Hobbies Books

  • All About Me
    Sometimes when you're an only child you don't have many friends to play with at home so my mommy is my best friend and my great grandmother is my next best friend. I call her…
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • Princess find it
    A can-you-find-it book for young readers who enjoy princesses
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    The story is about a person who is interested in sports, reading, and movies. They participate in various sports, read modern novels, and watch action films.
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  • ABC's All About Me!
    A personal narrative about the author's life, including family, hobbies, travels, and education.
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  • Moving with Cindy
    Cindy encourages kids to move their bodies through various sports and activities in different seasons.
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  • Liam's Helpful Hobby
    Liam and his brother discover their grandfather's love for the song 'These Boots are Made for Walking'. Liam moves to a new neighborhood where he befriends Timmy, a boy recov…
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  • My Mom And I
    A heartwarming story about a child's close relationship with their animal-loving mom, their adventures, hobbies, and the strong bond they share.
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