In the mid 1700s, and industrial revolution began in england that transformed the way work was done. Rather than making goods by hand, new machines mass-produced products which lowered costs, increased profits, and changed the way people lived.
This book is dedicated to...Charlemagne

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Changing roles of family and woman
During the industrial Revolution, families were greatly impacted and roles of each member changed completely. Wages were very low and families were not earning enough to support them so the wife and children were forced to work as well as the husband.Kids had to trade in their education and childhood for long hours of factory work with very little pay. Also the wives were forced to work dangerous jobs at long hours instead of tending to the family at home.

Important scientist and inventors
With the Industrial Revolution booming came many new inventions. People like Louis pasteur, Thomas Edison, James Watt, Adam Smith, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and Eli Whitney are a few of the many people that contributed to the advancements and inventions during the Industrial Revolution. It is because of these people that today, we have things like the cotton gin, the lightbulb, and the steam engine.

Changing roles of children
Child labor became very popular in England and around the world during the Industrial Revolution. Typically at age ten, children would go work extremely long hours in dangerous conditions to help earn money and support their families, but they were only paid 10% of an adult wage. Instead of going to school and getting an education or doing "normal" kid things they went to working in places like cottage or textile industries in assembly lines and in mines. They were forced to be at work at five in the morning and wouldn't get home until very late at night and all of that will only one short break at around noon.

The factory system
One of the first industries that led to the factory system was the textile industry. As the demand for different items was increasing so was the demand for factories. New inventions, such as the spinning jenny, sped up the manufacturing of the many different items. Factories were able to mass produce goods at a very fast and cheap rate which allowed factory owners to make huge profits. They were usually located on or near rivers to generate enough power to run everything.

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In the mid 1700s, and industrial revolution began in england that transformed the way work was done. Rather than making goods by hand, new machines mass-produced products which lowered costs, increased profits, and changed the way people lived.
This book is dedicated to...Charlemagne

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources:
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Changing roles of family and woman
During the industrial Revolution, families were greatly impacted and roles of each member changed completely. Wages were very low and families were not earning enough to support them so the wife and children were forced to work as well as the husband.Kids had to trade in their education and childhood for long hours of factory work with very little pay. Also the wives were forced to work dangerous jobs at long hours instead of tending to the family at home.

Important scientist and inventors
With the Industrial Revolution booming came many new inventions. People like Louis pasteur, Thomas Edison, James Watt, Adam Smith, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, and Eli Whitney are a few of the many people that contributed to the advancements and inventions during the Industrial Revolution. It is because of these people that today, we have things like the cotton gin, the lightbulb, and the steam engine.

Changing roles of children
Child labor became very popular in England and around the world during the Industrial Revolution. Typically at age ten, children would go work extremely long hours in dangerous conditions to help earn money and support their families, but they were only paid 10% of an adult wage. Instead of going to school and getting an education or doing "normal" kid things they went to working in places like cottage or textile industries in assembly lines and in mines. They were forced to be at work at five in the morning and wouldn't get home until very late at night and all of that will only one short break at around noon.

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"Industrial Revolution"
The story discusses the impact of the Industrial Revolution on various aspects of society, such as family roles, child labor, inventions, transportation, urbanization, and free enterprise.
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