chapter 2-Transformations
chapter 3-Angle pair relations
chapter 4-congruent triangles
chapter 5-similar triangles and trigonometry
chapter 6-polygons
chapter 7-3-D geometry
chapter 8-circles

John and Jill were doing research on the titanic and the
people that were on it. There were 324 first class
passengers, 284 second class passengers, and 709
third class passengers on the titanic.

Jill and Jack wanted to see if the "passengers
survived" and "passengers in first class" are
dependent or independent events. she found out
that it is a dependent event because the passengers
survival depended on the passengers who are in
first class
Jack asked Jill what is a probability of compound
events. Jill answered 2 or more events at the
same time. Jack was still confused so she
continued with a circle chart.

imagine walking in the woods and you see a
hunter and 3 deer. the probability that the hunter
is will get a deer is 1/3. Or that there is a hunter
getting a deer is a dependent event because it
depends if there are deer if the hunter can get

Ni'Ishia and Emily live by the beach and
always wondered what is it called when there
are twin houses next to each other. Emily
says in mathematical language you would
consider that reflection. Reflection is a
mirrored image.

When Ni'Ishia went to the gas station for gas to get
gas for the car. Ni'Ishia remembered her geometry
teacher told her that when your car drives it is doing
translation.its just sliding and that's basically what
translation is its sliding or moving.

Emily and Ni'Ishia are neighbors and were playing
outside together with some other friends. They were
playing duck duck goose and emily was starting it. Emily
rotated around the group of kids and realized she was
doing a rotation.

Ni'Ishia told Emily that the lines on the building are
parallel. Emily asked her how se knew it wasnt
perpendicular and she answered because if the slope is
equal the lines are parallel and if they are inverse the
lines are perpendicular so you know the building is
kimberly kept seeing things in the desert that made her
think of geometry. she was so water deprived all she
said was only when lines are parallel are the angles
corresponding angles.

Ni'Ishia seen a S shape and remembered that
her teacher told her that an alternative
interior angle was in a zigzag or S shape. all
she could think about was geometry.
Emily and NI'Ishia are still going through the
desert thinking about geometry because
everything they see reminds them of angles.
Emily sees this thing in a V shape and says
"omg Ni'Ishia" do you remember that
Alternative angle is in a V shape.
Ni'Ishia says to Emily "yes do you see that big
C shaped sand hill?" "well that's like a
consecutive interior angle, they are also in a C

On the ocean there are many things
pertaining to geometry. Like distance formula
you just connect the points to make a triangle
and then you can see that after that you can
find out the distance between two points.
Being on the boat for math club they decided
to do geometry. One kid told the other that
the pythagorean theorem is A squared+ B
squared= C squared. you can find what a
triangle is equal to if you use this theorem.
Another child asked if two triangles are
congruent to two other triangles what is it
called? they answered "its called ASA
A student asked "how do you tell if a triangle
is congruent?" they answered "using SSS
Theorem". That is one of the ways to find out
if a triangle is congruent.
The leader asked the kids "do you know what
the SAS Theorem is?" every one shook their
heads no. He stated "its a statement that if
two sides and the angle are congruent to
another, then they are congruent".

on the family camping trip little john asked his
grandma what AA similarity postulate was for
his homework. she answered "if two angles of
one triangle are congruent to two angles of
another triangle then the two triangles are
sarah (johns twin sister) asked john does he
know what a special right triangle is. John told
sarah "its a triangle that has two angles the
same degrees and one different". Grandma
anne says good job to john and gives him
when john looked at sarahs paper, he noticed
she left a problem blank. He asked her "sarah
do you know how to do this"? she answered
"no" he told her "SOH means sine or opposite
over hypotenuse CAH means cosine or
adjacent over hypotenuse and TOA means
tangent or opposite over adjacent". sarah
looked and did the problem correctly.
john didnt understand a problem on his
worksheet so he asked his grandpa mike. He
said "grandpa do you know what the indirect
measurement method is"? his grandpa
answered "no" so he went and asked grandma
anne and she answered "no" he went to his
sister and she said "its when you measure
something by measuring something else".
John was so happy his sister knew.
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chapter 2-Transformations
chapter 3-Angle pair relations
chapter 4-congruent triangles
chapter 5-similar triangles and trigonometry
chapter 6-polygons
chapter 7-3-D geometry
chapter 8-circles

John and Jill were doing research on the titanic and the
people that were on it. There were 324 first class
passengers, 284 second class passengers, and 709
third class passengers on the titanic.

Jill and Jack wanted to see if the "passengers
survived" and "passengers in first class" are
dependent or independent events. she found out
that it is a dependent event because the passengers
survival depended on the passengers who are in
first class
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