kitchen, turn on the kettle for hot water, and drink a glass of water while I wait.
Freshening Up
After hydrating, I brush my teeth and wash my face to wake myself up.
Skincare & Makeup
Tidying Up
I make my bed and clean my room to start the day fresh.
Getting Ready
I put on my school uniform and head to the bathroom to do my hair.
Final Touches
起床 - 我早上 6:30 起床,然后起床,开始新的一天。补水 - 我去厨房,打开水壶烧热水,一边喝水一边等待。清新 - 补水后,我刷牙洗脸,让自己清醒。护肤和化妆首先,我用洗面奶洗脸,冲洗干净,然后用毛巾擦干。然后,我涂上防晒霜。最后化上淡妆。
Qǐchuáng - wǒ zǎoshang 6:30 Qǐchuáng, ránhòu qǐchuáng, kāishǐ xīn de yītiān. Bǔshuǐ - wǒ qù chúfáng, dǎkāi shuǐhú shāo rè shuǐ, yībiān hē shuǐ yībiān děngdài. Qīngxīn - bǔshuǐ hòu, wǒ shuāyá xǐliǎn, ràng zìjǐ qīngxǐng. Hùfū hé huàzhuāng shǒuxiān, wǒ yòng xǐmiàn nǎi xǐliǎn, chōngxǐ gānjìng, ránhòu yòng máojīn cā gān. Ránhòu, wǒ tú shàng fángshài shuāng. Zuìhòu huà shàng dànzhuāng.
整理 - 我整理床铺,打扫房间,以精神饱满的开始新的一天。准备 - 我穿上校服,去浴室梳头。首先,我梳头,决定是披散着头发还是盘起头发。决定好之后,我就开始做发型,这大约需要 10 到 20 分钟。最后一步 - 我下楼吃早餐。我检查包,确保我带了所有的书和笔记本电脑。最后,我去上学了!
Zhěnglǐ - wǒ zhěnglǐ chuángpù, dǎsǎo fángjiān, yǐ jīngshén bǎomǎn de kāishǐ xīn de yītiān. Zhǔnbèi - wǒ chuān shàng xiàofú, qù yùshì shūtóu. Shǒuxiān, wǒ shūtóu, juédìng shì pīsanzhe tóufǎ háishì pán qǐ tóufǎ. Juédìng hǎo zhīhòu, wǒ jiù kāishǐ zuò fǎxíng, zhè dàyuē xūyào 10 dào 20 fēnzhōng. Zuìhòu yībù - wǒ xià lóu chī zǎocān. Wǒ jiǎnchá bāo, quèbǎo wǒ dàile suǒyǒu de shū hé bǐjìběn diànnǎo. Zuìhòu, wǒ qù shàngxuéle!
我的早晨习惯. Wǒ de zǎochén xíguàn
At school, I have a very organized and structured schedule. Each class is assigned a lettered block to help us stay on track and easily find our classrooms.
Block A – Business - In Business, we learn all about the economy, how to start and manage businesses, and the fundamentals of finance. Block B – Mandarin - In Mandarin, I learn about Chinese culture, language, and traditions. Block C – Math - Math class focuses on Algebra, covering inequalities, graphing, formulas, and equations. Block D – STEM - STEM is all about coding, robotics, and the Engineering Design Process. Block E – English - In English, we focus on grammar and punctuation to improve our academic and intelligent communication. Block F – Science - Science class covers weather, chemistry, and hands-on labs to analyze data. Block G – Study Hall - Study Hall is where I complete homework and study for upcoming tests. Block H – History - In History, we learn about iconic events, wars, and influential people of the past. After I finish my last class, I end the day!
模块 A - 商务 - 在商务课上,我们学习有关经济、如何创办和管理企业以及金融基础知识的所有知识。模块 B - 普通话 - 在普通话课上,我学习中国文化、语言和传统。模块 C - 数学 - 数学课侧重于代数,涵盖不等式、图形、公式和方程式。模块 D - STEM - STEM 是关于编码、机器人技术和工程设计流程。模块 E - 英语 - 在英语课上,我们专注于语法和标点符号,以提高我们的学术和智能沟通能力。模块 F - 科学 - 科学课涵盖天气、化学和动手实验室以分析数据。模块 G - 自习室 - 自习室是我完成家庭作业和为即将到来的考试做准备的地方。模块 H - 历史 - 在历史课上,我们学习过去的标志性事件、战争和有影响力的人物。上完最后一节课,我就结束了这一天的学习!
Mókuài A - shāngwù - zài shāngwù kè shàng, wǒmen xuéxí yǒuguān jīngjì, rúhé chuàngbàn hé guǎnlǐ qǐyè yǐjí jīnróng jīchǔ zhīshì de suǒyǒu zhīshì. Mókuài B - pǔtōnghuà - zài pǔtōnghuà kè shàng, wǒ xuéxí zhōngguó wénhuà, yǔyán hé chuántǒng. Mókuài C - shùxué - shùxué kè cèzhòng yú dàishù, hángài bùděngshì, túxíng, gōngshì hé fāngchéngshì. Mókuài D - STEM - STEM shì guānyú biānmǎ, jīqìrén jìshù hé gōngchéng shèjì liúchéng. Mókuài E - yīngyǔ - zài yīngyǔ kè shàng, wǒmen zhuānzhù yú yǔfǎ hé biāodiǎn fúhào, yǐ tígāo wǒmen de xuéshù hé zhìnéng gōutōng nénglì. Mókuài F - kēxué - kēxué kè hángài tiānqì, huàxué hé dòngshǒu shíyàn shì yǐ fēnxī shùjù. Mókuài G - zìxí shì - zìxí shì shì wǒ wánchéng jiātíng zuòyè hé wèi jíjiāng dàolái de kǎoshì zuò zhǔnbèi dì dìfāng. Mókuài H - lìshǐ - zài lìshǐ kè shàng, wǒmen xuéxí guòqù de biāozhì xìng shìjiàn, zhànzhēng hé yǒu yǐngxiǎng lì de rénwù. Shàng wán zuìhòu yī jié kè, wǒ jiù jiéshùle zhè yītiān de xuéxí!
