Thank you for your discussions and input, your
influences have helped shape my thinking and
helped to generate new ideas.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

1) The Learning Continuum
2) Differentiated Instruction
3) Probability PLC
4) Inquiry Based Learning
5) Mathematical/Numerical Literacy

1) The Learning Continuum
2) Differentiated Instruction
3) Inquiry Based Learning
4) Probability PLC
5) Mathematical/Numerical Literacy

My thinking about learning continuums has been developing over the second half of the
course. I started thinking about transitional understanding and learning continuums when
were discussing differentiated instruction. I started to consider who a student’s personal
background and understanding from all past personal and developmental learning and
how these factors impact the current learning, near future and post-secondary
Most recently while working on chapter 8 and 9 I have been thinking about how students
thoughts developed from 2D shapes to 3D shapes to using formulas to calculate area,
perimeter, volume and surface area and eventually to being able to graph and find the
equation of a line and altitude of a geometric solid on a Cartesian plane. All of these
progressions happen in different grades and each requires some level of prior knowledge
linked between what has been and what is happening next. As a teacher understanding
the relationship we have between content and as a link in a continuum makes me more
aware of the role I play in the immediate. The goal is to work to distil down the critical
content understanding through diagnostic assessment, then to package in a concise and
consistent message new learning assess it through formative testing then to encourage
students to decode and think critically about new learning and build their confidence to
the point where they can remember more and do the whole thing all over again next year
at a more advanced level of reasoning.

• Learning does not happen in isolation
we are part of learning communities
that encourage students to build on
prior knowledge and gain confidence and
• A student’s confidence with
their prior knowledge and schema does
not only influence differentiated
instruction it also influences the flow
of transitional growth and
• In my classroom I always
want to be aware of want my students
have learned and the ultimate base
knowledge for success in subsequent
grades so I can design lessons and
activities that encourage conversation
and ultimately confidence.
• Part of transitional knowledge
is the EQAO testing. As much as
people have mixed feelings on the
purpose of standardized testing it is a
baseline to ensure that students are at
grade standard and can help to identify
areas of needs potentially that require
additional support.

No two people are alike, no two students will learn in exactly the same way. Based on my pre-
existing knowledge combined with new information for the course I have been able to re-evaluate
how much differentiated instruction plays a role in my professional practices. Differentiated
instruction is the convergence of three major factors coming together at the same time.
1) Readiness to Learn – This could include factors such as age/maturity appropriateness
of a lesson, has the child eaten breakfast, are there other home or school factors that could
influence learning. Any factors that take a child’s attention away from the classroom are things that
should be considered when evaluating student readiness for a lesson.
2) Learner Profile – This is not isolated only to a student who is on an IEP, however it
takes into account every student and past learning experiences. A learners profile could include
connection to the subject, modality of learning (visual, auditory, movement), and ability to process
verbal and non-verbal communication. These factors include anything that is known about the
learner’s educational history and learning strategies that will influence how information is received
and processed.
3) Interest (Attitude) – I think this is the most significant factor because even students
who face tremendous challenges are able to learn if they are motivated and see the purpose of the
skill. A student’s attitude will either allow them to open themselves up or cause them to close
themselves off the idea of learning more and building on what they know. Interest includes any
factors that deal with perception and overall willingness to participate and contribute.

enter text here
• By being aware of
differentiated instructional factors
lessons can be made that are more
geared towards the needs, attitudes,
abilities and general mentality of the
• Knowing the differentiated
profile of a student only indicates a
snap shot of where a child is at this
moment. This profile is dynamic and
continues to change as the student
learns, develops and build
• Each student in the classroom
has a different profile with different
strengths and different needs.
Differentiating instruction can happen
on both a classroom and on an
individual student level.

Starting early in the course we discussed the JUMP math program and the inclusion of inquiry
based instruction and evidence based learning in math. Through this activity I found my thinking
to be stretched because i could see the absolute value of inquiry based learning however i could
also see what could happen if the lessons were not taught with intention and thought it could
create confusion and anxiety in the students.
In addition to thinking about inquiry based learning i was also able to evaluate the role that
higher order thinking skills such as synthesis and evaluation played in the math classroom. I could
see how students were able to gain confidence in their understanding and create strong and
meaningful connections by allowing students to participate fully and connect mathematically
using a more authentic modality of learning. I was challenged and motivated by reading about
and evaluated the role that lower order thinking skills also played in a classroom. My synthesis
began to shift as a result of new information and discussion. I started to pose questions to
professional colleagues and course mates on how to balance diverse needs of learners, and see if
a teacher could effectively teach a class while at the same time differentiate instruction enough
to balance the needs of students who would learn as a result of different levels of Bloom's
taxonomy. This is an ongoing challenge and one that I will continue to discuss when we get to
the Differentiated Instruction portion of my portfolio.

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Thank you for your discussions and input, your
influences have helped shape my thinking and
helped to generate new ideas.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

1) The Learning Continuum
2) Differentiated Instruction
3) Probability PLC
4) Inquiry Based Learning
5) Mathematical/Numerical Literacy

1) The Learning Continuum
2) Differentiated Instruction
3) Inquiry Based Learning
4) Probability PLC
5) Mathematical/Numerical Literacy

My thinking about learning continuums has been developing over the second half of the
course. I started thinking about transitional understanding and learning continuums when
were discussing differentiated instruction. I started to consider who a student’s personal
background and understanding from all past personal and developmental learning and
how these factors impact the current learning, near future and post-secondary
Most recently while working on chapter 8 and 9 I have been thinking about how students
thoughts developed from 2D shapes to 3D shapes to using formulas to calculate area,
perimeter, volume and surface area and eventually to being able to graph and find the
equation of a line and altitude of a geometric solid on a Cartesian plane. All of these
progressions happen in different grades and each requires some level of prior knowledge
linked between what has been and what is happening next. As a teacher understanding
the relationship we have between content and as a link in a continuum makes me more
aware of the role I play in the immediate. The goal is to work to distil down the critical
content understanding through diagnostic assessment, then to package in a concise and
consistent message new learning assess it through formative testing then to encourage
students to decode and think critically about new learning and build their confidence to
the point where they can remember more and do the whole thing all over again next year
at a more advanced level of reasoning.
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