Migrant Workers Books

  • Patrol Disaster
    Life may have its ups and downs, but we can always choose to feel grateful and blessed.
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  • Cesar Chavez
    The story of Mexican-American labor leader Cesar Chavez, his struggles as a migrant worker, and his fight for fair treatment and rights for farm workers.
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  • Discovering Paths to Justice
    A collection of children's books that promote social justice and multicultural education. The books address topics such as desegregation, friendship, gender inequality, and m…
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  • The Legendary Cesar Chavez
    The story of Cesar Chavez, a civil rights activist who fought for the rights of migrant and farm workers through peaceful protests and fasting.
  • My Great-Great Grandfather's Life
    Lim Huat Beng, a migrant worker in 1800s Singapore, faces challenges with his health and safety. The story also highlights the improvements in law and healthcare over time.
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  • Irma Lerma Rangel
    The story of Irma Lerma Rangel, a Mexican-American woman who overcame adversity to become a lawyer and politician, leaving a lasting legacy.
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  • Amazing Leaders
    A collection of short biographies about influential leaders in history, written by a 2nd-grade class.
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  • Saudi Arabia
    An informative book about the history, politics, population, clothing, holidays, religion, and geography of Saudi Arabia.
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