我的学校日程表. 在学校,我的时间表非常有条理和结构化。每节课都分配了一个字母区块,以帮助我们保持进度并轻松找到教室. Wǒ de xuéxiào rìchéng biǎo. Zài xuéxiào, wǒ de shíjiān biǎo fēicháng yǒu tiáolǐ hé jiégòu huà. Měi jié kè dōu fēnpèile yīgè zìmǔ qū kuài, yǐ bāngzhù wǒmen bǎochí jìndù bìng qīngsōng zhǎodào jiàoshì.
My Favorite classes
I have three favorite classes among all the ones I take. My three favorite classes are Math, Science, and Mandarin.
I love Math because there is only one right answer, and each one comes with a clear explanation.
I love Science because it always answers the question why, and why is the question I always ask. Science also teaches me how to phrase my words academically, properly, and in a more structured way.
I also love Mandarin because I get to learn many different things and try them out for myself. We explore new traditions and recognize new holidays that we all start to celebrate. But most importantly, we have fun.
These three classes truly make my day!
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I would like to dedicate this page to Mrs. Yu, my amazing Mandarin teacher.
Thank you for your patience, guidance, and passion for teaching. You have made learning Mandarin such a fun and meaningful experience. Through your lessons, I have gained a deeper appreciation for Chinese culture, language, and traditions.
Your encouragement has helped me grow not only as a student but also as a person. I am truly grateful for everything you have taught me.
Thank you, Mrs. Yu! 谢谢您, Yu lǎoshī!

Waking Up
I start my day by waking up at 6:30 AM and getting right out of bed.
I go to the kitchen, turn on the kettle for hot water, and drink a glass of water while I wait.
Freshening Up
After hydrating, I brush my teeth and wash my face to wake myself up.
Skincare & Makeup
Tidying Up
I make my bed and clean my room to start the day fresh.
Getting Ready
I put on my school uniform and head to the bathroom to do my hair.
Final Touches
起床 - 我早上 6:30 起床,然后起床,开始新的一天。补水 - 我去厨房,打开水壶烧热水,一边喝水一边等待。清新 - 补水后,我刷牙洗脸,让自己清醒。护肤和化妆首先,我用洗面奶洗脸,冲洗干净,然后用毛巾擦干。然后,我涂上防晒霜。最后化上淡妆。
Qǐchuáng - wǒ zǎoshang 6:30 Qǐchuáng, ránhòu qǐchuáng, kāishǐ xīn de yītiān. Bǔshuǐ - wǒ qù chúfáng, dǎkāi shuǐhú shāo rè shuǐ, yībiān hē shuǐ yībiān děngdài. Qīngxīn - bǔshuǐ hòu, wǒ shuāyá xǐliǎn, ràng zìjǐ qīngxǐng. Hùfū hé huàzhuāng shǒuxiān, wǒ yòng xǐmiàn nǎi xǐliǎn, chōngxǐ gānjìng, ránhòu yòng máojīn cā gān. Ránhòu, wǒ tú shàng fángshài shuāng. Zuìhòu huà shàng dànzhuāng.
整理 - 我整理床铺,打扫房间,以精神饱满的开始新的一天。准备 - 我穿上校服,去浴室梳头。首先,我梳头,决定是披散着头发还是盘起头发。决定好之后,我就开始做发型,这大约需要 10 到 20 分钟。最后一步 - 我下楼吃早餐。我检查包,确保我带了所有的书和笔记本电脑。最后,我去上学了!
Zhěnglǐ - wǒ zhěnglǐ chuángpù, dǎsǎo fángjiān, yǐ jīngshén bǎomǎn de kāishǐ xīn de yītiān. Zhǔnbèi - wǒ chuān shàng xiàofú, qù yùshì shūtóu. Shǒuxiān, wǒ shūtóu, juédìng shì pīsanzhe tóufǎ háishì pán qǐ tóufǎ. Juédìng hǎo zhīhòu, wǒ jiù kāishǐ zuò fǎxíng, zhè dàyuē xūyào 10 dào 20 fēnzhōng. Zuìhòu yībù - wǒ xià lóu chī zǎocān. Wǒ jiǎnchá bāo, quèbǎo wǒ dàile suǒyǒu de shū hé bǐjìběn diànnǎo. Zuìhòu, wǒ qù shàngxuéle!
我的早晨习惯. Wǒ de zǎochén xíguàn
At school, I have a very organized and structured schedule. Each class is assigned a lettered block to help us stay on track and easily find our classrooms.
Block A – Business - In Business, we learn all about the economy, how to start and manage businesses, and the fundamentals of finance. Block B – Mandarin - In Mandarin, I learn about Chinese culture, language, and traditions. Block C – Math - Math class focuses on Algebra, covering inequalities, graphing, formulas, and equations. Block D – STEM - STEM is all about coding, robotics, and the Engineering Design Process. Block E – English - In English, we focus on grammar and punctuation to improve our academic and intelligent communication. Block F – Science - Science class covers weather, chemistry, and hands-on labs to analyze data. Block G – Study Hall - Study Hall is where I complete homework and study for upcoming tests. Block H – History - In History, we learn about iconic events, wars, and influential people of the past. After I finish my last class, I end the day!
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