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My name
My name is simple, it's Carlos. Most people do not have a problem saying it or reading it. My name is an American and Spanish name and actually very common. In 2010 Carlos was the 90th most common name in America. At my school alone I know at least 2 other people with my same name but I know that there are many more than that at my school. All the people I know spell it Carlos but some people do spell it with an E at the end.
Carlos means strong and manly. I am a strong person physically and mentally.My name was passed on to me. I was named Carlos after my dad. My dad is a strong person just like me so the name fits him too. My main nickname is Rico A lot of my friends call me Rico which means you’re rich and good. I got the nickname when I was younger from on of my friends.
If I was able to change my name to anything I wanted I would change it to Carmelo. I like the name Carmelo because it is not as plain and simple as Carlos. I want my name to be a little more unique and less common. Out of all the name I would choose Carmelo because it has part of my name. If you add “me” to Carlos and take away the “s” you get Carmelo. Even if I never change my name to Carmelo, if I ever have a son that’s what I would want to name him. All and all I really can not complain about my name because it is nice and simple. My name is not anything to crazy and not to simple like Bob.
My Hair
My hair is really important to me because it shows how I look and tells many things about me . My hair is naturally black but there was a time when I actually dyed the front part of my hair. It was like the color of a lion's fur, blond,yellowish. My hair right now is not fully black. I started growing grey hair when I was around 13 years old and as of now I have black and grey hair. People keep asking me why I have grey hair. Some say it's cause of stress but it isn't. I told my parents about this and they said that the family part of my dad actually Most of them started growing grey hair in a young age
My dad sometimes dyes his hair black so the white hair isn't visible. Most people have touched my hair before and they said that it's really soft but i hate when people just touch my hair. My hair is straight and short. when i was a little kid like I had curly hair all around my head until my parents took me to a hair salon that mest my hair up
When i kept growing my parents noticed that i wasn't growing curl hair anymore. My hair is always smelling good . i don't know if my brothers hair smells good because i usually don't smell his hair but i did once and when i did it smelled good but not good as mine. My dad's hair actually smells good but my mother's hair smells like paradise. My Brother always comes to me saying that i'm jealous because i don't have hair like him and in reality i'm not because if i did have hair like him i'll probably look terrible.
I'm not that of a smart cookie for most of the time. The Classes I have such as math,English, History, and science are interesting because i learn something new everyday. I feel that school or the class can sometimes be hard and difficult because there might be problems or a lesson i don't understand at all. My Parents always told me to do good in schools because they wanted me to be better than them on everything
The only family member that has finished college is my uncle but my brother is still in college. My uncle tells me the same thing my parents tell me. He wants me to be better than him in life. He wants me to make my parents proud like he did to his. My dad always told me to be a Police officer, or doctor, or a lawyer because they pay really good money but i don't want to because all three of those profession sound boring and time consuming
As of now i have no idea what i want to be or want to study. I'm still a teen i'm not thinking about that yet. I'm just trying finish high school but I don't like school as much as others i just like seeing my friends or making new friends and having fun with them, eating lunch, talking, doing projects together,but i don't like doing homework at all. Theres times that i do homework
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Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources: storyjumper.com/attribution
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My name
My name is simple, it's Carlos. Most people do not have a problem saying it or reading it. My name is an American and Spanish name and actually very common. In 2010 Carlos was the 90th most common name in America. At my school alone I know at least 2 other people with my same name but I know that there are many more than that at my school. All the people I know spell it Carlos but some people do spell it with an E at the end.
Carlos means strong and manly. I am a strong person physically and mentally.My name was passed on to me. I was named Carlos after my dad. My dad is a strong person just like me so the name fits him too. My main nickname is Rico A lot of my friends call me Rico which means you’re rich and good. I got the nickname when I was younger from on of my friends.
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"MY vignette"
The story is a collection of vignettes about the author's name, hair, school, and passion for shoes.
(22 pages)
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