This book goes to my parents, Ji Young Moon, and Duck Hwan Jang who helps me all the time, and to my adorable dog, Candy.
Also, this book goes to me

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Table of Contents
- History of Climate Change
- Causes of Climate Change
- Geography of Climate Change
- Solutions to Climate Change
- Innovations to Climate Change



This infograph you saw was a infograph about Climate Change. Climate Change is very related to many history events, such as the industrial revolution. In the Industrial revolution, many people thought that they were helping the human race by making many inventions. However, some of the inventions sped up Climate Change by producing polluted gas.
Introduction to the History of Climate Change
Main idea: The history of global warming and climate change are connected to many historic events.
Did you ever thought about the history of climate change? Or how the global warming happened? global warming has a very long history that is going for decades. Some of the history included people destroying the habitat, but some of them are actually about people trying to help the environment, such as making a organization to help the Earth.
The Industrial Revolution

The history of climate change goes all the way to the Industrial Revolution that happened between 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. In 1804, the world population reached to 1 billion. During the Industrial Revolution, many people thought by making machines, they were helping the humans.

The first automobile using hydrogen was made in 1807 by Francois Isaac de Rivaz.
During this period, the invention of automobiles using hydrogen happened in 1807. Hydrogen is a gas made by burning oxygen (O2), and it has a side production of global warming and climate change. Lastly, in 1824, Fourier discovers that the Earth will be much colder with no atmosphere. Which is wrong, but it was a big discovery during that period.

The Instrumental Temperature record was first measured at 1850.
After the Industrial Revolution, which ended around between 1820 and 1840, many other things connected to global warming happened. For instance, the beginning of the instrumental temperature record happened at 1850, just 10 years later after the industrial revolution.
After the Industrial Revolution
The Instrumental Temperature record shows variation of the temperature of Earth's climate system from the historical network in situ measurements of surface air temperatures and ocean surface temperatures. By starting the instrumental temperature record, humans could easily observe the changes of the temperature due to global warming. variation of the temperature of Earth's climate system from the historical network in situ measurements of surface air temperatures and ocean surface temperatures. By starting the instrumental temperature record, humans could easily observe the changes of the temperature due to global warming.
Helping the Earth
Although there were human acts that make climate change sped up, there are also acts that are helping the Earth. In 1956, the Clean Air Act passed in the UK. Also, U.S. NOAA Organiazation was found. This organization’s main goal is to protect the environment from global warming.
Then in 1988, an another organization called IPCC was found. And in 2007, The 4th IPCC reported that serious effects of global warming is already occurring.

IPCC meeting is happening.
However, the global warming process in the Earth is happening now. In 2013, the atmospheric co2 concentration reached to 400ppm, which is a large amount. Also, 2015 is the currently the hottest year on record. To solve this problem, COP21 meeting occurred in Paris and even made some resolutions. However, problems completely solved.

Right now, many organizations and government are trying to solve this global warming problem. It is now a big issue. However, they can’t make a full resolution. Now people will have to work together to solve this problem.
In the COP21, they made some progress, but the problem wasn’t completely solved.

Causes of Climate change
Introduction to Causes of climate change
Now you learned that climate change is very harmful to human races and to the environment. Now some of you would think “why is this happening?” Well, there are many reasons why. Some are natural causes, and some are pollutions made by humans. You’re now going to learn a few reasons.
Natural Causes
What Natural Causes Effect Global Warming?
One of the natural reasons why global warming is because Earth orbital changed. If you’re in 5th grade or higher, you might know that Earth makes one full orbit around the sun each year. It is tilted at an angle of 23.5° to the perpendicular plane of its orbital path. Changes in the tilt of the earth can lead to small but climatically important changes in the strength of the seasons, more tilt means warmer summers and colder winters; less tilt means cooler summers and milder winters.
Earth Orbital Changes
Slow changes in the Earth’s orbit lead to small but climatically important changes in the strength of the seasons over tens of thousands of years. Climate feedbacks amplify these small changes, thereby producing ice ages.Slow changes in the Earth’s orbit lead to small but climatically important changes in the strength of the seasons over tens of thousands of years. Climate feedbacks amplify these small changes, thereby producing ice ages.
Human activities

Let's cut down the trees!!!

