Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 3 Voluntari, Ilfov
Postelnicu Andreea Gabriela (Member)
Colegiul Național Gheorghe Șincai, Cluj-Napoca
Școală Gimnazială Numărul 27, Timișoara
"Stefan cel Mare" Secondary School, Galați
High School "Nicolae Stoleru", Baia, Suceava
Secondary School No 12, Brasov
Lazăr Mariana (Member)
Kindergarten "Pumpurėlis", Klaipėda

Nefise İbrahim Çetin Kindergarten, Izmir
Private Mersin Toros Secondary School, Mersin
Adem İlkkılıç Secondary School, Batman
Çiftlik Şehit Üsteğmen Nevzat Altuntaş Secondary School, Kayseri
Dipsizgöl Secondary School, Bursa
ZS s RVMPP Buzulucka, Teplice
C.E.I.P. Río Ginel, Mediana de Aragón, Zaragoza
Student Reflection (2-3 sentences)
"What did I learn from this activity?"
"Why are bees important to the environment?"
"What was the most fun part of this project?"
Creative Contribution (Optional)
Short poem, story excerpt, or environmental message related to bees
Links & Extras (if applicable)
QR Code / Link to an external project, video, or additional resource
Building a Mini Beehive"
Author: Maria & Alex, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 3 Voluntari, Romania
Today, we built a mini beehive using recycled materials! We learned how bees create honeycomb structures and why they are important for biodiversity." (Maria)

Popescu Simona, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 3 Voluntari, Romania
Student Reflection:
"I never knew that bees communicate through dancing! It was fun working as a team to build our mini beehive. I want to plant more flowers to help bees in my neighborhood!" (Alex)
Creative Contribution:
"A buzzing sound, a tiny flight,
Bees work hard from day to night.
Pollinating, making sweet gold,
Saving nature—brave and bold!"
Popescu Simona, Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 3 Voluntari, Romania
Authors: students SOFIA and EDI- High School
,,Nicolae Stoleru”- Baia/ România-
teacher, Mihaela Gogu
,,We built, with frag, from recyclable materials, a mini beehive - the bee house. We also created hexagonal models of honeycombs, we learned about hive engineering. Also, about the special importance of bees in the ecosystem”. (Edi)

STUDENT REFLECTION: ,,I wondered why bees have the most developed orientation system?..They always return from long flights to their hive, orienting themselves according to the polarized rays of the Sun. I enjoyed building a mini-beehive, I will also plant flowers and trees to help the bees find their food easily”. (Sofia)
From dawn to night
Bees work hard...
Nectar from flowers, yellow pollen
They gather, with love, for all of us.
They also pollinate the planet
And thus they produce crops.
Bees are the queens of the world
And we must respect them!
Authors: Zeynep,Zara,Helin,Civan
teacher: Leyla Akgül Çeçen,Adem İlkkılıç Secondary School

we designed a beehive by using recycled materials.At first we researched about the importance of bees in the ecosystem.
students reflection
In this project, I learned what a critical role bees play for the ecosystem, beyond just making honey. Bees provide pollination of plants, that is, they help plants reproduce. This is very important for people's food sources and biodiversity in nature. I also learned about the social structures and communication methods of bees.
The most fun part during this project was exploring the life cycle of bees and how they work. It was also very interesting to observe the order inside the beehives and perhaps examine them closely. Interactive activities related to the project, learning the dance of bees (a form of communication from bees) or watching them can also be a very enjoyable experience.
Authors: Elif;Adem,Nisa
teacher: Ayşe Helli Diken,Adem İlkkılıç Secondary School,Batman/Türkiye

my students designed a bee hive by using recycled materials.They enjoyed very much by doing this.
students reflection
without bees, many plants, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts, would struggle to grow, affecting biodiversity and food supply. Additionally, bees contribute to ecosystem stability by supporting habitats for other animals.
Golden stripes and tiny wings,
Making honey—sweetest things!
Without the bees, oh can’t you see?
No fruits, no flowers, no buzzing tree!
Authors: Berra,Beyza,Dilvin Heja,Elif Zehra,Hilan
Teacher: Sidan Kardeşoğlu,Adem İlkkılıç Secondary School,Batman/Türkiye

