that one movie we watched during finals
for American Literature.
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©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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In The Land of Imparity lived Gregorius the Giant.
Mighty and powerful, his position had been handed
down to him from the family tree. He was the tallest
one in the entire kingdom. Because of his height, he
believed he was entitled to do whatever he wants.

Lewin, a goat who is a baker, works hard to support
his family. He finds happiness in the few things he
has. One day, he saw Gregorius walking about outside
of his shop. Lewin felt obligated to show him respect.
He stepped inside the bakery.

“Hello Sir Gregorius. How can I be of service to thee?”
Lewin felt nervous. Gregorius responded, “I want your
entire case of pastries.” Lewin’s heart was beating fast.

“B-but sir, you see, I only made so many and I will
not have enough for everyone.” Gregorius fumed.
“I do not care! I deserve all of these sweets!”
Lewin was prepared to record his order when
suddenly, Gregorius uses his gigantic hands to
slide the glass case open and take all of the
pastries. He walks out with no remorse. At least
not yet.

Lewin stood aghast at what had
happened. The most powerful
giant in the Kingdom had
unjustly stole all of his goods
after he stayed up all night
preparing them. He felt sick.
There was nothing he could do.
He would not be able to bring
any money home for his family
today. Lewin’s eyes watered and
he walked to the door and
switched the sign to “closed.”

Over yonder, Coraline the Crow sat in a darken
alley. Her feathers were a dead leaf that had
fallen from an autumn tree. and had
misshapen beak. She had no nest and no food.
Overall, she was marginalized by the kingdom.

She smelled a warm, fresh batch of baked goods, like
cake and other sweets. Those have to to be the best
sweets in the world. She eagerly followed their scent
and it led her to a lavish household. She had never seen
such a beautiful estate. Noticing an open window, she
flew up into the house. There were two baskets with all
kinds of pastries.

Wanting to make a quick decision, she grabbed three
small cakes when suddenly, she heard a door burst
open. She could not believe her eyes. It was Gregorius
the Giant! He ran towards her with legs as long as a
short tree and grabbed her. She cawed loudly as she
twisted and turned. She dropped two cakes as she
immediately fluttered out the window and was able to
keep one.
“You will regret this, you mangy bird!” Gregorius

Late in the night, Gregorius left his home. He walked
down a dark road in the cold rain. I am going to find
that squalid bird. A kind hearted person could not
fathom Gregorius’s dark plan. Eventually he found
Coraline sleeping under a small tree branch. He
reached out and scooped her up. That night, Coraline
the Crow had lost her wings.

Gregorius stared blankly out the window. He
felt like a true monster. He had noticed
something odd. The window was farther up
than it usually is and he could not reach to
close it. What’s wrong with me? He looked
down and saw that he was very close to the
ground. Is this a dream? I am never this small.
As he pondered, a thought came to him. This
seemed to happen after my interactions with
Lewin and Coraline. I have made a mistake.
Gergorius’s smallness on the inside now
reflected on the outside.

Gregorius wanted to be tall again. He thought to
himself, Perhaps I must reverse all of my
wrongdoings. He went to go talk to Lewin the
Baker. He headed towards the bakery and on the
way, citizens of the kingdom stopped and
gawked at Gregorius. Some even snickered at his
new height. Gregorius felt powerless and knew
there was nothing he could do about them so he
just bowed his head towards the ground.

He opened the bakery door and Lewin looked
up. He jumped and an uncomfortable mix of
shock and surprise appeared on his face.
“Look at the mighty Gregorius, not even five
feet tall,” Lewin sneered.
“Lewin I am here to fix the mess I have caused
for you. My new height is the result of my
actions. I would like to help you for free. My
payment will be my new understanding of you.”

Lewin stood silently and glanced over his display
of pastries.
“Very well. I will accept your help but as of now,
I hold almost no respect for you.”
All day, Gregorius washed dishes, cleaned the
display case and helped Lewin do simpler baking
tasks. He realized how much work it takes to
run a bakery and keep track of the orders and
customer flow. For once, he wasn’t in charge
and worked with effort.
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that one movie we watched during finals
for American Literature.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

In The Land of Imparity lived Gregorius the Giant.
Mighty and powerful, his position had been handed
down to him from the family tree. He was the tallest
one in the entire kingdom. Because of his height, he
believed he was entitled to do whatever he wants.

Lewin, a goat who is a baker, works hard to support
his family. He finds happiness in the few things he
has. One day, he saw Gregorius walking about outside
of his shop. Lewin felt obligated to show him respect.
He stepped inside the bakery.

“Hello Sir Gregorius. How can I be of service to thee?”
Lewin felt nervous. Gregorius responded, “I want your
entire case of pastries.” Lewin’s heart was beating fast.

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