Methane is a hydrocarbon gas produced both through natural sources and human activities, including the decomposition of wastes in landfills, agriculture, and especially rice cultivation, as well as ruminant digestion and manure management associated with domestic livestock. On a molecule-for-molecule basis, methane is a far more active greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, but also one which is much less abundant in the atmosphere. Methane is produced by human activities.

fossil fuels produce methane.
Deforestation is the other reason why climate change is occurring. Trees are important in climate change age because they eat CO2 and produces O2, which reduces global warming. Deforestation is happening everywhere! One of the main places where deforestation occurs is the Amazon rainforest. Many workers in the Amazon rainforests are cutting down the trees because of industrialization.

Deforestation is one of the main reasons why global warming is getting worse.
Other Reasons to Climate Change
There are other reasons other than the things I said, such as the global power sector and other things. Climate change is getting more worth every day. To stop these things, what would you do?
Geography of Climate change
Don't make our world become a desert!!
Some of you who are reading the book will think that climate change is only happening in Antarctica, since it is the most famous place for global warming. But you are wrong. Climate change is happening everywhere! Have you ever noticed that the weather is suddenly very warm even though it is still January? It is because of climate change. You are now going to learn about famous places that has to do with climate change.

Antarctica. Sure it is famous for cute polar bears and cool killer whales, but it is also one of the most famous places for climate change. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula) has thinned significantly as a result of warmer temperatures in the surrounding Antarctic Ocean. The upper ocean in this region has increased in temperature by more than 1°C since 1955. The greatest degree of thinning has occurred in the Amundsen Sea Embayment area.
The Antarctica is in danger because of global warming. The temperature there is rising. It is increased by nearly 3°C in the region in the last 50 years, and this is about 10 times faster than the average temperature rising in the rest of the world.
Coral Reefs
There are only 6% of the coral reefs in the great barrier reef, but they provide many things for the ecosystem.
Hard corals are easily affected to coral bleaching caused by higher-than-normal sea temperatures. Coral bleaching is expected to happen more often and more dangerously in the future, making it difficult for corals to recover between bleaching events. As a result, the abundance of living corals on reefs is likely to decline in coming decades.
Coral reefs are also highly vulnerable to acidification in the ocean. Hard corals and many other organisms that contribute to reef building, such as coralline algae, make their skeletons from calcium carbonate, which is the same word as limestone.
The rate of skeleton formation, also known as calcification, will slow if waters become more acidic and the skeletons of these animals and plants will be weaker. Reefs are continually worn down by storms, and creatures that eat, burrow or dissolve their way through limestone.
What do you think of when you think of Amazon Rainforest? Probably you will think of forests filled with enormous trees, or animals playing the jungle. However, right now, the trees are being cut and the animals are having less space to live. The deforestation in the Amazon is seriously affecting the world, and also the Amazon.
Amazon Rainforest
Over time, global climate change and more deforestation will likely lead to increased temperatures and changing rain patterns in the Amazon, which will undoubtedly affect the region’s forests, water availability, biodiversity, agriculture, and human health.
Global warming is already affecting the Amazon. If we don’t take action to tackle climate change, Amazon rainforests could dry up and die over the course of this century. That will have further catastrophic effects on the climate. If deforestation gets worse, the co2 in the atmosphere will increase, which will obviously go to global warming. If this happens, the amazon rainforest will dry up.