''We made a beehive with my friends at school,it was a lot of fun.I felt hardworking like a bee.''(Beyza)
I knew that bees are very important for the ecosystem, but I had the opportunity to learn in much more detail in the video my teacher watched at this activity. without bees, we cannot exist in nature, which is incredible.The most fun part of the project so far was to build a beehive with my friends. While making the beehive, we tried to use waste materials and be creative.(Hilan)
The first known bee fossil belongs to 100 million years ago,and the first human fossil belongs to 300 thousand years ago
Have you ever wondered how they can buzz so loudly? They achieve this by flapping their wings at an incredible speed, 11.400 times per minute.

Sanda Obeadă -Școala Gimnazială Nr.27 Timișoara, România
Students reflection:
”Bees are amazing, are.....unbeelieveble!”
”We learned that bees collect pollen in little bags on their legs”
” The queen bee feeds on royal jelly”

We were all as hardworking as bees and made abeehive out of recyclable materials: paper, plastic bags, string, netting.
Sanda Obeadă - Șc. Gimnazială Nr.27 Timișoara, România

Bees have a stinger like the tip of an arrow: when they attack a person or animal, the stinger goes into the skin and does not come out, because the stinger remains inside the "victim". When they try to fly, the poisonous sheath and part of the bees' intestines end up breaking - they will soon die from this amputation.

Students Reflection:
Some people attack others out of gossip or hatred and it may annoy the victim for a moment, but they will end up becoming a victim of their own malice. So if they hurt you, move on, don't give up, forgive!
Teacher: Mariana Lazar, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 12 Brasov, Romania

Authors: Students Darius, George, Valentina
Teacher: Mariana Lazar, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 12 Brasov, Romania

Did you know that bees have two compartments in their body?
One is the regular stomach, where they digest food, and the other is the "goiter" or "honey stomach", where they store the nectar collected from flowers.
In the goiter, enzymes begin the transformation of nectar into honey, which will be completed in the hive.
Did you know that a bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey, but for her it is a lifetime's work.

Throughout the month of February we learned a lot about bees! We discovered how they grow through different stages, from egg to adult, and how they live in hives.

C.E.I.P Río Ginel (Mediana, Spain)
We also learned that bees are important for pollination and help plants grow. It was fun to create a bee logo and explore fun facts, like how bees communicate through dancing. Overall, we all now appreciate bees and their role in nature!

C.E.I.P Río Ginel (Mediana, Spain)

”Bees are amazing creatures and their life in the hive is full of interesting reading”



Cristina Dima - ”Ștefan cel Mare” Secondary School, Galați, Romania

Cristina Dima - ”Ștefan cel Mare” Secondary School, Galați, Romania

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Scoala Gimnaziala Nr 3 Voluntari, Ilfov
Postelnicu Andreea Gabriela (Member)
Colegiul Național Gheorghe Șincai, Cluj-Napoca
Școală Gimnazială Numărul 27, Timișoara
"Stefan cel Mare" Secondary School, Galați
High School "Nicolae Stoleru", Baia, Suceava
Secondary School No 12, Brasov
Lazăr Mariana (Member)
Kindergarten "Pumpurėlis", Klaipėda

Nefise İbrahim Çetin Kindergarten, Izmir
Private Mersin Toros Secondary School, Mersin
Adem İlkkılıç Secondary School, Batman
Çiftlik Şehit Üsteğmen Nevzat Altuntaş Secondary School, Kayseri
Dipsizgöl Secondary School, Bursa
ZS s RVMPP Buzulucka, Teplice
C.E.I.P. Río Ginel, Mediana de Aragón, Zaragoza
Student Reflection (2-3 sentences)
"What did I learn from this activity?"
"Why are bees important to the environment?"
"What was the most fun part of this project?"
Creative Contribution (Optional)
Short poem, story excerpt, or environmental message related to bees
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