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Deep under the sea is a lost city called Atlantis.
The king of this great city, King Triton, had a
beautiful wife, Queen Athena. They had seven
daughters; Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista,
Andrina and Ariel. The youngest, Ariel, was the
most like her mother; adventurous, brave,
caring and loved to sing. But when Ariel was
young her mother died. King Triton knew Ariel's
potential, since she was like her mother, so he
always wanted the best for her.

Ariel loved to adventure and find cool things.
She was so curious about the world above, but
her father never let her go to the surface. King
Triton was very protective of Ariel because he
loved her and she reminded him of his wife.
King Triton always worried about Ariel since she
went on so many adventures and never was
where she was supposed to be. Ariel was never
alone though, her best friend Flounder was
always there exploring with her. Flounder
wasn't as brave as Ariel, but had fun.

King Triton didn't allow mermaids to go to the
surface but that didn't stop Ariel. When
exploring Ariel would find human things and
being so curious she would seek the help of her
friend Scuttle. "What is this thing?" Ariel asked.
"That's a Dinggle-Hopper" said Scuttle "It's for
brushing your hair." Ariel didn't know that
Sebastian, King Triton's right hand crab, saw
her go up to the surface. Sebastian swam off to
go tell King Triton.

King Triton confronted Ariel "You are never to
go to the surface!" Ariel didn't understand why
her father was so strict "You are so mean!"
King Triton thought humans were dangerous so
he was just trying to protect her. "Ariel, it's for
your own good" he said trying to comfort her.
"Your so unfair" Ariel said and swam off. King
Triton was worried about Ariel so he told
Sebastian to keep an eye on her.

Ariel swam to a hidden cave where she keeps
her collection of human things she finds. Ariel
loves her collection but has to keep it a secret
from her father. Sebastian saw that Ariel wasn't
disobeying her father out of spite but out of
curiosity. He felt guilty that he told King Triton
she went to the surface. Ariel didn't plan on
listening to her father, she was going to go to
the surface any way.

Ariel would only go to the surface if she was
getting information from Scuttle or checking
something out. Sebastian tried to convince her
that there is nothing on the surface worth
seeing and that she should focus on down
under the sea. Ariel appreciated his advice but
she thought that life might be better if she was
a human and lived up above. Flounder was
worried about Ariel because now she wasn't
just learning about the humans she was
thinking about being one.

Ariel spotted a boat over head, it was about to
start getting dark, so she thought she would go
up and take a look. She sat and watched as the
boat lowered the anchors and set up for some
kind of party. When night fell they had fire
works and music. Ariel was curious and wanted
to take a closer look. "Ariel no, you can't" said
Flounder. Ariel smiled and teased "Are you a
cod fish Flounder?" Sebastian was upset that
Ariel didn't take his advice and stay under the

On deck was a handsome man that the crew
called Prince Eric and his dog. There was a
large statue of him in the center of the ship.
Ariel watched as the prince played with his dog
and interacted with the crew. The crew set off
more fireworks but one misfired and it started a
fire on board. The rough sea didn't help, it
threw the crew and Eric around. The flames
could not be tamed and they ragged out of
control sinking the ship. Eric threw his dog to
safety but couldn't make it overboard.

Ariel knew she had to save the prince so she
swam as fast as she could after the sinking
ship. Ariel found Eric unconscious so she pulled
him to shore. As she sat on the beach watching
him she sang to him softly. Eric started to wake
up so Ariel jumped back into the sea and
watched from afar as a rescue team found him.
Though Eric was unconscious, he had seen a
glimpse and herd the voice of his savior sing to
him and he wanted to find her. He had never
heard such a beautiful voice and he thought he
might be in love.

Ariel also thought she might be in love with Eric and
she wanted to see him again. The fact Ariel couldn't
see him again made her very sad. To cheer Ariel up
Flounder and Sebastian rescued the statue of Eric
from the boat wreckage and brought it to Ariel's
secret cave. Ariel was so happy but she still longed
to see the prince. Sebastian reported to King Triton
Ariel had fallen in love but the King wanted to know
more details. When Sebastian gave him more details
about the prince he accidentally mentioned how he
was human.