Deforestation is a big threat in the Earth.
Other Places
Now you’ve heard of some of the places where climate change is occurring. However, these places are not all the places where climate change is happening. Many other places like the Maldives are effecting because of climate change. The places where climate change is happening are all different but they have one common thing. It is that they are having negative effects. To stop these, we should help stop global warming.
The Effects of Climate Change
There are many causes of climate change, but there are also many effects on them. The mostly effected part of nature is animals being effected. Here are the animals being effected because of climate change.
The effects of climate change are harsh.

Leatherback Sea Turtles
The Leatherback Sea Turtles are in great danger because of climate change. Some are in danger because of over-hunting and becoming entangled in fishermen’s nets kill thousands of sea turtles each year. Global warming plays an equally destructive role with beaches eroding away due to severe storms, and the sands in which the turtles lay their eggs literally becoming too warm for healthy development for baby turtles.
With the decline of coral reefs (some estimate that more than half of the world’s coral reefs will vanish in the next 20 years), the fish that depend on their cover could be left homeless. The Clownfish – famously depicted in Disney’s “Finding Nemo” – is one flagship species under watch by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
Koalas are among the animals most affected by global warming. With rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere, eucalyptus plants makes fewer leaves, which have lower protein amounts and also filled with poor-tasting tannins. Because Koalas live dependivley on eucalyptus leaves, their survival is directly connected to the health of the plants. In recent years, the marsupials have had to consume greater amounts of eucalyptus to prevent starving to death. They have also been found getting diseases such as AIDS as well as urban encroachment.
The Beluga Whale
The Beluga Whale has been in severe decline in waters off the coast of Alaska, and has been listed as an endangered species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Sadly, the listing has done little to help its numbers. A number of factors have contributed to the Belugas’ decline, from hunting to noise pollution and strikes by shipping vessels. Changes in the temperature of Arctic waters affect not only the whales’ habitat, but its food supply.
Solution to Climate Change
How to solve or reduce climate change?
On the last chapter, you’ve heard about the causes of the climate change. If there is a cause to the climate change, there is possibly a way to prevent climate change. One of those are walking when going to small distances, and using mug cups instead of paper cups.
Let's use mug cups instead of paper cups!!!

Invention Preventing Climate Change
Many people who are very considered about the climate change make inventions to prevent them. One of the inventions are called Kirigami-inspired solar cells. Those particular solar cells Combine the ancient Japanese art of paper-cutting (Kirigami) with modern day technology. Researchers at the University of Michigan developed solar cells that cut through the inefficiencies of the conventional, flat solar panels. With the ability to track the sun across the sky, these new solar panels capture up to 40% more energy, giving a bright future to solar technology.
Also, the last invention that I’m going to talk about includes about drinking coffee! Researchers from the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea have recently discovered a way to save our planet with used coffee grounds, giving us yet another reason to just LOVE coffee!
According to their research, coffee could help ease global warming by helping to capture methane, which is the second most abundant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere and 25 times worse than carbon dioxide. So that you know that you could be saving the earth by just eating some caffeine, you could now be less guilty about drinking many amount of coffee in the morning!
Move Closer to Work
Transportation using vehicles are the second-most activity that produces greenhouse gas. burning a single gallon of gasoline produces 20 pounds of CO2.
One of the most effective way to lesson CO2 gases is to move closer to work. If you do, you’ll ride less vehicles because it’s so close. If you don’t ride the vehicles, there will be less co2 produced.
More Solutions
There are many more solutions to climate change than making fancy inventions or walking to work. You can recycle, reuse and reduce! You can recycle when you don’t need something, reuse things many times. Right now at home, start now on your 3Rs!
Innovations to Climate Change
Many people in the world considered about the effect of climate change. As a result, people made many inventions that prevent climate change. Here are a few.
Introduction to Innovations to Climate Change
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This book goes to my parents, Ji Young Moon, and Duck Hwan Jang who helps me all the time, and to my adorable dog, Candy.
Also, this book goes to me

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources:
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Table of Contents
- History of Climate Change
- Causes of Climate Change
- Geography of Climate Change
- Solutions to Climate Change
- Innovations to Climate Change

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