committed to the fight for social justice
and equity.
May your classrooms continue to be a
literary battle ground, encouraging equality for all!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Social Justice
According to Banks (2004), the focus of multicultural
education is "social equity, justice, removal of
prejudice, praxis (reflection and action), and fostering a
genuine respect and understanding of of the experience
and history of oppressed groups" (p.15).

"Critical literacy allow students to see literacy
as empowering" (Wood, 2005).

Critical Literacy
1. Disrupting the commonplace
2. Interrogating multiple viewpoints
3. Focusing on sociopolitical issues
4. Taking action and promoting social justice
(Lewis, Flint, Sluys, & Henkin, 2002)

For preservice teachers wanting to promote social justice through
a critical literacy stance, the Jane Addams Children's Book Award
provides an excellent source of children's books to select from.
Starting in 1953, this award is given annually to children's books
published the proceeding year that effectively promote the cause
of social peace, social justice, world community, and the equality
of all sexes and all races as well as meeting conventional
standards for excellence.

1. Separate is never equal: Sylvia Mendez & her
family's fight for desegregation
2. Sugar
3. Razia's ray of hope: One girl's dream of an education
4. Dolores Huerta: A hero to migrant workers
5. The mangrove tree: Planting trees to feed families
6. Ruth and the green book
7. Nasreen's secret school: A true story from
8. Silent music: A story of Baghdad

Synopsis: Tonatium's (2014) Separate is Never Equal is a riveting tale of a
young Sylvia Mendez and her family's struggle for educational equality.
Determined to overcome the racist barriers that prevented her and her
siblings from attending the local "white" school and receiving the best
education, Sylvia and her family embark on a legal battle to end school
segregation in the state of California.
Student Discussion Question: How did Sylvia's story help influence
other historical movements for school integration?
Teacher Implementation of Critical Literacy: This book is unique in
that from this single text, teachers are able to address all 4 elements of
critical literacy. However, the text naturally lends itself to discussions about
taking action and promoting social justice. By sharing Sylvia's story,
teachers can help students realize that even as young children, they have
the power to take action against injustice. Teachers can help students
identify examples of prejudice and discrimination and devise attainable
solutions for redressing the identified issue.

Synopsis: Rhodes' (2014) chldren's book Sugar is an excellent book to help
teach students the beauty of friendship with diverse people. An orphaned
African American girl who works long days harvesting sugar cane post
emancipation, Sugar makes finds friendship among the unlikeliest places.
Despite racial and cultural differences, Sugar makes friends with the son of a
white plantain owner and a Chinese labor worker. Her willingness to accept
others, in spite of their differences, helps unite a community divided by
cultural differences.
Student Discussion Question: What lessons about friendship and diversity
can be learned through Sugar's story? In what ways does the story reflect the
goals/aims of multicultural education and multicultural literature?
Teacher Implementation of Critical Literacy: Given the racial and cultural
differences among Sugar and her two friends, teachers can incorporate the
second element of critical literacy, interrogating multiple viewpoints. By doing
a character study of Sugar and her friends, teachers can facilitate discussions
focused on the different perspectives each has and how their individual
cultures and place in society may shape their perspectives.

Synopsis: For students who regularly attend school without any
opposition, it can be easy to take education for granted. However, for
Raiza, school is not a privilege that she has the luxury of. A young Afghan
girl, Raiza is unable to attend school because in her village, girls are
prohibited from attending school. However, when a local girl's school
opens in her village, Raiza must convince her family that she and her
community can benefit from her and other girls attending school.
Student Discussion Question: What issues of gender inequality are
raised within the story? What are the relationships between education and
social justice as seen in the story and in your current lives?
Teacher Implementation of Critical Literacy: Teaching from a critical
literacy approach includes focusing on sociopolitical issues. By sharing this
story with students, teachers are able to use literature as a vehicle to
engage in politics of day to day life and question existing power structures
that may marginalize women. Teachers can also help students understand
nuances of sociopolitics within various cultures and the complexity that
may result from them.

Synopsis: As a teacher, many educators understand that their work and
sphere of influence on their students extend beyond the classroom.
Dolores, a teacher from California, embodies what it means to teach
beyond the classroom. Concerned about the poverty conditions many of her
students are living in, Dolores soon learns that many of her students'
parents are migrant workers, who are being treated poor and paid very low
wages. Dolores fights on behalf of her students and families and embarks
on a journey to bring about change in the working conditions they are
subjected to.
Student Discussion Question: Compare and contrast the conditions of
migrant workers within the story and those working in nearby
Immokalee,Florida. What social justice lessons can be learned from
Dolores's story that may be applicable to migrant workers elsewhere?
Teacher Implementation of Critical Literacy: In order to "disrupt the
commonplace," teachers can help students develop the language required
to critique not only those who take advantage of poor people through unfair
labor conditions, but also the language to critique the historical
representation of labor workers in historical texts. Teachers can also help
students study the language of migrant workers and the ways in which their
language can be used to dominate them.
You've previewed 19 of 30 pages.
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committed to the fight for social justice
and equity.
May your classrooms continue to be a
literary battle ground, encouraging equality for all!
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2015 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Social Justice
According to Banks (2004), the focus of multicultural
education is "social equity, justice, removal of
prejudice, praxis (reflection and action), and fostering a
genuine respect and understanding of of the experience
and history of oppressed groups" (p.15).

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