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Hello! My name is Phillip and I am here to tell
you about our solar system! Hmm..where to
begin? Ah, yes, the Big Bang theory! The Big
Bang theory is a theory on how our entire
universe was created. It was a huge
explosion which created everything..from
every planet to every blade of grass.

Now to explain some basics! In
our solar system, there are all
sorts of things like moons,
planets, and even a sun! Since
you're new to this, I'll make
sure to travel to every planet
and give you a brief
overview..especially my favorite
planet, Earth!

Here we are at none other but...the
sun! This is our first stop! You're
probably wondering why i'm
wearing this crazy outfit. Well, allow
me to explain. You see, the sun is
extremely hot! The sun is super hot
because it is a star. The earth, as
well as every other planet in our
solar system, orbits around the sun.
Every planets warmth and every
planets light is delivered from the

Our next stop...Mercury! Mercury is also known as “the
swiftest planet”. It is a small planet, and this planet is
also scorching hot! Mercury has a very hot surface
because since it is the closest planet to the sun, the sun
gives it a lot of heat. One of my favorite things about
this planet is that if you were to look at the sun from it’s
surface, it would appear to be three times as large as
the size we see it on earth!
Fun Facts:
Mercury has no rings or moons, and is ⅓ the size of
Earth. Mercury is also very rocky, and looks a lot like
Earth's moon!

Venus is similar to Earth’s structure, however it
has a very thick, toxic atmosphere that traps
heat inside. This planet contains thousands of
volcanoes and deformed mountains. This planet
is the hottest planet in the solar system!
Fun Facts:
Venus is 80% earths size. It has 0 rings, and 0
moons. Unlike Mercury's rocky surface, Venus’s
surface is cratered in volcanic landscapes!

Fun Facts:
Earth has no rings, and one moon.
It is believed that the Earth's
moon was created from a huge
impact, and the debris that fell off
of earth formed its own little
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Hello! My name is Phillip and I am here to tell
you about our solar system! Hmm..where to
begin? Ah, yes, the Big Bang theory! The Big
Bang theory is a theory on how our entire
universe was created. It was a huge
explosion which created everything..from
every planet to every blade of grass.

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