King Triton was furious and forced Sebastian to
tell him everything. The King went and
confronted Ariel who told him she was in love
with Eric. The King became so enraged he
swam to Ariel's secret cave. When he saw the
statue of Eric he took his trident and zapped it
into rubble. He looked around and all of the
human things Ariel had collected and then
destroyed them with his trident. Ariel was so
upset, she couldn't believe what her father had

Ariel swam off and cried. She was so upset and
she didn't understand why her father had
destroyed her cave. Then two creepy eels came
up and asked "Why are you crying?" Ariel was
taken back but she really needed someone to
talk to so she told them how she fell in love
with a human but could never be with him.
"Well we may know some one who could help
you" replied the eels. Ariel was overjoyed so
she asked "Who?" The eels looked at each
other then said "Ursula can solve your little

Ariel was shocked, she knew who Ursula was
"The sea witch, no" said Ariel. The eels were
expecting this reaction "OK, but she is the only
one who can help you" the eels said swimming
off. Ariel didn't want anything to do with the sea
witch but she was her only hope. "Wait" Ariel
yelled after them, "Take me to her." The eels led
Ariel deep into the darkness of a ravine and into
an even darker cave. "Follow us" said the sly
eels. Ariel got a bad feeling in her stomach as
she entered the cave.

What Ariel didn't know was that Ursula had
been watching her. Ursula had sent out her eels
to persuade Ariel to come to her for help.
Ursula was a wicked witch who was banished
long ago by King Triton for tampering with dark
magic. Ariel knew all about why Ursula was bad
but also knew that the only other person who
could help her was her father. Ariel knew her
father would never help her so she would turn
to dark magic instead.

Ursula was waiting inside she smiled and said
"Ariel, sweet heart you look just like your
mother." Ariel didn't know that Ursula knew her
mother or her name. "How do you know my
name?" Ariel asked cautiously. Ursula had a
devilish grin, she said "Darling, your a princess,
now how can I help you?" Ariel was hesitant
but was desperate to see Prince Eric again, "I
fell in love with a human prince" she said. "So
you want me to make you human, no problem"
said Ursula slyly. "Can you do that?" Ariel didn't
think that was possible.

Ursula got out a cauldron "of course I can
sweetie" she continued "there is a price." Ariel
knew there would be "name your price." Ursula's
smile faded "your voice" she said plainly. Ariel
loved to sing and she replied "But how will I talk
to Eric?" Ursula tried to convince Ariel, "You have
your looks, but most of all, body language." Ariel
knew she had no choice so she agreed. Ursula
had a catch though "If you do not kiss the prince
by sunset on the third day you will turn back into
a mermaid." Ariel didn't like it but signed the
contract anyway.

Ursula put all of the ingredients needed into her
cauldron "Now sing" she demanded. Ursula
begun the spell "Paluga, sarruga, come winds
of the Caspian Sea; Now rings us glossitis and
max laryngitis, La voce to me!" Green smoke
swirled around Ariel as she sung. "Keep
singing" yelled Ursula. Ariel's throat started to
glow and so did Ursula's necklace. Ariel
watched ad her voice floated over to Ursula and
then her fins transformed into feet. Ariel could
no longer breath under water and she gasped
for air.

Flounder and Sebastian got there just in time to
rescue Ariel and pull her to shore. "Ariel what
have you done?" asked Sebastian as he
inspected her legs. Ariel couldn't talk so she
tried to tell them through hand motions. By the
time thy figured out what she was saying they
had attracted the attention of Scuttle. "Ariel
something new about you" he said jokingly.
"We need to put some cloths on you" said
Scuttle flying off to grab something for her to

When Scuttle returned Ariel was trying out her
new legs. Scuttle rapped her in an old potato
sack with rope. Ariel saw a castle on the beach
in the distance so she began walking slowly and
wobbly towards it. She saw Eric and his dog in
the distance playing but she fell over since she
was just learning to walk. Eric came over and
helped her up. "Are you ok miss?" asked Eric.
Ariel tried to answer him but she couldn't talk
so she nodded her head. "Oh you can't talk"
said Eric kindly, "Here let me take you to my
castle and get you cleaned up."
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Deep under the sea is a lost city called Atlantis.
The king of this great city, King Triton, had a
beautiful wife, Queen Athena. They had seven
daughters; Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista,
Andrina and Ariel. The youngest, Ariel, was the
most like her mother; adventurous, brave,
caring and loved to sing. But when Ariel was
young her mother died. King Triton knew Ariel's
potential, since she was like her mother, so he
always wanted the best for her.

Ariel loved to adventure and find cool things.
She was so curious about the world above, but
her father never let her go to the surface. King
Triton was very protective of Ariel because he
loved her and she reminded him of his wife.
King Triton always worried about Ariel since she
went on so many adventures and never was
where she was supposed to be. Ariel was never
alone though, her best friend Flounder was
always there exploring with her. Flounder
wasn't as brave as Ariel, but had fun.
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